104. Telegram 80903 From the Department of State to the Mission in Geneva1 2


  • Seabed Arms Control Treaty - Accession Clause


  • Bonn 6708
You should proceed to table US draft Seabeds treaty May 22, but should delete Articles VII and VIII from text. In presenting treaty, you should explain that although administrative articles left blank for time being, these can be worked out at later stage of negotiations, once progress has been made towards agreement on substantive treaty articles.
Prior to tabling, you should advise W–4 that articles omitted to meet German concerns expressed in NAC May 19. Say that US continues to favor inclusion of “all states” formula, [Page 2] however, and intends to insert it at appropriate time. Say that FRG aware of this intention and has indicated it would not object.
ACDA officer (Kranich) informed FRG Counsel Lahusen of US plans along above lines today.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1967–1969, POL 33–6. Confidential; Immediate. It was repeated to immediate Bonn, USNATO, and USUN. Drafted by Malin (ACDA/IR); cleared in substance by Hillenbrand (EUR) and McIntyre (IO/UNP); and approved by Kranich (ACDA/IR).
  2. The telegram transmitted instructions to table the U.S draft of the seabeds treaty to offset focus on the Soviet proposal, but to submit it without Articles VII and VIII. These articles were deleted to appease German concerns articulated at the May 19 North Atlantic Council meeting.