310. Transcript of a Telephone Conversation Between President Nixon and the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger)1

P: Henry, I am going to bed early—I am meeting with Congress in the morning.

K: Think it is going to be quiet tonight. I won’t disturb you unless—

P: If you hear anything, let me know.

K: Haven’t given them the answers. When I talked to Rabin2 there were so many conflicting signals—I think by tomorrow morning we will have answers.

P: We will have additional intelligence on where it all stands.

K: Think noon tomorrow is a good time for this group to meet.3 I think the Jordanian psychological end is stronger, more than their physical strength.

P: More than they are showing on their nerve.

K: They might still pull it out.

P: I hope so but whatever, if the thing quiets down, this trip4 would be a reinforcement.

K: If the Israelis don’t move by Thursday,5 the thing will settle down.

P: Okay Henry.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, Kissinger Telephone Conversations, Box 30, Chronological Files. No classification marking.
  2. See Document 308.
  3. See Document 313.
  4. President Nixon left Washington on September 27 for a trip to Europe and the United Kingdom.
  5. September 24.