254. Message From Premier Kosygin to President Johnson1
Dear Mr. President:
By my instructions, we have just communicated with Damascus. From Damascus we have been informed that military actions are in [Page 423] progress in the vicinity of the city of Kuneitra where Israeli troops continue their offensive operations.
I can assure you that we did everything possible on our part to stop the war against Syria and the UAR. If today all military actions are concluded, it will be necessary to proceed to the next step of evacuating the territory occupied by Israel and the return of troops behind the armistice line.
I consider that we should maintain contact with you on this matter.
- Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Head of State Correspondence, USSR, Washington-Moscow “Hot-Line” Exchange, 6/5–10/67. No classification marking. The message is labeled “Translation,” with a typed notation indicating a sight translation was made at 11:40 a.m., and the message was received by the President at 11:43 a.m. A typed notation on a copy of the message in Russian states it was transmitted by Soviet Molink at 11:31 a.m. and received by U.S. Molink at 11:34 a.m. (Ibid.)↩