251. Telegram From the Embassy in Iran to the Department of State1
Tehran, December 5, 1967,
2410. New Era in U.S.-Iran Relations.
- 1.
- Referring to four major economic projects which Shah had inaugurated preceding two days in Khuzistan, I began 90-minute audience with him 5th by suggesting this experience was for me dramatic example of new partnership between US and Iran which President had in mind when issuing statement re conclusion of AID program in Iran. I noted all four projects have some American private sector participation. At same time they fully Iranian in character and foreign contribution is mix of several nationalities.
- 2.
- Shah was obviously exhilarated by launching above-mentioned projects. In characteristic mood he said Iran would go on to greater heights in economic development. Noting that natural gas has 2700 possible derivatives, including even aspirin tablets, Shah said petrochemical field is one area where Iran can achieve large-scale success. He looks particularly to Americans who have leadership in petrochemicals to be helpful. He also referred to special relationship with US which he wishes to maintain in desalinization field.
- 3.
- There followed philosophical discussion of factors which have caused Iranian spectacular success, e.g. oil income and its wise use, stability stemming from cultural tradition of monarchy, Iran’s ability to adjust to changing times and to pick up good points from various societies. When subject of strong leadership was mentioned, Shah quickly described this as an ingredient temporary in nature. He said he looks forward to day not too far distant when Iran will also take off in institutionalized representative government.
- 4.
- Referring again to USAID termination celebration on November 30, I noted fine publicity this received in US and my impression that broader segment of American public opinion as well as President and USG grateful that Iran is success story of type envisaged when President Truman began Point Four Program. I said I felt appreciation is all the greater because number of such examples is too few. Shah expressed gratitude for President’s kind words.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL IRAN–US. Confidential. Repeated to CINCSTRIKE/USCINCMEAFSA.↩