153. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Dominican Republic1
711. For Bunker, Bennett, and Palmer. Your reports and those of CIA indicate deteriorating political and military situation. We would appreciate urgently your recommendations on arresting deterioration and views on following questions and ideas:
Would it help if Garcia Godoy were told he would have full cooperation and assistance of IAPF in carrying out his plan as was done in case of Wessin? Would persons whom Garcia Godoy plans to send abroad depart peacefully if they knew Garcia Godoy had full support IAPF?
Would it assist in departure of de los Santos if we could arrange VIP visit to United States? De los Santos could join the group going to Israel after visit to U.S. as Chief of Dominican Air Force. Would it help if we could arrange VIP visit for any of the other military chiefs understanding that they would return to the Dominican Republic at end of short visit to United States? Likewise, would Caamanoʼs departure and possibly that of Montes Arache be facilitated if they were to receive appropriate invitation for short orientation visit to U.S.? We think that political risks of having Caamano come here would probably outweigh advantages of invitation for short orientation visit but do you think such invitation would make it easier for him to leave Dominican Republic?
- Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, POL 15 DOM REP. Secret; Flash; Exdis. Drafted by Sayre; cleared by Vaughn, Vance, and Bowdler; and approved by Mann.↩