189. Letter From Prime Minister Eshkol to President Johnson1

Dear Mr. President,

I wish to tell you how much I appreciate your having sent Governor Harriman and Mr. Komer here. As I told Bob Komer the night before he left, our discussions were at times outspoken, but they were discussions between friends.

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Happily they concluded in agreement in writing and orally.

This was possible above all because of our confidence that we can always rely on your understanding, goodwill and friendship. This knowledge is far more important for me than words.

I know the heavy burden of responsibility that rests upon you as you strive to preserve the peace and maintain freedom throughout the world, in a period of great danger. My prayers and good wishes go out to you.

For myself, I am the custodian of a small estate and the representative of a small people. We are surrounded by enemies. I believe we will win our way to peace, but it will be a hard road. We have nowhere to retreat.

You can be assured, Mr. President, that we will fulfil the agreement in complete good faith.

My wife joins me in sending Mrs. Johnson and yourself our blessings for good health and peace.

Sincerely yours,

L. Eshkol
  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security Files, Special Head of State Correspondence Fle, Israel, Presidential Correspondence. No classification marking.