507. Memorandum of Telephone Conversation Between the Deputy Secretary of Defense (Vance) and the Under Secretary of State (Ball)1

Ball said we have been giving a very hard look at the whole Rhodesian problem; we have been talking with the British, etc. Ball said we are seriously contemplating voluntary oil embargo on Rhodesia and effect would probably be that Rhodesia would cut off flow of POL into Zambia and we might have to have some airlift. British have asked if we would set up separate airlift, but we are considering one ancillary to British. Ball said he thinks time has come where we should sit down and take a hard look at this with some of Vance’s people. Vance asked what sort of quantity Ball had in mind and Ball said initially about three Connies. Ball said one of limiting factors is hard stands at the two airports. Vance said MAT supply is short right now. Ball asked about availability of a few planes and Vance said he thought it could be done. Vance said he would look into it and have his people get together with Ball’s. Ball said should be tomorrow as British want to move on announcement of oil embargo before December 15. Vance said he was coming over for Noon meeting and they could talk further about it.

  1. Source: Johnson Library, Ball Papers, S. Rhodesia, 10/2/65–5/10/66. No classification marking. The source text bears the typed initials “jm.”