656. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in South Africa1
Washington, April 11, 1968,
145178. Subj: SWA and UN.
- 1.
- Amb. Taswell delivered to Under Secy. Rostow April 9 two communications from SAG to UN SYG on Terrorism Trial and SAG willingness receive representative of SYG, and copy of parliamentary bill authorizing SAG proceed with steps toward Bantustans in SWA.
- 2.
- Ambassador specified SAG not willing discuss release of prisoners with SYG’s representative, but he would be allowed look over conditions in Territory. Ambassador gave usual arguments for SA distrust of UN and for methods of repressing terrorism and separating groups in SWA. SAG would continue to govern in spirit of mandate, he said. Under Secy. welcomed SAG’s willingness receive UN representative.
- 3.
- Ambassador agreed with Under Secy. retroactive character Terrorism Act regrettable but refused accept argument usual principles of justice should be followed in Ovamboland. He repeated references to street executions in Saigon and Israeli crossing of frontiers as actions making SAG look moderate.
- 4.
- He rejected view war situation not analogous with situation in Ovamboland on ground SAG wanted nip any unrest stimulated from abroad before could develop.
- 5.
- Under Secy. agreed to study documents and comment if appropriate.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 29 SW AFR. Confidential. Drafted by Campbell on April 9; cleared by Clark, Gleysteen, Runyon, and Palmer; and approved by Thomas O. Enders of M. Sent to Cape Town, and repeated to USUN, Pretoria, Durban, Johannesburg, and Port Elizabeth.↩