250. Letter From President Johnson to the Shah of Iran1
Your Imperial Majesty:
This is to let you know that I have received and read with interest your letter of November 15.2 I am considering the points you raised and will respond soon.
I wish also to add a personal word to my formal statement for the ceremonies here this week marking the closing of our AID mission in Tehran.3 I am sure from our talks together you know how highly I respect the work you and your people are doing in the development of your nation. Many times—as I face frustrating and difficult problems in various parts of the world—I am heartened to remember what Iran has accomplished under your great leadership. And I would underscore my hope that the end of our AID program will be the beginning of a new era of cooperation and partnership between our countries.
I am grateful for the close relationship that exists between ourselves and between Iran and the United States, and I look forward to continuing and strengthening this relationship.
Mrs. Johnson joins me in sending warmest wishes to you and to the Empress.
- Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Special Head of State Correspondence File, Iran, 9/1/67–12/31/67. No classification marking. Telegram 76981 to Tehran, November 30, transmitted the text of the letter for delivery to the Shah. (Department of State, Central Files, AID (U.S.) IRAN)↩
- Document 242.↩
- For text of statements on November 29 by Secretary Rusk and President Johnson marking the termination of the U.S. AID mission in Iran, see Department of State Bulletin, December 18, 1967, pp. 825–827.↩