353. Telegram 216018 From the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations1 2


  • Non-use of Force (NUF) Res


  • (A) USUN 4880; (B) State 207841; (C) State 215438
USDel instructed to abstain in plenary vote on revised non-aligned NUF res (reftel A).
USDel should ask for separate vote on sixth preambular para and vote against.
In explanation of vote on res you should include statement that US considers that nothing in sixth or seventh preambular paras can change Charter provisions regarding legitimate use of force.
USDel should also add statement to effect that preambular para 8 recalls res which US opposed. Our opposition to that res remains unchanged notwithstanding our abstention on NUF res as whole.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–1973, DEF 18–6. Confidential; Immediate. Drafted by Black (IO/UNP); cleared in UNP, NEA/RA, L/UNA, EUR/SOV, NEA, UNP, PM/DCA, and ACDA/IR; and approved by De Palma of IO.
  2. The telegram instructed the U.S. delegation to abstain from voting on a revised non-use of force resolution.