236. Memorandum for the Record1


  • Discussions with Secretary Rusk, 11 February 1964 3:00 p.m.

[Here follow four items of discussion not related to Ghana.]

5. Discussed the Ghana situation,2 reviewing the memorandum #0681/64 on Nkrumah anti-American push3 and stated that despite denials there was no question in our minds that Nkrumah and others in his government were behind the anti-American agitation in Ghana. Advised the Secretary that I felt the substantial aid programs, including the Volta Dam and the Aluminum Project should be reviewed in view of Nkrumah’s attitude and that I thought that he might have a sensitive situation on the Hill unless this was done. The Secretary asked whether General Ankrah might not take over. I stated that we had no indication, observed the General had no political ambition and thought that if it was desired to develop something, we might work with the British on a joint program. No decision was reached. I suggested this be discussed with Home and Butler while they are here.

Note: Following this meeting I reviewed the Ghana subject with Governor Harriman and in the course of the conversations advised both Rusk and Harriman that Edgar Kaiser was going to dine with me this evening.

[Here follow nine items of discussion not related to Ghana.]

  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DCI (McCone) Files: Job 80–B01285A, DCI (McCone) Memo for the Record, 01 Jan.–15 Apr. 64. Secret; Eyes Only. Drafted by McCone.
  2. McCone and Rusk had reviewed the Ghana situation on February 6. According to McCone’s memorandum for the record, Rusk “raised the question of the ability of General Ankrah to take over the government.” McCone replied that “the General, in our opinion, was well respected in Ghana, but not inclined to accept responsibility.” Rusk asked McCone to explore this prospect fully and report to him. (Ibid.)
  3. Not found.