253. Telegram From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander-in-Chief European Command (Lemnitzer)1

JCS 7628. Subj: Sixth Fleet Movement (C).

(S) Continued lack of Israeli and Syrian response to the cease fire has caused USSR to make a declaration of the possible use of military force against Israeli.
(S) The following moves are precautionary only; however necessary, preparatory measures should be taken.
(S) Request you direct following movements:
TG 60.1 and TG 60.2 steam at moderate speed toward 33°00’ North 33°00’ East. Do not permit fleet elements to operate east of 33°00’ East or south of 33°00’ North unless so directed by JCS.2
PHIBRON 6 to vicinity off Southern Crete.
(S) Do not disclose reason for move to media.
(U) Acknowledge receipt.
  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Middle East Crisis, Vol. VI. Secret; Flash. Drafted by Captain R.L. Kopps (USN), reflecting telephoned instructions from McNamara; see Document 245. Repeated to CINCUSNAVEUR and COMSIXTHFLT.
  2. JCS telegram 7635, June 10, modified paragraph 3a of JCS 7628 to direct TG 60.1 and TG 60.2 to operate in the general area north of 33°00’ North and west of 33°00’ East. It directed that fleet elements, including aircraft, should not be permitted to operate south of 33°00’ North or east of 33°00’ East unless so ordered by the JCS. (Johnson Library, National Security File, NSC Histories, Middle East Crisis, Vol. 7, Appendix H)