319. Telegram From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Wheeler) to the Commander, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (Westmoreland)1

JCS 10250. Ref: Vientiane 2919, DTG 271051Z Nov 67.2

I have just been informed that the President is very much interested in the recent success of the air strikes against trucks in Laos as reported in reference. He desires that you be informed of his interest and further, that you assure that all possible usable resources are being applied in order to get maximum effectiveness in this area. I might add that I too am impressed with these successes, particularly since as I understand it, approximately 95 percent of these results have been obtained at night. This I regard as phenomenal.
In this regard, DIA has validated the figures contained in the reference and confirms that the total number of trucks destroyed in the Panhandle during the month of November will be approximately 600. On the other hand, DIA believes that the conclusion contained in the reference, that practically no cargoes are reaching the Route 9 area is optimistic since truck sighting figures exceeded damaged and destroyed vehicles during the period 1–25 November by approximately five to one. In addition, about 200 of the trucks reported destroyed or damaged were northbound and probably were not loaded with cargoes destined for areas of Route 9. DIA estimates that more than 300 trucks are currently operated by North Vietnam in this sector of the Ho Chi Minh Trail and are backed up by approximately 2,000 more. Nevertheless, there is no doubt but that we are reducing enemy logistic capabilities in the major combat area, and we are hurting him (I believe more than we realize). Therefore, we should keep up the good work.
I would imagine that the implementation of the Mud River project3 on 1 December will contribute significantly towards your continuing successes in this area. In this regard, DIA has briefed me on the data base which they intend to maintain here in Washington in connection with this project and it looks good. Warm regards.
  1. Source: Center of Military History, Westmoreland Papers, Message Files, COMUSMACV, 1 Nov-30 Nov 1967. Top Secret. Also sent to Sharp and repeated to Sullivan.
  2. In telegram 2919 from Vientiane, November 27, Sullivan reported that he had reviewed with Chief of Staff of the Air Force General McConnell the success of the 7th Air Force against truck traffic on the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Sullivan stated that this success meant that practically none of the dry season cargo was reaching as far south as Route 9 and that he anticipated that the North Vietnamese would soon run out of trucks for the trail. (Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 LAOS)
  3. Not further identified.