References are to document numbers
- Aaron, David:
- Abu Dhabi (see also U.S.-producer country correspondence), 3, 31
- Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of, 257, 276
- Agency for International Development (AID), 1
- Akhdar, Farouk, 263
- Akins, James E.:
- Alegria Escamilla, Rosa Luz, 190, 236, 237
- Algeria:
- Alireza, Ali Abdallah, 111, 151
- Alireza, Sheikh Abdallah, 151
- Alm, Alvin, 171, 187
- Alternate U.S. oil import sources, 40, 99, 101
- Alternative energy sources:
- Carter speeches, 122, 196
- CIA memoranda, 158, 231
- Cooperation proposals:
- Bosworth memorandum, 122
- Brzezinski memoranda, 121, 128
- Camp David meeting, 9
- CIEC discussions, 107
- Enders paper, 15
- IEA discussions, 129
- Orinoco Tar Belt development, 128, 146, 147
- Rambouillet G-6 conference discussions, 88
- State Department papers, 60
- U.S.-British discussions, 38
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussions, 278
- Vance memorandum, 256
- Enders memoranda, 15, 27
- G-7 London Economic Summit, 123
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 203, 211, 221, 235
- G-7 Venice Economic Summit discussions, 266
- International Energy Finance Corporation proposals, 205, 206, 211
- International Energy Technology Group proposals, 211, 234, 235
- Kissinger-Congressional leadership discussions, 65
- Kissinger-Exxon discussions, 75
- Less developed countries development, 200, 233, 265, 266
- Mexican natural gas, 167, 170, 174, 177, 186, 190, 195, 236, 256
- National Energy Plan, 121, 122
- Rambouillet G-6 conference discussions, 88
- State Department papers, 259
- Amaya, Naohiro, 197, 201, 203
- Amouzegar, Jamshid, 79, 98
- Anderson, Glenn, 154
- Anderson, John, 275
- Andreotti, Giulio, 157, 221
- Andronikoff, Constantin, 9
- Ansary, Hushang, 96, 166
- Anti-trust restrictions, 219
- Apel, Hans, 9, 17
- Arabian American Oil Company. See ARAMCO.
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 34, 65, 212, 229
- Arab League, Baghdad summit (Nov. 1978), 180
- ARAMCO (see also Oil companies):
- Emergency allocation systems and, 287
- Iranian oil shortfall and, 166
- Justice Department investigation and, 249, 263
- Nationalization, 95, 224, 265
- OPEC oil price policies and, 160
- Production ceilings, 180, 182, 185, 200
- Tax credit issue, 249, 263, 292
- U.S. terrorism security assistance offers and, 145, 152
- Armacost, Michael A., 265, 269, 270
- Asao, Shinichiro, 265, 270
- Ashley, Thomas, 154
- Askew, Reubin, 270
- Atherton, Alfred L.:
- Australia, 6
- Austria, 6
- Azerada da Silveira, Francisco, 64
- Baker, Howard H., Jr., 65, 154
- Balabanis, Gordon P., 46
- Ball, George, 23
- Bani-Sadr, Abolhassan, 245
- Bank for International Settlements, 10
- Barbian, Paul, 95
- Bartholomew, Reginald, 265
- Beaudry, Robert M., 199
- Bellmon, Henry, 65, 154
- Bennett, Jack F., 1, 9, 39, 46
- Benson, Lucy Wilson, 151
- Bentsen, Lloyd, 154
- Bergold, Harry E., Jr., 165, 192, 200, 201, 216, 228
- Bergsten, C. Fred, 132, 168, 171, 186, 187
- Bilateral commissions, 1, 2, 36, 47, 202
- Bilateral oil agreements:
- Biller, Joel, 1
- Blake, James J., 98
- Blumenthal, W. Michael:
- Boeker, Paul H., 17, 18, 37, 87, 109
- Bonn Economic Summit. See G-7 Bonn Economic Summit.
- Borré, Peter, 282
- Bosworth, Stephen W.:
- Common tariff proposals, 39
- Conference on International Economic Cooperation, 120, 125
- Consumer country coordination, 23
- G-7 London Economic Summit, 122
- IEA reduced dependency objectives proposal, 105
- International Energy Program, 6
- Iranian oil shortfall, 187, 188, 192
- NSSM 237, 104
- NSSM 237 study, 118
- OPEC oil price policies:
- Prepcon II, 70, 83
- Boumediene, Houari, 22, 47, 64
- Bouteflika, Abdelaziz, 138
- Bowie, Robert, 133, 152, 168, 171
- Braden, Joan, 109
- Brandt, Willy, 278
- Brazil (see also U.S.-producer country correspondence), 285
- Bremer, Paul, 56
- Brewster, Kingman, Jr., 247
- Briggs, Everett, 236, 237
- Brock, Bill, 65
- Broomfield, William S., 65
- Brown, Clarence J., 65
- Brown, Gen. George S., 32, 144
- Brown, Harold:
- Duncan Saudi Arabia visit (Mar. 1980), 263
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 218
- G-7 Venice Economic Summit, 271
- Iranian oil shortfall, 270
- Iran-Iraq War, 288
- Oil supply vulnerability assessment, 127, 144
- OPEC oil price policies, 150, 275
- U.S.-Mexican energy relations, 184
- U.S. military presence in the Gulf, 230
- U.S. strategy overviews, 253
- Brunet, Jean-Pierre, 9, 10, 12, 16
- Brunner, Guido, 180, 199
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew K.:
- Alternative energy sources, 121, 128
- Consumer country coordination, 217
- Contingency planning, 204
- Documents not declassified, 239, 240
- Duncan Saudi Arabia visit (Mar. 1980), 263
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit, 153, 154, 156
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 203, 218
- Interagency Energy Working Group, 187
- International Energy Finance Corporation proposals, 206
- Iranian oil shortfall, 166, 193
- Iran-Iraq War, 284, 288, 291
- Mexican World Energy Plan proposal, 236, 237
- National Energy Plan, 121
- North American Energy Community proposals, 222
- Oil supply vulnerability assessment, 127, 145, 152
- OPEC oil price policies, 135,
- Blumenthal Middle East trip discussions, 133, 134
- Eizenstat memorandum, 207
- Less developed countries and, 213, 241
- NSC discussions, 161
- NSC staff memoranda, 131, 159, 173, 204, 224
- Poats memorandum, 176
- State Department papers, 160
- State-Treasury-NSC meeting discussions, 132
- U.S. 1978 policy review, 148, 150, 162
- U.S. International Communications Agency programming, 243
- U.S.-Iranian discussions, 139
- U.S.-producer country correspondence, 138, 140, 291
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 143, 275
- Orinoco Tar Belt development, 146, 147, 155
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, Hormats memorandum, 199
- Saudi production levels, 185, 188, 225, 238, 275
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 156, 275
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 198
- U.S.-Mexican energy relations, 167, 170, 174, 184, 186, 190, 195, 222
- U.S. military presence in the Gulf, 230
- U.S. strategy overviews, 121, 209, 210, 231
- U.S.-Venezuelan long-term supply agreement, 155
- Bullen, Pierce K., 118, 219, 242, 286, 290, 295
- Bundy, McGeorge, 26
- Bundy group, 26
- Burns, Arthur F., 1, 9, 28
- Burrows, R.A., 120
- Bushell, John A., 215, 272
- Bush, George H. W., 93
- Byrd, Robert, 154, 179
- Calderon Berti, Humberto, 252, 278, 285, 292
- Calingaert, Michael, 234, 242, 257, 261
- Callaghan, James:
- Camp David meeting, 1, 7, 9, 10
- Canada:
- Capron, Jean-Pierre, 218
- Caribbean, 278
- Carrington, Lord (Peter Carington), 221
- Carter, Jimmy:
- Alternative energy sources, 122, 128, 196, 211
- Anti-inflation program, 165
- Consumer country coordination, 217
- Duncan Saudi Arabia visit (Mar. 1980), 263
- Duncan Venezuela visit, 285
- Energy Coordinating Committee, 162
- Fahd correspondence, 185, 238, 274, 277, 281, 291
- Fahd visit, 124
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit, 149, 153, 154, 156, 157
- G-7 London Economic Summit, 123
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 218, 221, 235
- G-7 Venice Economic Summit, 275, 276
- Giscard correspondence, 119, 198
- IEA Ministerial meeting (Dec. 1980), 292
- IEA Ministerial meeting (May 1980), 273
- International Energy Finance Corporation proposals, 205, 206, 211
- Iranian hostage crisis, 242, 249, 267
- Iranian oil shortfall, 166, 181, 183, 185, 187, 192, 193
- Iran-Iraq War, 282, 287, 289, 291
- Khalid correspondence, 142, 226
- Mexican World Energy Plan proposal, 236, 237
- Middle East trip, 135
- Miller Middle East trip (Nov. 1979), 249
- National Energy Act, 164
- Nuclear energy, 122, 157
- Oil import ceilings, 226, 246, 248, 250, 251, 273
- Oil supply vulnerability assessment, 127
- OPEC oil price policies:
- Orinoco Tar Belt development, 128, 146, 155
- Pérez meetings, 128, 130, 146
- Saudi production levels, 223, 225, 238, 275, 281
- Shah meetings, 139
- Speeches:
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 258, 275
- Suharto correspondence, 141
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 175, 196, 198, 226, 281
- U.S.-Mexican energy relations, 167, 170, 174, 177, 190, 195, 236, 237
- U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia, 152
- U.S. military presence in the Gulf, 230
- U.S. strategy overviews, 121, 209, 231
- U.S.-Venezuelan long-term supply agreement, 146, 155
- Cary, Anne O., 78
- Cash, Frank E., 17
- Casillas Hernandez, Robert, 236, 237
- Castaneda, Jorge, 236, 237
- Central America, 278
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA):
- Chambers, Anne C., 189
- Chase, Ernest, 172
- Chenery, Hollis, 26
- Chinese People’s Republic (CPR), 4
- Chiriboga, Perez, 278
- Christopher, Warren M.:
- Conference on International Economic Cooperation, 120
- International Energy Agency, 219
- Iranian oil shortfall, 168, 192, 268, 269, 270
- Iran-Iraq War, 291
- OPEC oil price policies, 137, 163, 168, 172
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 199
- Saudi production levels, 200, 223
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 280
- U.S.-Mexican energy relations, 186
- Church, Frank, 72, 249
- Civiletti, Ben, 263
- Clark, Joe, 221
- Clarke, Bruce, 187
- Claytor, W. Graham, Jr., 253
- Clements, William P., Jr., 32, 34
- Cochrane, James, 191, 194, 204, 262
- Colby, William E., 6, 25, 29, 32
- Commodities inclusion in CIEC:
- Kissinger-Congressional leadership discussions, 65
- Kissinger memoranda, 54, 78
- Kissinger speech (Kansas City) (May 13, 1975), 62, 64
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 37, 53, 56, 59
- OPEC responses, 48
- Rambouillet G-6 conference discussions, 88
- State Department papers, 60
- U.S.-French discussions, 24, 70
- U.S.-Saudi correspondence, 64
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 41, 51, 55
- Common tariff proposals, 23, 39, 46
- Conable, Barber B., Jr., 65
- Conference on International Economic Cooperation (CIEC) (Dec. 1975), 90
- Alternative energy source cooperation proposals and, 107
- Christopher memorandum, 120
- International Energy Agency and, 100
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 109
- NSSM 237 study, 99
- OPEC oil price policies and, 98
- Rambouillet G-6 conference discussions, 88
- Stoessel memorandum, 86
- Vance memorandum, 125
- Conference on New and Renewable Energy, 199
- Congress, U.S.:
- Connor, James E., 92
- Consalvi, Simon Bottaro, 146
- Conservation (see also Demand restraint;
U.S. domestic energy policies):
- Bosworth memorandum, 122
- Camp David meeting discussions, 9, 10
- Carter speech (April 1977), 122
- Christopher memorandum, 192
- Enders memoranda, 15, 27
- Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 89, 91, 100, 166
- Ford-Kissinger discussions, 2
- IEA Long-Term Energy Cooperation Program, 94
- Interagency Energy Working Group discussions, 191
- Kissinger memorandum, 18
- National Energy Plan, 137
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 187
- Rambouillet G-6 conference discussions, 88
- U.S.-Japanese discussions, 270
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 188, 263
- Vance memorandum, 256
- Consumer country coordination (see also
International Energy Agency):
- Camp David meeting, 1, 7, 9, 10
- Enders paper, 15
- Ford-Giscard Martinique meeting, 24, 26
- Ford-Kissinger discussions, 2
- Ford speeches, 8, 10
- French-Japanese discussions, 19
- International Energy Program, 1, 2, 6, 9, 10
- Kissinger memorandum, 18
- Kissinger speeches, 17
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 11
- Presidential emissary proposals, 217
- Rambouillet G-6 conference discussions, 88
- State Department papers, 60
- State-Treasury meeting discussions, 23, 39
- U.S.-British discussions, 14, 38
- U.S.-German Federal Republic correspondence, 17, 28, 44
- U.S.-Japanese discussions/correspondence, 18, 19, 44
- Van Lennep plan, 10
- Washington Energy Conference, 2
- Contingency planning (see also Emergency allocation systems):
- Cooper, Charles A., 9, 23, 39, 46
- Cooper, Richard N., 52
- Alternative energy sources, 233
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 197, 201, 203, 218, 235
- G-7 Venice Economic Summit, 271, 276
- International Energy Agency, 129, 192
- Iranian oil shortfall, 168, 182, 185, 187, 192
- North Sea oil production, 296
- NSSM 237 study, 118
- Oil import ceilings, 228, 248
- Oil supply vulnerability assessment, 145, 152
- Okita U.S. visit, 265
- OPEC oil price policies:
- Abu Dhabi decision (Dec. 1978), 178
- Blumenthal Middle East trip discussions, 131, 133, 168, 172
- Jan. 1980 price increases, 257
- NSC discussions, 161
- State-Treasury-NSC meeting discussions, 132
- U.S.-producer country correspondence, 136, 220
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 124, 151, 215
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussions, 163, 278
- Vance memorandum, 165
- Producer-consumer commodity agreement proposals, 233, 278
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 199, 229
- Saudi production levels, 182, 185, 188, 200, 215, 223, 277, 281
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 175, 196
- U.S. strategy overviews, 117, 234
- Council on International Economic Policy, 63
- Council on International Economic Policy Study Memoranda, No. 38, “U.S. International Energy Policy,” 93, 99, 101, 102, 104, 118
- Covey, Jock, 108
- Crawford, William R., 151, 152, 182, 215
- Creekmore, Marion V., 80, 113, 115, 118, 120
- Crosbie, John, 221
- Crowley, John J., 163
- Crude oil equalization tax (COET), 149, 150, 151, 153, 156
- Curtis, Carl T., 65
- Cutler, Eliot, 152, 171, 203, 218
- Cutter, W. Bowman, 145, 187
- Davignon, Etienne, 20, 38, 43, 70, 78, 83, 105
- Davis, Jeanne W., 32
- Davis, Lynn, 152
- Davis, Nathaniel, 125
- Deagle, Ed, 290
- Deal, Timothy, 131, 132, 159
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 253, 260
- De Guiringaud, Louis, 53, 54, 85
- De la Gorce, Pierre, 53
- De la Madrid Hurtado, Miguel, 190
- De la Vega Dominguez, Jorge, 190, 236, 237
- Demand restraint (see also Oil import
ceilings; U.S. domestic energy policies):
- Camp David meeting, 9
- Christopher memorandum, 192
- Enders memorandum, 27
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 203, 216, 218, 221
- International Energy Agency discussions, 105, 219
- International Energy Program, 6
- Iran-Iraq War and, 282
- Kissinger memorandum, 18
- NSC staff memorandum, 251
- Security linkages, 260
- State Department papers, 60, 166, 259
- Treat/Poats memorandum, 293
- U.S.-French correspondence, 119
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 215
- Vance memorandum, 256
- Denmark, 43
- Deutch, John, 201
- Developing countries. See Less developed countries.
- Diaz Serrano, Jorge, 190, 236, 237
- Dickman, Francois M., 51, 55, 124
- Dingell, John D., Jr., 43, 154
- Ditchley Conference, 39
- Dodson, Christine, 144, 159, 160, 186, 272, 274
- Dole, Robert, 156
- Dorsey, Robert, 1
- Duncan, Charles, Jr.:
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 218, 235
- G-7 Venice Economic Summit, 275
- IEA Ministerial meeting (Dec. 1980), 292
- IEA Ministerial meeting (May 1980), 273
- Iranian oil shortfall, 168, 242, 267, 270
- Iran-Iraq War, 287, 288, 289
- Mexican World Energy Plan proposal, 236, 237
- Miller Middle East trip (Nov. 1979), 249
- Oil import ceilings, 248, 250, 251, 272, 273
- OPEC oil price policies, 168, 263, 272, 275, 278, 283
- Saudi Arabia visits (1980), 263, 292
- Saudi production levels, 263, 275, 277, 281
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 258, 275, 280
- Venezuela visit, 285
- Duncan, Robert B., 84
- Dunn, John M., 63, 93
- Eads, George, 218
- Eagleburger, Lawrence S., 18, 45, 59
- EC 9, 229
- Eckland, John, 171
- Edmond, Lester E., 98
- Egypt, 1
- Einaudi, Luigi, 186
- Eizenstat, Stuart:
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit, 154, 156, 161
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 203, 218
- Iranian oil shortfall, 168, 187, 192
- Iran-Iraq War, 287
- Mexican World Energy Plan proposal, 237
- Miller Middle East trip (Nov. 1979), 249
- Oil import ceilings, 226
- OPEC oil price policies, 168, 207, 275
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 175
- U.S.-Mexican energy relations, 186, 190
- Ellsworth, Robert, 96
- Embargo preparedness. See Contingency planning.
- Emergency allocation systems:
- Emergency Energy Conservation Act (1979), 256
- Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act (1973), 83, 279
- Enders, Thomas O.:
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 34
- Camp David meeting, 7, 9
- Common tariff proposals, 39, 46
- Consumer country coordination, 15, 18
- Floor price proposals, 43, 46
- International Energy Agency, 20, 24, 69, 75
- International Energy Program, 6
- OPEC oil price policies, 1, 80
- Prepcon I, 43, 45, 49, 50, 54, 56
- Prepcon II, 66, 70, 71, 78, 84
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 27, 48, 59
- Rambouillet G-6 conference, 86, 87
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 91
- U.S. strategy overviews, 56
- Energy Coordinating Committee, 162
- Energy Coordinating Group (ECG), 6, 9, 10
- Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA), 89, 91, 100, 166
- Energy Security Act (1980), 281
- Energy Tax Act (1978), 164
- Energy, U.S. Department of, 127, 171
- Erb, Guy F., 131, 146, 236, 237
- Ernst, Maurice C., 168, 262
- Esaki, Masumi, 221
- Escovar, Ramon, 64
- European Community (EC) (see also Consumer country coordination; specific countries), 9, 53, 88, 199, 221, 267
- Exxon, 75, 77
- Fahd bin Abdul Aziz al Saud (Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia):
- Carter correspondence, 185, 238, 274, 277, 281, 291
- Duncan visit (Mar. 1980), 263
- Iranian oil shortfall, 183, 185, 188
- Iran-Iraq War, 291
- Oil auction proposals, 3
- OPEC oil price policies:
- Prepcon II, 64
- Saudi production levels, 185, 215, 223, 238, 277, 281
- U.S. terrorism security assistance offers, 152
- U.S. visit, 124
- Faisal ibn Abd al-Aziz al Saud (King of Saudi Arabia), 3, 5, 30, 43, 49
- Fannin, Paul J., 65
- Figuerido, Reinaldo, 146
- Financial solidarity measures:
- Camp David meeting discussions, 7, 9, 10
- Enders paper, 15
- Katz memorandum, 100
- Kissinger memorandum, 18
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 26
- Rambouillet G-6 conference discussions, 88
- U.S.-British discussions, 14
- U.S.-French discussions, 24
- U.S.-German Federal Republic discussions/correspondence, 17, 22
- Floor price proposals:
- IEA Long-Term Energy Cooperation Program, 94
- Kissinger-Congressional leadership discussions, 65
- Kissinger-Enders discussions, 43
- Kissinger-Exxon discussions, 75
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 56
- Rambouillet G-6 conference discussions, 88
- State Department papers, 60, 87
- State-Treasury meeting discussions, 39, 46
- U.S.-French discussions, 42
- Flores, Oscar, 190
- Forbord, Thomas A., 220
- Force against producer countries:
- Ford, Gerald R.:
- Consumer country coordination:
- Faisal correspondence, 3, 5, 30
- Floor price proposals, 46, 88
- Giscard correspondence, 33
- Giscard meetings, 24, 26, 74
- Khalid correspondence, 80, 82, 106, 110, 111, 114
- Miki correspondence, 44
- OPEC oil price policies:
- Pérez correspondence, 80, 106, 110
- Prepcon I, 38
- Prepcon II, 62, 74
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 12, 22, 24, 26, 58
- Rambouillet G-6 conference, 88
- Schmidt correspondence, 28, 58
- Schmidt meetings, 69
- Shah correspondence, 80, 106, 110
- Shah meetings, 62
- Speeches:
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 33, 38, 88, 89
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement, 77, 92, 96
- U.S. strategy overviews, 2
- Wilson meetings, 38
- Forlani, Arnaldo, 221
- 40 Committee, 35
- Fourcade, Jean-Pierre, 9
- France:
- Carter-Giscard correspondence, 119, 198
- Consumer country coordination, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 24, 26
- Demand restraint, French-Saudi discussions, 119
- Duncan visit (1980), 273
- Floor price proposals, 42, 43
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit, 157
- G-7 London Economic Summit, 122
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 221, 235
- International Energy Agency, 20, 24, 227
- International Energy Program, 6
- Iranian oil shortfall, Guadeloupe meeting, 183
- Oil price indexing proposals, 12, 13
- Prepcon I, 42, 45, 50, 53, 54
- Prepcon II, 64, 66, 70, 71, 74, 78, 84
- Producer-consumer conference proposals (see also Giscard producer-consumer conference initiative), 199, 229
- Rambouillet G-6 conference, 88
- Spot market, 218
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 198
- Washington Energy Conference, 2
- François-Poncet, Jean, 221, 227
- Fried, Edward, 218, 255, 262, 266, 278
- Froment-Meurice, Henri, 66, 71, 197
- Frost, Ellen L., 168, 171, 260, 279
- Fukuda, Hiroshi, 270
- Fukuda, Yasuo, 156, 157
- Fahd bin Abdul Aziz al Saud (Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia):
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit (July 1978), 149, 151, 153, 154, 156, 157, 165, 168, 196
- G-7 London Economic Summit (May 1977), 122, 123
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit (June 1979), 221 [Page 948]
- G-7 Venice Economic Summit (June 1980):
- Garcia Sainz, Ricardo, 190
- Garrido, Abel, 236, 237
- Garvin, Clifton, 75
- Gas rationing, 256
- Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 9, 17, 22, 45, 221
- German Federal Republic:
- Consumer country coordination, 9, 10, 15, 17, 22, 28, 44
- Floor price proposals, 43
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit, 149, 153, 156, 157
- G-7 London Economic Summit, 122
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 221
- International Energy Agency and, 69
- Iranian oil shortfall, 183
- Oil import ceilings, 228, 250, 259
- Prepcon I, 45
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 22, 58, 199
- Rambouillet G-6 conference, 88
- Schmidt U.S. visit (1979), 214
- Giraud, Andre, 221, 273, 292
- Giscard-d’Estaing, Valéry (see also Giscard producer-consumer conference initiative):
- Giscard producer-consumer conference initiative:
- Godinez Bravo, Gen. Miguel A., 236, 237
- Gold, Ruth S., 276
- Goldman, Leslie J.:
- al-Gosaibi, Ghazi, 263
- Gramley, Lyle, 145
- Granger, Col. Clinton, 34
- Great Britain:
- Camp David meeting, 9
- Consumer country coordination, 9, 10, 14, 38
- Floor price proposals, 43
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit, 149, 156, 157
- G-7 London Economic Summit, 122
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 221
- Iranian oil prices (1980), 268, 273
- Iranian oil shortfall, Guadeloupe meeting, 183
- North Sea oil production, 88, 122, 160, 235, 273, 295
- Oil import ceilings, 250
- Prepcon I, 38, 45
- Rambouillet G-6 conference, 88
- Greenspan, Alan, 6, 67, 77, 97, 101, 103, 112
- Greenwald, Joseph A., 101
- Gregg, Donald, 265, 270
- Grossman, Andrew, 247
- Group of 8 (G-8), 120
- Group of 10 (G-10):
- Group of 77 (see also Less developed countries), 38, 65, 88, 238
- Grunwald, Joseph, 98
- Guerrero, Manuel Perez, 146
- Habib, Philip C., 18, 19, 37
- Hart, Donald F., 75, 82, 124, 130, 136, 165
- Hartman, Arthur A.:
- Hatano, Yoshio, 265
- Hazumi, Mitzuhiko, 265
- Healey, Denis, 9
- Hecklinger, Richard E., 192, 286, 296, 297
- Heginbotham, Erland H., 215
- Helms, Richard, 4
- Hermes, Peter, 9
- Hernandez, Valentin Acosta, 146
- Hernandez Cervantes, Hector, 190
- Herrera Campins, Luis, 285
- Hessler, Curt, 226
- Heymann, Hans, 145, 152, 186
- Hillenbrand, Martin J., 22
- Hill, Raymond, 261
- Hinton, Deane R., 269, 286, 290, 293
- Hodgson, James D., 19
- Holbrooke, Richard, 265, 270
- Holcomb, Rear Adm. Staser, 57
- Hormats, Robert:
- Alternative energy sources, 233
- Consumer country coordination, 23
- Contingency planning, 97
- G-7 London Economic Summit, 122
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 197, 221
- G-7 Venice Economic Summit, 276
- Iranian oil shortfall, International Energy Agency and, 192
- NSSM 237, 99, 101, 104
- OPEC oil price policies, 72, 76, 81, 103, 109, 130, 132
- Prepcon I, 49
- Producer-consumer commodity agreement proposals, 233
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 51, 199
- Rambouillet G-6 conference, 87
- Robinson Middle East trip, 47
- U.S. strategy overviews, 36
- Howe, Geoffrey, 221
- Howell, David A.R., 250
- Huberman, Ben, 186
- Hunt, John, 38, 197
- Huntington, Samuel P., 133, 145, 152
- Hurtado, Hector, 146
- Hystad, Carlisle, 171
- Ibarra Munoz, David, 190
- Iida, Cornelius, 270
- Inderfurth, Rick, 186
- Indonesia (see also U.S.-producer country correspondence), 40, 130, 136
- Inflation (see also Oil price indexing):
- Brzezinski memorandum, 128
- Camp David meeting discussions, 9
- Carter speeches, 156, 165, 196, 264
- Cooper memorandum, 175
- Force against producer countries and, 52
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 221
- Hormats memorandum, 130
- Iranian oil shortfall and, 181, 189
- Iran-Iraq War and, 286, 291, 292
- Kissinger-Congressional leadership discussions, 65
- Kissinger speeches, 8
- Less developed countries and, 213
- NSC discussions, 161
- NSC staff memoranda, 76, 103
- Odom memorandum, 210
- Producer-consumer conference proposals and, 47
- Rambouillet G-6 conference discussions, 88
- Robinson memorandum, 82
- Schlesinger memorandum, 181
- Security linkages and, 253, 260, 271, 279
- State Department papers, 160
- U.S.-French correspondence, 33
- U.S.-Iranian discussions, 62, 139
- U.S.-producer country correspondence, 80, 106, 110, 136, 138, 220, 274, 281, 291
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 3, 111, 180, 215, 275, 292
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussions, 278
- Ingersoll, Robert S.:
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 34
- Consumer country coordination, 14, 15, 23, 26
- Floor price proposals, 43
- Force against producer countries, 32
- Giscard producer-consumer conference initiative, 13
- International Energy Agency, 75
- OPEC oil price policies, 1
- Prepcon I, 49, 56
- Prepcon II, 62, 68, 70
- Rambouillet G-6 conference, 87
- U.S. strategy overviews, 56
- Ingraham, 27
- Interagency Energy Working Group, 187, 191, 193
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 256
- International Energy Agency (IEA), 18,
- Alternative energy source cooperation and, 129
- Bosworth memorandum, 122
- Brzezinski memorandum, 121
- Conference on International Economic Cooperation and, 100
- Contingency planning, 293
- Floor price proposals, 43, 48, 94
- Fried exploratory talks, 255
- Inaugural session, 20
- Iranian oil shortfall and, 166, 191, 192, 196
- Iran-Iraq War, 282, 286, 289, 290
- Katz memorandum, 100
- Kissinger-Exxon discussions, 75
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 69
- Long-Term Energy Cooperation Program, 90, 91, 94, 100
- Maximum import passthrough price proposals, 189
- Ministerial meetings:
- Oil import ceilings, 244, 246, 248, 250, 251, 256, 273
- OPEC oil price policies and, 105, 109
- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and, 18, 227
- Prepcon I and, 49
- Prepcon II and, 64, 70, 78, 83, 84
- Producer-consumer conference proposals and, 20, 26, 42, 48, 56, 59, 125
- Reduced dependency objectives proposal, 105
- State Department papers, 60, 87, 166
- U.S. distillate entitlement decision, 214
- U.S.-French discussions, 24
- U.S.-German Federal Republic discussions, 69
- U.S.-Japanese discussions, 265
- Vance memorandum, 256
- International Energy Finance Corporation proposals, 205
- International Energy Institute (IEI) proposals, 98, 100, 120, 123, 128
- International Energy Program (IEP), 1, 2, 6, 9, 10
- International Energy Review Group, 6
- International Energy Technology Group proposals, 211, 234, 235
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 9, 10, 15, 88
- International price controls, 219
- Iran (see also Iranian oil shortfall;
Iran-Iraq War; U.S.-producer country correspondence):
- Consumer country coordination and, 10
- Floor price proposals, 42
- Hostage crisis, 242, 249, 267
- London oil reporting, 247
- Natural gas, 166
- NSC staff memorandum, 47
- Oil auction proposals, 3
- Oil prices (1980), 268, 270, 273
- OPEC oil price policies:
- Blumenthal Middle East trip discussions, 134
- Brzezinski memorandum, 140
- Carter correspondence, 176
- Doha decision (Dec. 1976), 113
- Helms memorandum, 4
- Hormats memorandum, 130
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 108, 109
- Robinson memorandum, 98
- State-Treasury discussions, 1
- U.S.-Iranian discussions, 62, 112, 136, 139
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 27
- Revolution (1979), 183
- U.S. asset freezing, 249
- U.S. bilateral oil agreement, 67, 77, 92, 95, 96
- U.S. military aid, 1, 65
- U.S. oil import ban, 242, 245
- Iranian oil shortfall:
- April 1980 cutoff, 268
- Brzezinski memorandum, 193
- Goldman memorandum, 267
- Guadeloupe meeting, 183
- IEA maximum import passthrough price proposals, 189
- Interagency Energy Working Group, 187, 191, 193
- International Energy Agency and, 166, 191, 192, 196
- Katz memorandum, 182
- Miller Middle East trip discussions, 249
- NSC staff memoranda, 183, 185, 194, 212
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 168, 187
- Sanctions/boycott, 267, 270, 272
- Schlesinger memorandum, 181
- State Department papers, 166, 242
- U.S.-Japanese discussions, 270
- U.S.-Mexican energy relations and, 184
- U.S. military presence in the Gulf and, 229
- U.S.-producer country correspondence, 269
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 188, 200
- Iranian Revolution. See Iranian oil shortfall.
- Iran-Iraq War:
- Iraq (see also Iran-Iraq War), 166, 252
- Iribarren, Ignacio, 146
- Irwin, John N., II, 10
- Israel (see also Arab-Israeli conflict), 166
- Italy:
- Izquierdo Gonzalez, Rafael, 190, 236, 237
- Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 2, 154
- Jamaica, 130
- Jamieson, J.K., 75, 77
- Japan:
- Camp David meeting, 9
- Consumer country coordination, 15, 18, 19, 44, 74
- Floor price proposals, 43, 88
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit, 156, 157
- G-7 London Economic Summit, 122
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 221, 235
- G-7 Venice Economic Summit, 265
- Iranian oil prices (1980), 268, 270, 273
- Iranian oil shortfall, 187, 270
- Ohira U.S. visit, 270
- Oil import ceilings, 235, 272
- Okita U.S. visit, 265
- OPEC oil price policies, 87
- Rambouillet G-6 conference, 88
- Jayne, Randy, 145, 168
- Jenkins, Roy, 157, 221, 228
- Jobert, Michel, 16
- Johnston, Ernst B., 267, 291, 296
- Johnstone, Robert, 197
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 152
- Joint commissions. See Bilateral commissions.
- Jolles, Paul R., 125
- Jones, David C., 288
- Jordan, Hamilton, 139
- Jova, Joseph J., 108
- Junz, Helen B., 145, 152, 200
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 263
- Kaneko, Ippei, 221
- Kaplan, Robert D., 52
- Kato, Koichi, 270
- Katori, Yasue, 265, 270
- Katz, Julius L.:
- Alternative energy source cooperation proposals, 107
- Consumer country coordination, 28
- G-7 London Economic Summit, 122
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 201, 203, 218
- IEA reduced dependency objectives proposal, 105
- International Energy Agency, 100, 219
- Iranian oil shortfall, 182, 242
- Kissinger-Congressional leadership discussions, 65
- Mexican World Energy Plan proposal, 236, 237
- NSSM 237 study, 118
- OPEC oil price policies:
- Prepcon I, 49, 53
- Prepcon II, 83
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 26, 31, 54
- Saudi production levels, 182, 188, 200, 215
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 171
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 91
- U.S.-Mexican energy relations, 186, 190
- U.S. strategy overviews, 117, 234
- Kawari, Issa, 31
- Kawashima, Yutaka, 270
- Kelberer, John, 263
- Kennedy, Ted, 275
- Kennon, Lawrence J., 113
- Khalatbari, Abbas Ali, 139
- Khalid bin Abdul Aziz (king of Saudi Arabia):
- Khalifa bin Hamad al-Thani (emir of Qatar), 141
- Al-Khayl, Mohammed Aba, 263
- Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 183
- Kimura, Toshio, 9, 19
- Kissinger, Henry A.:
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 34
- Bundy group, 26
- Common tariff proposals, 39, 46
- Conference on International Economic Cooperation, 86, 109
- Consumer country coordination:
- Camp David meeting, 1, 7, 9
- Ford discussions, 2
- Ford-Giscard discussions, 24
- French-Japanese discussions, 19
- Speech (University of Chicago, Nov. 14, 1974), 17
- Staff meeting discussions, 11, 26
- State-Treasury meetings, 23
- U.S.-British discussions, 14, 38
- U.S.-French correspondence, 18
- U.S.-German Federal Republic correspondence, 17, 28
- U.S.-Japanese correspondence, 44
- U.S.-Japanese discussions, 19
- Documents not declassified, 25, 29
- Floor price proposals:
- Force against producer countries, 30, 32, 42, 52, 57
- International Energy Agency, 69, 75, 83, 100
- International Energy Program, 2, 6, 56
- NSSM 237, 93
- OPEC oil price policies:
- Prepcon I, 54
- Prepcon II, 78, 84
- Producer-consumer conference proposals:
- Rambouillet G-6 conference, 86, 87, 88
- Speeches:
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 33
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement, 67, 77, 95, 96
- U.S. strategy overviews, 2, 36, 56
- Kiuchi, Akitane, 19
- Klutznik, Philip, 260
- Knickmeyer, R., 295, 296, 297
- Komer, Robert W., 252, 253, 260, 271, 279
- Kosciusko-Morizet, Jacques, 12
- Kraft, Joseph, 81
- Kreps, Juanita M., 185
- Krueger, Robert, 236, 237
- Kuchel, Roland K., 98
- Kuwait (see also U.S.-producer country correspondence):
- Kux, Dennis H., 62
- LaBarre, J.B.K., 169
- Lake, W. Anthony, 146, 214, 233
- Lamb, Denis, 83
- Lambsdorff, Otto Graf, 221, 228, 250
- Lance, Bert, 127
- Lantzke, Ulf, 20
- Larosiere de Champfeu, Jacques de, 9, 10
- Larson, Alan P., 234, 256
- Latin American regional cooperation, 128, 146
- Lauria, Carmelo Lesseur, 146, 163
- Leigh, Monroe, 75
- Less developed countries (see also
International Energy Institute (IEI) proposals):
- Algeria and, 47, 49, 65
- Alternative energy source development, 200, 233, 265, 266
- Bosworth memorandum, 122
- Brzezinski memorandum, 121
- Camp David meeting discussions, 9, 10
- CIA memorandum, 158
- Commodities and, 88
- Conference on International Economic Cooperation and, 88
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit discussions, 157
- Group of 77, 38, 65, 88, 238
- International Energy Institute proposals, 98, 100, 120, 123, 128
- Katz memorandum, 117
- Mexican World Energy Plan proposal, 236, 237, 238
- NSC staff memorandum, 103
- NSSM 237 study, 101, 118
- OPEC oil price policies and, 76, 109, 115, 130, 136, 160, 213, 221, 241
- Prepcon I, 53
- Prepcon II, 64
- Producer-consumer conference proposals and, 37
- Rambouillet G-6 conference discussions, 88
- Security linkages, 279
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussions, 278
- Levy, Walter, 26, 199
- Lewis, Samuel W., 49
- Library Group, 1, 2
- Libya, 56, 212, 273
- Lissakers, 233
- Litan, Robert, 145, 187
- Lomé Convention, 88, 221
- London Economic Summit. See G-7 London Economic Summit.
- Long, Russell, 154
- López-Portillo, Jose, 236, 237
- López-Portillo, Jose Ramon, 108, 174, 177, 190, 236, 237
- Lord, Winston, 7, 34, 37, 49, 56
- Lucey, Patrick, 186, 190, 236, 237
- Luers, William H., 252
- Lumsden, George Q., 31
- MacDonald, Flora, 221
- MacDonald, Walter, 161, 168
- Madani, Nizar O., 151
- Maestrone, Frank E., 116
- Maitland, Donald, 9, 10, 14
- Mansfield, Mike, 270
- Mansuri, Abd al-Rahman, 200
- Marcuss, Stanley, 168
- Margain, Hugo B., 190, 236, 237
- Martin, Richard R., 118
- Matsuura, Koichiro, 270
- Matthoefer, Hans, 221
- Maynes, Charles W., 233
- McCarthy, Terence, 52
- McCloskey, Robert, 26
- McClure, James, 52, 292
- McGiffert, David, 145, 171, 279
- McIntyre, James T.:
- McPhail, Donald, 203
- Mexican World Energy Plan proposal, 236, 237
- Mexico (see also U.S.-Mexican energy relations):
- Meyers, Dale, 145, 152
- Middle East conflict. See Arab-Israeli conflict.
- Miki, Takeo, 44, 74, 88
- Milam, William B., 120, 125, 136
- Military action against producer countries. See Force against producer countries.
- Miller, G. William:
- Minimum price proposals. See Floor price proposals.
- Mitchell, Derek, 9, 10, 14
- Miyazaki, Hiromichi, 9, 197
- Moinfar, Ali Akbar, 252
- Mondale, Walter, 119, 139, 171, 218, 236, 237, 270
- Monory, Rene, 221
- Montgomery, Harry M., 84
- Moore, Frank, 154, 165
- Moose, Richard M., Jr., 151
- Moro, Aldo, 88
- Morse, Edward L.:
- Morton, Rogers C.B., 6
- Muskie, Edmund S.:
- Nabi, Belkacem, 292
- National Energy Act (1978), 164, 167
- National Energy Conservation Policy Act (1978), 164
- National Energy Plan, 122, 123, 137
- Nationalization, 1, 75, 95, 224, 265
- National Security Council (NSC) (see also NSC staff memorandum under other subjects), 167, 170
- National Security Study Memoranda, NSSM 237, “U.S. International Energy Policy,” 93, 99, 101, 102, 104, 118
- Natural gas:
- Natural Gas Policy Act (1978), 164
- Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act (1976), 95, 258
- Navy, U.S. Department of, 57
- Nazer, Hisham, 263
- Netherlands, 43
- New International World Order, 56, 88
- Newsom, David D., 178, 265, 279
- New Zealand, 6
- Nigeria (see also U.S.-producer country correspondence):
- Nimetz, Matthew, 186, 190
- Nordhaus, William D., 152, 171
- North American Energy Community proposals, 222
- North Sea oil production:
- Norway, 6, 116, 231, 259, 295
- Nuclear energy (see also Alternative energy sources):
- Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act (1978), 190
- Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 157
- Numata, Sadaaki, 270
- Oakley, Robert B., 34, 36, 72, 97
- Obaid, Ibrahim, 55
- Obasanjo, Olusegun, 130, 212
- Odom, William, 160, 173, 210
- Office of Management and Budget, U.S., 171
- Ogura, Kazuo, 270
- Ohira, Masayoshi, 9, 221, 270
- Oil auction proposals, 1, 3
- Oil companies (see also ARAMCO):
- Oil company nationalization, 1, 75, 95, 224, 265
- Oil import ceilings (see also Demand
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit discussions, 218, 221, 228, 235
- IEA discussions, 244, 248, 250, 251, 256, 273, 292
- Iran-Iraq War and, 286, 289
- NSC staff memorandum, 226
- Reagan administration policies, 289
- State Department papers, 259
- Treat/Poats memorandum, 293
- U.S.-Japanese discussions, 272
- Vance memorandum, 234
- Oil price indexing:
- Oil sharing. See Emergency allocation systems.
- Oil supply overviews (see also U.S. strategy overviews):
- Okawara, Yoshio, 270
- Okita, Saburo, 265, 270
- O’Leary, John F., 127, 201, 203
- O’Neill, Thomas “Tip,” 154
- OPEC oil price policies:
- Blumenthal Middle East trip discussions, 130, 131, 133, 134, 168, 172, 179
- Brzezinski memoranda, 133, 134, 135, 138, 140, 148, 150, 238
- CIA memorandum, 231
- Conference decisions:
- Dec. 1973 (Vienna), 24
- March 1974 (Vienna), 5
- June 1974 (Quito), 3
- June 1975 (Libreville), 65
- Sept. 1975 (Vienna), 82, 87
- May 1976 (Bali), 98
- Dec. 1976 (Doha), 113, 114, 115, 116, 180
- Dec. 1977 (Caracas), 142
- Dec. 1978 (Abu Dhabi), 176, 178, 179, 180
- Mar. 1979 (Geneva), 193
- June 1979 (Geneva), 220, 221
- Dec. 1979 (deadlock) (Caracas), 252
- Algiers decision (June 1980), 278
- Bali decision (Dec. 1980), 292
- Currency issues, 55, 130, 161, 162, 173
- Eizenstat memorandum, 207
- Ford-Faisal correspondence, 3
- Ford-Kissinger discussions, 2
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit discussions, 221
- Helms memorandum, 4
- IEA reduced dependency objectives proposal and, 105
- Iranian oil shortfall and, 166
- Jan. 1980 price increases, 257
- Kissinger-Congressional leadership discussions, 65
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 108, 109
- Less developed countries and, 76, 109, 115, 130, 136, 160, 213, 221, 241
- Miller Middle East trip discussions, 249
- NSC discussions, 161
- NSC staff memoranda, 72, 76, 131, 159, 162, 173, 204, 224
- NSSM 237 study, 99, 103
- Robinson memorandum, 82, 98
- Saudi communiqué (Feb. 1979), 199
- Saudi-Iranian discussions, 79
- State Department papers, 40, 87
- State-Treasury discussions, 1
- State-Treasury-NSC meeting discussions, 132
- U.S. 1978 policy review, 148, 150, 162
- U.S.-Algerian discussions, 138
- U.S. International Communications Agency programming, 243
- U.S.-Iranian discussions, 62, 112, 139
- U.S.-producer country correspondence, 5, 80, 82, 106, 110, 114, 126, 136, 138, 140, 141, 142, 165, 176, 220, 261, 274, 291, 297
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 3, 41, 55, 79, 81, 98, 111, 124, 137, 143, 151, 215, 263, 275, 281, 283
- U.S.-Venezuelan discussions, 163, 278
- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (see also International Energy Agency):
- Organization for Latin American Energy Development (OLADE), 285
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) (see also OPEC oil price policies;
U.S.-producer country correspondence):
- Abu Dhabi conference (Dec. 1978), 176, 178, 179, 180
- Algiers conference (Jan. 1975), 37
- Algiers conference (June 1980), 278
- Algiers conference (Mar. 1975), 48
- Bali conference (Dec. 1980), 291, 292
- Bali conference (May 1976), 98
- Caracas conference (Dec. 1977), 142
- Caracas conference (Dec. 1979), 252
- Doha conference (Dec. 1976), 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 180
- Geneva conference (June 1979), 220
- Geneva conference (Mar. 1979), 193
- IAM anti-trust suit, 224
- Iranian oil shortfall and, 193
- Kissinger-Exxon discussions, 75
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 56
- Less developed countries and, 88
- Libreville conference (June 1975), 65
- NSC staff memorandum, 47
- Producer-consumer conference proposals and, 37, 48
- Quito conference (June 1974), 3
- Rambouillet G-6 conference discussions, 88
- Taif conference (May 1980), 272
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement and, 95
- U.S. strategy overviews and, 40, 294
- Vienna conference (Dec. 1973), 24
- Vienna conference (March 1974), 5
- Vienna conference (Sept. 1975), 82, 87
- Orinoco Tar Belt development, 128, 146, 147, 155
- Oteyza Fernandez, Jose Andres, 190, 236, 237
- Owen, Henry D.:
- Alternative energy sources, 211
- Contingency planning, 204
- Duncan Venezuela visit, 285
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit, 149, 153, 154, 156
- G-7 London Economic Summit, 123
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 197, 201, 203, 218, 235
- IEA Ministerial meeting (May 1980), 273
- International Energy Finance Corporation proposals, 205, 206, 211
- Iranian oil shortfall, 168, 181, 183, 187, 270
- Mexican World Energy Plan proposal, 236, 237
- Oil import ceilings, 226, 246, 250, 251
- OPEC oil price policies:
- Saudi production levels, 200, 215, 225, 275, 277, 281
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 275
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 196
- U.S.-Mexican energy relations, 186
- U.S. strategy overviews, 209, 231, 271, 287
- Packwood, Bob, 65
- Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza (Shah of Iran):
- Pandolifi, Filippo M., 221
- Parsky, Gerald L., 39, 43, 44, 46
- Pastor, Robert A., 146, 186, 190, 237
- Patterson, David, 272, 296, 297
- Pearson, James B., 65
- Pendleton, John S., 34
- Pérez, Carlos Andrés:
- Peterson, Peter G., 23
- Pickering, Thomas R., 266
- Pierre-Brossolette, Claude, 74
- Platt, Nicholas, 265, 270
- Poats, Rutherford M.:
- Contingency planning, 204, 293
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 201, 203, 218
- Iranian oil shortfall, 168, 183, 185, 187, 192, 242
- Iran-Iraq War, 291
- Oil import ceilings, 228
- OPEC oil price policies, 168, 173, 176, 291
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 199
- Saudi production levels, 185, 277
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 171
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement, 96
- U.S. Iranian oil import ban, 245
- U.S.-Mexican energy relations, 186
- U.S. strategy overviews, 294
- Policy Review Committee, 168, 170, 186, 187, 202, 229
- Porter, William, 103
- Portugal, 290
- Powell, Jody, 139, 190
- Powerplant and Fuel Use Act (1978), 282
- Power Plant and Industrial Fuel Use Act (1978), 164
- Preeg, Ernest H.:
- Prepcon I:
- International Energy Agency and, 49
- Kissinger-Enders discussions, 43
- Kissinger memorandum, 54
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 53, 56
- State Department papers, 60
- U.S.-British discussions/correspondence, 38, 45
- U.S.-French discussions/correspondence, 42, 45, 50
- U.S.-German Federal Republic correspondence, 45
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 51, 55
- Prepcon II:
- Enders memorandum, 70
- Ingersoll memorandum, 68
- International Energy Agency and, 64, 70, 78, 83, 84
- Kissinger memoranda, 78, 84
- Kissinger speech (Kansas City) (May 13, 1975), 62, 64
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 61, 73
- Rush memorandum, 85
- U.S.-French discussions/correspondence, 64, 66, 70, 71, 74
- U.S.-Iranian discussions, 62
- U.S.-producer country correspondence, 64
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 61, 81
- Presidential Proclamations, No. 4702, 242
- Presidential Review Committee, 218
- Presidential Review Memoranda:
- Press, 203
- Producer-consumer commodity agreement proposals, 233, 259, 278
- Producer-consumer conference proposals (see
also Conference on International Economic Cooperation (Dec.
1975); Prepcon I; Prepcon II):
- Akins memorandum, 3
- Arab-Israeli conflict and, 229
- Camp David meeting discussions, 10
- Cooper memorandum, 229
- Ford-Giscard Martinique meeting, 24, 26
- Hormats memorandum, 199
- International Energy Agency and, 20, 26, 42, 48, 56, 59, 125
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 26, 37
- NSC staff memorandum, 47
- OPEC responses, 37, 48
- Rush memorandum, 21
- Scowcroft memorandum, 12
- State Department papers, 60
- State-Treasury meeting discussions, 39
- U.S.-British discussions, 14
- U.S.-French discussions/correspondence, 13, 16, 24, 26, 42
- U.S.-German Federal Republic discussions/correspondence, 22, 58
- U.S.-producer country correspondence, 27, 31
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 41, 51
- Producer country investment in consumer countries:
- Producer country political situations, 212, 229
- Project Independence, 1, 8
- Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (1978), 164
- Rafful Miguel, Fernando, 190
- Raicht, Lawrence R.:
- Rambouillet G-6 conference, 86, 87, 88
- Rampton, Jack, 203
- Raw materials. See Commodities inclusion in CIEC.
- Ray, Dixy Lee, 6
- Reagan, Ronald, 275, 289, 292
- Reinhardt, John E., 243
- Renner, John C., 43, 160, 161
- Resor, Stanley, 186
- Rhodes, John J., 65
- Richardson, Elliot L., 101, 103
- Robinson, Charles W.:
- Common tariff proposals, 39
- IEA reduced dependency objectives proposal, 105
- Kissinger-Congressional leadership discussions, 65
- Middle East trip, 47
- NSSM 237, 101
- OPEC oil price policies, 82, 98, 103, 108, 109, 113
- Prepcon I, 49, 53, 54, 55, 56
- Prepcon II:
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 41, 51, 59
- Rambouillet G-6 conference, 86, 87
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 91
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement, 67, 95, 96
- U.S.-Soviet oil agreement (barrels-for-bushels), 86
- U.S. strategy overviews, 56
- Rockefeller, David, 88
- Roel, Santiago, 190
- Rogers, Stephen H., 84
- Rogers, William D., 37, 98, 99, 101, 108, 109
- Romberg, Alan, 265, 270
- Roosa, Robert, 26, 39, 52
- Rosen, Gerald:
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 201
- G-7 Venice Economic Summit, 255
- International Energy Agency, 219
- Iranian oil shortfall, 242, 268, 269
- Oil import ceilings, 228
- OPEC oil price policies, 136, 163, 165, 178
- OPEC Taif conference (May 1980), 272
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 199
- Saudi production levels, 200, 215
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 171
- U.S. Iranian oil import ban, 245
- U.S. strategy overviews, 234, 256
- Rosenzweig Diaz, Alfonso de, 236, 237
- Ross, Leonard, 137
- Rozental Gutman, Andres, 236, 237
- Rumsfeld, Donald, NSSM 237, 93
- Rush, Kenneth, 21, 42, 45, 85, 86
- Sabah III Al-Salim Al-Sabah (Emir of Kuwait), 134, 141
- Sadli, Mohammad, 124
- Salzman, Herbert, 227
- Sato, Yoshiyasu, 270
- Saud al-Faisal bin Abd al-Aziz (prince of Saudi Arabia):
- Saudi Arabia (see also U.S.-producer
country correspondence):
- Arabian American Oil Company takeover, 95
- ARAMCO takeover, 224, 265
- Bilateral commissions, 47
- Carter-Fahd correspondence, 185, 238, 274, 277, 281, 291
- Duncan visits (1980), 263, 292
- Expatriate tax issue, 263, 292
- Floor price proposals, 43
- Force against producer countries, 30, 52
- G-7 Venice Economic Summit, 275
- Investment in consumer countries, 47
- Iran-Iraq War, 290, 292
- Mecca hostage incident (Nov. 1979), 249
- Miller Middle East trip (Nov. 1979), 249
- Nationalization and, 75, 95, 224, 265
- Oil auction proposals, 3
- OPEC oil price policies:
- Abu Dhabi decision (Dec. 1978), 179, 180
- Bali decision (May 1976), 98
- Blumenthal Middle East trip discussions, 131, 134
- Brzezinski memoranda, 140, 148
- Carter correspondence, 176
- Doha decision (Dec. 1976), 113, 114, 116
- Duncan discussions, 275
- Fahd U.S. visit discussions, 124, 126
- Ford-Saud discussions, 103
- Geneva decision (June 1979), 220
- Jan. 1980 price increases, 257
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 108, 109
- Saud U.S. visit discussions, 130, 136
- Schlesinger discussions, 143
- State Department papers, 160
- State-Treasury discussions, 1
- Vienna decision (Sept. 1975), 79, 82
- West discussions, 137
- Political situation, 229
- Prepcon I, 51, 55
- Prepcon II, 61, 73, 74, 81
- Producer-consumer commodity agreement proposals, 259
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 3, 10, 41, 51, 61, 199, 229
- Production investment, 148
- Production levels:
- Arab-Israeli conflict and, 212
- Carter-Fahd correspondence, 238, 277, 281
- Duncan discussions, 263, 275
- Katz memorandum, 182
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 56
- Miller Middle East trip discussions, 249
- NSC staff memoranda, 183, 185, 225
- OPEC discussions, 252
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 202
- State Department papers, 166, 202
- State-Treasury discussions, 1
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 188, 200, 215, 223
- Vance memorandum, 234
- Saud U.S. visits, 130, 136, 151
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 258
- U.S. economic aid, 1, 47
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement and, 95
- U.S. military aid, 152
- U.S. terrorism security assistance offers, 145, 152
- Saunders, Harold H., 41, 151, 168, 188, 284
- Sauvagnargues, Jean:
- Sawhill, John C., 248, 267, 282
- Schecter, Jerry, 236, 237
- Schirmer, Kitty:
- Schlesinger, James R.:
- Force against producer countries, 57
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit, 154
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 201, 203, 216, 218, 221
- International Energy Agency, 129
- International Energy Finance Corporation proposals, 205
- International Energy Program, 6
- Iranian oil shortfall, 181, 187, 188
- Oil import ceilings, 228
- Oil supply vulnerability assessment, 127, 144, 152
- OPEC oil price policies, 124, 143, 148, 150, 160, 161, 163
- Orinoco Tar Belt development, 146, 147, 155
- Saudi production investment, 148
- Saudi production levels, 188, 215
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 171
- U.S. distillate entitlement decision, 214
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 196
- U.S.-Mexican energy relations, 167, 170, 174, 186, 195
- U.S. military presence in the Gulf, 230
- U.S. strategy overviews, 158, 169
- U.S.-Venezuelan long-term supply agreement, 155
- Schmidt, Helmut:
- Alternative energy sources, 88
- Consumer country coordination, 17, 28, 44
- Floor price proposals, 43
- Ford correspondence, 28, 58
- Ford meetings, 69
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit, 149, 153, 156, 157
- G-7 London Economic Summit, 122
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 221
- International Energy Agency, 69
- Iranian oil shortfall, 183
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 22, 58, 199
- U.S. visit (1979), 214
- Schotta, Charles, 219, 272
- Schulmann, Horst, 197
- Schultze, Charles L.:
- Scowcroft, Lt. Gen. Brent:
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 34
- Consumer country coordination, 19, 24, 38, 94
- Contingency planning, 63, 97
- Force against producer countries, 32
- Giscard producer-consumer conference initiative, 12, 22, 24
- International Energy Agency, 69
- NSSM 237, 93, 99, 104
- OPEC oil price policies, 1, 72, 103, 106, 111, 112, 114
- Prepcon I, U.S.-British discussions, 38
- Prepcon II, U.S.-French discussions, 74
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 89
- U.S.-Iranian bilateral oil agreement, 67, 92, 95, 96
- Seidman, L. William, 65
- Seitz, Raymond, 265
- Senate, U.S., Select Committee To Study Governmental Operations with Respect To Intelligence Activities, 249
- Shoesmith, Thomas P., 44
- Shultz, George, 23
- Sick, Capt. Gary:
- Siemer, Deanne C., 254
- Sigurani, Ivan, 278
- Simon, William E.:
- Sisco, Joseph J., 31, 81
- Slocombe, Walter, 187
- Smith, Richard, 186
- Smith, Lt. Gen. William Y.:
- Sober, Sidney:
- Solomon, Anthony:
- Sonnenfeldt, Helmut:
- Sonoda, Sunao, 221
- Sorenson, Roger A., 70, 80, 98
- South Africa, Iranian oil shortfall and, 166
- Soviet Union:
- Spain, 6
- Sparkman, John J., 43
- Special Coordination Committee (SCC), 127, 144, 145, 152, 171, 216, 282
- Spot market:
- Bergold memorandum, 216
- Boycott/limit proposals, 209, 214, 244, 249
- Doha two-tier system and, 113
- Duncan memorandum, 258
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit discussions, 216, 218, 221, 231, 235
- International Energy Agency discussions, 219
- Iranian oil shortfall and, 166, 181, 187, 189, 192, 267
- Iran-Iraq War and, 232, 285, 286, 288, 289, 290
- Oil import ceilings and, 244
- OPEC discussions, 220, 252
- OPEC oil price policies and, 297
- Saudi production levels and, 200, 215
- State Department papers, 259
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve and, 258
- U.S. Iranian oil import ban and, 245
- U.S.-Japanese discussions, 265
- U.S.-Mexican discussions, 190
- Vance memoranda, 232, 234
- Staggers, Harley, 154
- Stevenson, Adlai, 174
- Stocker, Carol K., 196
- Stock policies:
- Council on International Economic Policy memorandum, 63
- IEA discussions, 273
- Iranian oil shortfall and, 181, 192, 267
- Iran-Iraq War and, 285, 286, 290
- Producer-consumer commodity agreement proposals and, 233
- Security linkages, 279
- State Department papers, 259
- Treat/Poats memorandum, 293
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 292
- Vance memorandum, 256
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 86
- Stone, I.F., 52
- Stone, Richard, 72
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve:
- Brzezinski memorandum, 156
- Christopher memorandum, 280
- Duncan memorandum, 258
- IEA discussions, 273
- Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act (1976), 95, 258
- NSC staff memorandum, 144
- Special Coordination Committee discussions, 145, 171
- State Department papers, 166
- Treat/Poats memorandum, 293
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 263, 275
- Strauss, Robert S., 223
- Sullivan, William, 139, 166
- Sultan ibn Abd al-Aziz al Saud (Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia), 30
- Sumiya, Kiyoshi, 265, 270
- Swandby, Bob, 278
- Sweden, 6
- Switzerland, 6, 43
- Taher, Abdel Hadi, 263
- Tanaka, Kakuei, 19
- Tarnoff, Peter:
- Taylor, Paul D., 27
- Technology transfer, 260
- Teshima, Reishi, 270
- Thatcher, Margaret, 221
- Thompson, Cecil, 145
- Thomson, James, 171
- Three Mile Island incident (1979), 203
- Tickell, Crispin, 197
- Todd, James C.:
- Todman, Terence A., 146
- Togo, Fumihiko, 265
- Togo, Shigenori, 44
- Tokyo Economic Summit. See G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit.
- Trade Act (1974), 2, 9
- Trade Expansion Act (1962), Haskell amendment, 146
- Treat, John:
- Trimble, Phillip, 91
- Trudeau, Pierre, 157
- Tsurumi, Kiyohiko, 19
- Turkey, 260, 290
- Turner, Adm. Stansfield:
- Turner, William C., 122
- Twinam, Joseph W.:
- Ugarte, Jose Antonio, 236, 237
- Ukawa, Hidetoshi, 19
- Ullman, Albert, 154
- UN Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy, 265, 273
- United Arab Emirates (see also U.S.-producer country correspondence), 116, 136, 166, 249
- United Nations:
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 98
- U.S. domestic energy policies:
- Carter speeches, 196, 198, 226, 281
- Cooper memorandum, 175
- Crude oil equalization tax, 149, 150, 151, 153, 156
- Distillate entitlement decision, 214, 235
- Domestic refining capacity increase, 146, 147
- Duncan Saudi Arabia visit discussions, 263
- Enders memorandum, 27
- Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 89, 91, 100, 166
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit and, 154, 156, 157, 165
- Interagency Energy Working Group discussions, 191
- National Energy Act, 164, 167
- National Energy Plan, 122, 123, 137
- Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act, 95
- NSSM 237 study, 99, 104
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 168, 187
- Project Independence, 1, 8
- Rambouillet G-6 conference discussions, 88
- State Department papers, 87
- U.S.-British discussions, 38
- U.S.-French correspondence, 33, 119
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 151, 275
- Vance memoranda, 234, 256
- U.S. International Communications Agency, 243
- U.S.-Mexican energy relations:
- Brown memorandum, 184
- Brzezinski memorandum, 167
- Carter-López-Portillo meetings, 190, 236, 237
- Katz memorandum, 117
- Natural gas import agreement, 167, 170, 174, 177, 186, 190, 195, 236, 256
- NSC staff memorandum, 170
- Oil imports, 40
- Policy Review Committee discussions, 186
- Schlesinger memoranda, 174, 195
- Tarnoff memorandum, 222
- U.S. investment, 108
- Vance memoranda, 177, 195
- U.S. military presence in the Gulf, 230
- U.S. oil price decontrol:
- U.S. presidential elections (1980), 275, 289, 292
- U.S.-producer country correspondence:
- U.S. strategy overviews:
- Blumenthal/Owen memorandum, 209
- Brzezinski memorandum, 121
- CIA memoranda, 158, 231
- Intelligence community role, 158, 169, 254
- Iran-Iraq War and, 286, 287
- Katz memorandum, 117
- Kissinger-Congressional leadership discussions, 65
- Kissinger staff meeting discussions, 56
- Lake memorandum, 214
- Lord memorandum, 7
- NSC staff memorandum, 36
- NSSM 237, 93, 99, 101, 102, 104, 118
- Odom memorandum, 210
- Oil supply vulnerability assessment, 127, 144, 145, 152
- Poats memorandum, 294
- Producer country political situations and, 212, 229
- Security linkages, 253, 260, 271, 279
- State Department papers, 40, 60, 259
- Vance memoranda, 234, 256
- Vaky, Viron P., 140, 146, 163, 190, 236, 237
- Vance, Cyrus:
- Alternative energy sources, 233, 256
- Conference on International Economic Cooperation, 125
- Duncan Saudi Arabia visit (Mar. 1980), 263
- G-7 Bonn Economic Summit, 153, 154, 156, 165
- G-7 London Economic Summit, 123
- G-7 Tokyo Economic Summit, 214, 221, 228, 234
- G-7 Venice Economic Summit, 266
- International Energy Finance Corporation proposals, 205
- Iranian oil shortfall, 188, 242, 267
- Mexican World Energy Plan proposal, 236, 237
- Miller Middle East trip (Nov. 1979), 249
- North American Energy Community proposals, 222
- Oil import ceilings, 228, 248
- Oil supply vulnerability assessment, 127, 144
- Okita U.S. visit, 265
- OPEC oil price policies, 165
- Caracas decision, 142
- Hormats memorandum, 130
- Jan. 1980 price increases, 257
- Less developed countries and, 213
- State-Treasury-NSC meeting discussions, 132
- U.S. 1978 policy review, 150
- U.S.-Iranian discussions, 139
- U.S.-producer country correspondence, 126, 136, 138, 141, 220, 261
- U.S.-Saudi discussions, 124, 151, 215
- Orinoco Tar Belt development, 146, 155
- Producer-consumer commodity agreement proposals, 233
- Saudi production levels, 188, 215, 234, 238
- Spot market, 232, 234
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 151, 196, 234, 256
- U.S. Iranian oil import ban, 245
- U.S.-Mexican energy relations, 174, 177, 184, 190, 195
- U.S. military presence in the Gulf, 230
- U.S. strategy overviews, 214, 234, 256
- U.S.-Venezuelan long-term supply agreement, 155
- Vance, David H., 113
- Van Lennep, Emile, 10, 214, 255
- Venezuela (see also U.S.-producer country
- Caribbean/Central American oil assistance, 278
- Duncan visit, 285
- Iranian oil shortfall and, 166
- Oil imports from, 40
- OPEC oil price policies:
- Orinoco Tar Belt development, 128, 146, 147, 155
- Producer-consumer commodity agreement proposals, 278
- U.S. long-term supply agreement, 146, 155
- U.S. tariff violation, 146, 147
- Verleger, Philip, 171
- Vest, George, 286
- Vine, Richard, 109
- Vold, Johan Nic, 295
- Von Staden, Berndt, 22
- Waldheim, Kurt, 128, 237
- Wampler, William C., 65
- Warner, Rawleigh, 39
- Washington Energy Conference, 2
- Washington Special Actions Group, 32
- Watson, Alexander F., 65
- Weber, Hans-Herbert, 9, 10
- Westbrook, Sam, III, 144, 152
- West, John C.:
- White, John, 171
- Wickel, James J., 19
- Wilson, Carroll, 52
- Wilson, Harold, 38, 88
- Wilton, John, 26
- Wissocq, Francois de, 203
- World Energy Conference, 8, 10
- Wyatt, Wendell, 3
- Yamani, Ahmad Zaki:
- Arabian American Oil Company takeover, 95
- Duncan visits (1980), 263, 292
- Expatriate tax issue, 263, 292
- Force against producer countries, 30
- G-7 Venice Economic Summit, 275
- Iranian oil shortfall, 183, 185
- Iran-Iraq War, 290, 292
- Nationalization and, 75
- Oil auction proposals, 3
- OPEC oil price policies, 238
- Prepcon I, 55
- Prepcon II, 64, 73, 74, 81
- Producer-consumer conference proposals, 1, 10, 41, 51, 229
- Saudi production levels, 185, 215, 249, 252, 275, 277
- Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 258, 275
- U.S. domestic energy policies, 151
- U.S. strategy overviews, 231
- Yamazaki, Toshio, 19
- Yasukawa, Takeshi, 19
- Yoshida, Taroichi, 9
- Young, Andrew J., 151, 213
- Ypsersele de Strihou, Jacques van, 83
- Yamani, Ahmad Zaki: