70. Telegram From the Embassy in Libya to the Department of State1

859. 1. During nearly two hour talk with King in Tobruq March 29 I had occasion ask for clarification certain questions relating to base negotiations. I reviewed (a) our last conversation this subject, in which he had stated objective was for US to maintain base through lifetime of agreement, (b) Muntasir’s subsequent request for early announcement of date we prepared resume negotiations (within framework of objective as stated by King) and (c) Maaziq’s indication no statement needed until Parliament meets and his desire review Muntasir’s tactic with King before committing himself on specific request to US. I mentioned we of course welcomed Libyan objective have US remain at Wheelus long as possible and wished cooperate in whatever way best suited to obtain that objective. My govt had been studying Muntasir request in that light and in context of our mutual desire to maintain the independence and integrity of Libya and to preserve and strengthen its institutions including Senoussi Monarchy.

[Page 106]

2. King said he very much appreciated last statement and he then reiterated that he and govt wanted US to stay at Wheelus during life of agreement and, if situation permitted, even after that date. He said he had informed Muntasir of our conversation (February 25) and Muntasir had reported to him conversation with me (March 4), including Muntasir’s view that it would be necessary to do something to placate those who demanded our withdrawal from the base. King said he did not believe anything should be volunteered and that no public statement before Parliament convened should be contemplated. Even after Parliament met there would be no need to say anything about resuming negotiations unless question were asked.

3. I asked if he no longer believed in possibility taking public position explaining in full frankness his true position: that it was in Libyan national interest to keep the base at least through 1971. King said this was still possibility that would be considered at the time and he agreed that attitude and strength of public opinion must at all times be gauged with greatest care.

4. Upshot of this discussion was agreement along following lines: (a) that our objective was the same: for US to keep the base going at least through 1971; (b) that tactics he pursued following the convocation of the new Parliament May 22 might involve a forthright expression of the true intentions of the King and his govt or announcement of a date for resuming Libyan-American discussions, for example next Sept; (c) in light of (a), if discussions actually took place they would not deal with date of our withdrawal; (d) there was no present need for USG authorization for the GOL to announce a time for resumption of talks; (e) it was hoped any such statement, if required, could be deferred as long as possible, but it was recognized, that the GOL should be prepared to handle questions about Wheelus when Parliament met; and (f) further details as to what exactly the GOL wanted from US for this purpose should await discussions between King, the Prime Minister and new Foreign Minister.

5. The King said he understood Maaziq had been briefed on all aspects of situation as FonMin. He would now inform Maaziq as PriMin of our talk. King said that if I saw PriMin first I should feel free to tell him of this conversation. I thanked him for clarifying situation and we went on to discuss other subjects.

6. I asked about Mahmud Muntasir’s new position, where he would be living and what his true role would be. I referred to increasingly heavy burdens King had assumed in recent months and wondered if Muntasir would not now be able lighten this load. King said that was exactly why he had appointed him as Diwan Chief. I asked if it was fair to compare Muntasir’s position with that of King Hassan’s Bellafrej. King Idris agreed this was correct. He went on to say that “Muntasir had [Page 107] agreed come and live with us here,” where climate was good for his health especially his high blood pressure.

Other subjects discussed reported separate messages.

7. Comment

I consider Muntasir’s recent proposal as definitely shelved for time being. Next move clearly up to GOL.
This is no current plan for any GOL statement on base question but GOL must be ready to answer questions when Parliament convenes March 22.
Neither Muntasir nor Buuri expected back in Libya until next week and no decision likely until they and Maaziq and King get together.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 15 LIBYA–US. Secret; Priority. Repeated to London, USAFE, USCINCEUR, Baida, and Benghazi.