241. Paper Prepared by the NEA Working Group in the Department of State Operations Center1

No. 19

Situation Report as of 0700 hours EDT, September 15, 1970

Bern Talks. The UK representative has called for a meeting of the five power group in Bern at 11 A.M. local time (0600 EDT). We have informed the U.S. representative that we have no objection to passing substance of Jaquinet’s views regarding the imminent publication by [Page 678] the PFLP of its demands regarding Fedayeen prisoners in Israeli hands. At the same time, we told our representative that if the consensus of the Bern Group is that the ICRC should approach the PFLP to keep the list confidential, we would have no objections.

The UK representatives informs us that he has instructions to insist that noon communiqué name Boisard as the principal ICRC representative. If ICRC will not accede to this, the British are prepared to consider withdrawing from the ICRC group.

We understand that the Swiss and German representatives are opposed to the British proposal and the Israelis are noncommittal, but probably favor continuing support for ICRC. We have instructed the U.S. representative to oppose the British proposal at this point and to continue to support Jacquinet’s present role. If, however, a deadlock results from the British proposal we plan to attempt a compromise with the British position with a view to maintaining British participation in the ICRC effort.

Dual Nationality of the American Hostages. Bar-On, the special assistant to the Director General of the Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry, has informed us that Israeli records show that only two passengers now held as hostages (the Harari-Rafouls) have dual U.S.–Israeli nationality.

Uneasy Jordan Fedayeen Truce Continues to Hold. The fragile truce between Jordanian and Fedayeen forces has for the most part continued to hold throughout the night. There have been some unconfirmed press reports of attacks by Jordanian forces on guerilla units in northern Jordan.

Hostages Visited by ICRC. Mr. Vincent of TWA in New York has informed us that the recently-released TWA steward Rudolph Swinkel confirmed that the remaining 54 hostages are being held as a group in a private house near or in Amman. Swinkel stated that ICRC representatives visited captives on Monday, September 14th. The captives, Swinkel continued, are being well taken care of and are in good health.

  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 330, Subject Files, Hijackings. Secret. Received in the White House Situation Room at 8:45 a.m.