139. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic and Other Posts1

613. Phoumi Visit. Following are highlights based on uncleared memcons, of Phoumi’s discussions with Department officers which included call on Secretary.2 More detailed accounts by MemCon:3

Connection Moscow visit Phoumi repeated similar information Paris 1910 and 1914 to Dept (notal).4 Concluded Soviets disinterested Laos and have little influence over PL. Apparently he did not obtain clarification Soviet attitude Co-Chairman role.
In Paris he said French urged reconvening Geneva conference without preconditions. Phoumi told Joxe this unacceptable. Conference can be held only if preconditions met and agreement reached on agenda designed to obtain implementation 1962 Geneva Agreements. Also told Joxe not possible to cancel recent government changes.
Phoumi agreed RLG must continue operate within framework Geneva settlement despite lack good faith on part PL, Hanoi and Peiping. However more effective military action needed to persuade Hanoi and Peiping to stop aggression. Phoumi referred approvingly to Gulf Tonkin incident in this connection.
In line with present policy to seek peaceful solution, talks with PL continuing in Paris but RLG would try to shift them back to Laos. Problem is that PL dominated by Communists and there little hope for agreement.
Phoumi sees no problem with expiration special powers. Question of elections must be resolved however either through suspension constitution and appointment Constituent Assembly or amendment of constitution by National Congress postponing elections and empowering King appoint provisional Assembly. Second alternative seemed to have most support. Considering composition of provisional Assembly in same proportion as Government National Union, i.e., one-fourth Conservative, one-fourth PL and half Neutralist.

For our part, we made clear there no change in US policy of support for Geneva Agreements and RLG under Prime Minister Souvanna. Pointed out we do not see what could be gained by attempt to find military solution Lao problem. RLG in strong international position in view PL intransigence and Communist violations Geneva Agreements. Must keep trying find peaceful settlement through political discussions. At same time, of course, RLG should improve its military forces and consolidate control over territory held by RLG. Also emphasized it important that efforts continue to strengthen government administration and improve economic conditions. Latter connection essential that fiscal stability be maintained.

On question elections, we did not offer advice other than that we would hope matter be resolved within framework constitution. In referring to recent recall Lao ambassador Hanoi, we stressed importance that relations not be broken and that contact be maintained with DRV despite NVN bad faith.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 7 LAOS. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Barbis; cleared by Trueheart, Clunan, and in substance with James Ozzello of EUR; and cleared by Green. Sent to Vientiane, Bangkok, Saigon, London, Paris, Moscow, New Delhi, Ottawa, Tokyo, Taipei, Hong Kong, and CINCPAC.
  2. Phoumi had a working lunch with Harriman on October 3, met with Rusk on October 4, and then met with Harriman and other Department of State officials later that day. On October 5 Phoumi met with officials at the Department of Defense, see Document 137.
  3. Dated October 5. (Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 LAOS)
  4. In telegrams 1910 and 1914, October 2 and 3, the Embassy transmitted reports of Phoumi’s discussions in Moscow with the Deputy Foreign Minister and the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. (Both ibid., POL 27 LAOS)