11. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Dominican Republic1
125. Embtel 177.2 Dept shares your view that disruptive oppositionist political activities by Balaguer and Bosch on U.S. soil are undesirable at this critical juncture. Prospects for future political stability and economic development in DR depend to large degree on successful implementation of stabilization program. Obstacles to carrying out program are presently formidable enough without adding stepped up harassment of GODR by Balaguer and Bosch from U.S.
[Page 32]View foregoing we propose, subject your concurrence, to approach Balaguer and Bosch directly to counsel restraint. (Crockett would see former, Shlaudeman latter.)3 We would make following points:
- (1)
- U.S. has given strong support to DR since Trujilloʼs death and cooperated closely with govts of both Balaguer and Bosch in interests DOM people. We made our opposition to Sept. coup crystal clear, and offered hospitality to leading members of deposed regime.
- (2)
- We continue hope for earliest possible return to constitutional and representative government. Interim Reid Govt. knows this and when conditions are propitious we will exert our influence in every way possible to encourage such a return. However, Bosch and Balaguer as realistic men surely recognize that prerequisite conditions for meaningful elections or return to constitutional regime do not presently exist. As patriotic men they wish to see country once again enjoy a democratic order. First order of business in creating necessary climate is overcoming financial crisis. Balaguer and Bosch, along with U.S., therefore have real stake in success of stabilization program.
- (3)
- Fall of Reid regime at this time could benefit no one except perhaps small clique of power-hungry trujillistas and reactionary military. DOM people would be the victims of this step backward. Neither Bosch nor Balaguer can hope for advantage from political overturn under these conditions. (In using this line we assume latter is sincere in professed refusal consider coming to power except through democratic methods.)
- (4)
- U.S. has committed resources and prestige to stabilization program, not to further interests of any politician or political group, but because program is necessary to future well-being of DOM people. We are therefore particularly concerned by activities on U.S. soil which endanger program and which many undoubtedly believe we sanction, but which abuse our hospitality. In making this point we refer specifically to activities on U.S. soil. Publications and broadcasts within DR are internal matter. We are gratified to note that freedom of expression continues exist to large extent in DR and have assurances from GODR that it will not interfere with publication of opposition views which do not violate DOM libel laws or are not patently seditious. (FYI—Bonilla has given us such assurances. He has also stated that playing of taped broadcasts made abroad by Balaguer and Bosch will be permitted in DR if two men observe libel laws, refrain from open calls to sedition and cease using foreign media and radio stations for agitation. You may wish check this point with Reid.)
These are general points only. Approach will vary somewhat considering differing interests and personalities of two men and according to how conversations go but intent will be to make clear to each individual that speeches and broadcasts they have made in U.S. involve the U.S. in internal Dominican politics, which we cannot condone.
Foregoing method of dealing with problem through Bosch and Balaguer themselves appears most feasible in view complexities involved in attempting to approach stations involved and in view constitutional guaranty of freedom of speech.
Will appreciate reply ASAP.4
- Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 59, Central Files 1964–66, POL 30–2 DOM REP. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Shlaudeman and approved by Crockett.↩
- Dated August 17. (Ibid.)↩
- See Document 12. No record of a meeting between Shlaudeman and Bosch was found.↩
- See Document 14.↩