199. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to President Johnson1


  • Visit with Prime Minister Souvanna of Laos

Secretary Rusk recommends that you see Souvanna when he is here during the week of October 18.2 So do we. Souvanna has behaved admirably since he assumed office following the Geneva Conference in Laos in 1962, in the face of difficult internal and foreign problems. He has often expressed a desire to retire from office—a development which would compound our problems in Laos and Indochina generally. He would be encouraged and stiffened by a session with you.3

Secretary Rusk’s memorandum is attached.

  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Laos, Vol. XV, Memos, 4/65–1/66. No classification marking. This memorandum was also from Chester Cooper and was sent through Valenti, who wrote on the memorandum that he agreed that the President should see Souvanna.
  2. Recommended in a September 23 memorandum, not attached. (Department of State, Central Files, POL 1 LAOS)
  3. The President declined to see Souvanna. McGeorge Bundy wrote the following note at the end of the memorandum: “CLC [Chester L. Cooper]: this might be revised next week. McGB.” Because of his hernia operation, President Johnson did not see Souvanna, but Vice President Humphrey did; see Document 200.