184. Editorial Note

From July through September 1967, President Johnson and President Tito exchanged a series of letters concerning the crisis in the Middle East. The exchange was initiated by President Tito at a July 27 meeting with Chief Justice Earl Warren at which he gave Warren a message for the President. Tito’s approach was prompted by the June “Six-Day War” between Israel and a coalition of Arab states. The Tito-Johnson correspondence concerned the possible terms of a settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Copies of the correspondence are in the Johnson Library, National Security File, Heads of State Correspondence, Yugoslavia. Other documentation relating to the Yugoslav initiative is ibid., Country File, Yugoslavia, Memos, Vol. 2.; ibid., NSC Histories, Middle East Crisis; Department of State, Central Files, POL 17 YUGO–US; and ibid., Yugoslav Desk Files; Lot 78 D 198, Per 4.