284. Telegram From the Embassy in Jordan to the Department of State1

4988. Dept pass info Flash London. (Treat as Nodis)

The King phoned me at three A.M. He said that he wanted me to pass the following most urgent message directly to the President. Message follows:
“Situation deteriorating dangerously following Syrian massive invasion. Northern forces disjointed. Irbid occupied. This having disastrous effect on tired troops in the capital and surroundings. After continuous action and shortage supplies Military Governor and Commander in Chief advise I request immediate physical intervention both air and land as per the authorization of government to safeguard sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Jordan. Immediate air strikes on invading forces from any quarter plus air cover are imperative. Wish earliest word on length of time it may require your forces to land when requested which might be very soon.”
King said he unable to contact British and asked us to get this message to British Government most urgently.
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, POL JORDAN–US. Secret; Flash; Nodis. It was received at 9:37 p.m. and then passed to the White House.