253. Telegram From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander-in-Chief European Command (Lemnitzer)1
Washington, June 10, 1967,
JCS 7628. Subj: Sixth Fleet Movement (C).
- 1.
- (S) Continued lack of Israeli and Syrian response to the cease fire has caused USSR to make a declaration of the possible use of military force against Israeli.
- 2.
- (S) The following moves are precautionary only; however necessary, preparatory measures should be taken.
- 3.
- (S) Request you direct following movements:
- a.
- TG 60.1 and TG 60.2 steam at moderate speed toward 33°00’ North 33°00’ East. Do not permit fleet elements to operate east of 33°00’ East or south of 33°00’ North unless so directed by JCS.2
- b.
- PHIBRON 6 to vicinity off Southern Crete.
- 4.
- (S) Do not disclose reason for move to media.
- 5.
- (U) Acknowledge receipt.
- Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Middle East Crisis, Vol. VI. Secret; Flash. Drafted by Captain R.L. Kopps (USN), reflecting telephoned instructions from McNamara; see Document 245. Repeated to CINCUSNAVEUR and COMSIXTHFLT.↩
- JCS telegram 7635, June 10, modified paragraph 3a of JCS 7628 to direct TG 60.1 and TG 60.2 to operate in the general area north of 33°00’ North and west of 33°00’ East. It directed that fleet elements, including aircraft, should not be permitted to operate south of 33°00’ North or east of 33°00’ East unless so ordered by the JCS. (Johnson Library, National Security File, NSC Histories, Middle East Crisis, Vol. 7, Appendix H)↩