245. Editorial Note

President Johnson attended a luncheon meeting of his foreign policy advisers on September 4, 1968, in the White House. Present were Secretary of State Rusk, Secretary of Defense Clifford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Wheeler, General Taylor, Special Assistants Rostow and Christian. Discussion at the meeting was on a variety of topics, with the issue of a possible visit of Special Adviser on Asian Economic and Social Development, Eugene Black, to Cambodia interspersed throughout the conversation. After lunch, Rusk stated: “Prince Sihanouk has agreed to see Eugene Black. Does the President want to see him [Black].” Rusk later added: “The Black visit may bring about the release of our men theyʼre holding.” Still later in the meeting, President Johnson stated: “Iʼll be happy to see Gene Black. Who will you send with him?” Rusk answered: “Thomas Corcoran, the country man for Laos and Cambodia.” (Notes drafted by Christian, September 4; Johnson Library, Meeting Notes File) According to the Presidentʼs Daily Diary, this luncheon meeting lasted from 1:23 to 2:23 p.m. (Ibid.)