421. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State1
New York, October 19, 1971,
3658. Subj: Chirep: First Day Roundup.
- 1.
- First day of Chirep debate got off to reasonably good start from our point of view but produced major surprise when Baroody (Saudi Arabia) submitted amendments to AR and announced he hoped to submit amendments to DR as well.
- 2.
- AR cosponsors decided to forego rumored procedural challenges. At outset, GA Pres Malik announced opening of debate on Item 93 and noted three resolutions (AR, IQ and DR) had been submitted. During statements by Albania and Algeria, which immediately followed Malik remarks, neither of them sought to challenge consideration of IQ and DR under Item 93.
- 3.
- When in course of his statement Ambassador Bush formally moved priority for IQ, this also was not challenged.2
- 4.
- It was interesting that during Albanian speech Soviet seat was occupied by a Counselor. During Ambassador Bush’s statement, ranking Soviet Rep, Ambassador Mironova, showed up.
- 5.
- In addition to usual congratulations of cosponsors on Ambassador Bush’s speech, several middle grade Soviets volunteered that it had been “excellent.” A senior French diplomat described it as “wonderful.”
- 6.
- In late afternoon, Baroody, without consultation with us, went to rostrum to propose a series of amendments to AR. (For text see septel.) The most important of these (to op para three) would have the GA decide on a “one-China, one-Taiwan” policy and would justify latter on basis of self-determination. Baroody said neither AR nor DR were perfect and said he “hoped” to have some amendments to DR later on.
- 7.
- In response to press queries re amendments we have been saying that we were not consulted and that we were as surprised as everyone else, and that amendments are obviously important and will require careful study. On background we are noting that Saudi Arabia amendments take a “one-China, one-Taiwan” position which our DR is careful not to do.
- 8.
- We are confident that the AR cosponsors as well as the ROC will reject Baroody’s amendments and that he will come under pressure not to press his amendments to the vote. As for his intentions re the DR, he told us after the session that he was “still thinking.”
- 9.
- Comment: We assume Baroody thinking of submitting amendments to DR which will also refer to self-determination. Ambassador Bush will see Baroody October 19 and will try to ascertain his intentions. If opportunity presents itself, we intend to discourage him from presenting formal amendments to DR. Assuming Baroody’s amendments are not pressed to vote, scenario is set as we wished: vote on priority, IQ, AR, and finally DR.
- 10.
- We heard 12 speakers plus Baroody October 18. As of now, additional 56 inscribed and list will close October 20. GA President and Stavropoulos anticipate general debate will occupy remainder of this week. Monday, October 25, they presently anticipate will be taken up by explanations of vote before the vote. Tuesday, October 26, could largely be occupied with procedural maneuvers and vote could come [Page 838] Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday, October 27. This is preliminary timetable and it could slip as more speakers are added.
- Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, UN 6 CHICOM. Confidential. Repeated to Bangkok, Canberra, Taipei, Tokyo, and Wellington.↩
- Bush’s statement at the start of the debate is printed in Department of State Bulletin, November 15, 1971, pp. 548–552. Reporting on the General Assembly debates on October 20 and 21 is in telegrams 3729 and 3759 from USUN, October 21 and 22, respectively. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970–73, UN 6 CHICOM)↩