339. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom1
Washington, December 20, 1968,
290321. Subject: Possible Spanish Relationship with NATO.
- 1.
- Since 1953 the Spanish Government has indicated to the USG varying degrees of interest in some form of association with, if not membership in, NATO. We recall the sharp Spanish reaction at the lack of consultation at the time COMIBERLANT was established. The GOS pointed out that the Spanish Atlantic Coast was included in the IBERLANT area and thus Spain had a legitimate interest in participating in the defense of the area.
- 2.
- As recently as mid-November of this year, during Secretary Rusk’s visit to Madrid, the GOS reminded us of its desire to participate in the defense planning for the Spanish Atlantic area and the Mediterranean in coordination with the U.S. and other Western European countries. Spain also would wish to participate in the decision making process in defense matters pertinent to its area of concern.
- 3.
- We realize that a number of NATO members are ideologically hostile to the current Spanish regime. We also recognize that the British Government is troubled by Spanish claims to Gibraltar. Nevertheless, there are other NATO Allies who believe that Spain, by virtue of geography alone, is a valuable potential contributor to an enhanced NATO defense posture in the Atlantic and Mediterranean. The mutual benefits of such a contribution are increasingly apparent in light of growing Soviet Military presence and political activities in those regions. For example, Spanish naval forces in the Mediterranean and Atlantic could cooperate with NATO forces through surveillance and intelligence exchange, coordinated planning, and combined exercises, thereby enhancing Western capabilities in the area. In the longer term, NATO could benefit from Spain’s air defense capabilities in the same fashion.
- 4.
- For these reasons we are giving consideration to finding means by
which a suitable Spanish relationship with NATO could be established. In light of particular British
interests in this question, we wish to discuss the matter with the U.K.
and seek its views and possible support before developing a final
position. If the U.K. would be prepared to agree to a suitable
Spanish/NATO tie, we believe that
political objections on the part of other NATO Allies could be overcome. Therefore, you are
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requested to approach the
FonOff at a suitably high level along the following lines:
- A.
- You should draw on the foregoing to explain the purpose of and the rationale behind our approach.
- B.
- You should outline the following possible means of effecting a
Spanish tie with NATO. We
believe that these proposals would involve neither an amendment
of the treaty nor action by Parliaments.
- 1.
- Political relationships could involve establishing a liaison channel between the Secretary General and an agent of the Spanish Government (presumably the Spanish Ambassador in Brussels). Spanish concerns and interests could thus be conveyed to the Alliance and Alliance views and concerns to the Spaniards. Another means would be the establishment of a “Spanish Group” within NATO along the lines of existing open-ended Malta Group. Thus those countries with interests in the Mediterranean, for example, could meet on a regular basis or as needed with a Spanish representative. Since Spanish interest is based on defense considerations, this group might operate under the DPC. This aegis would stress the defense aspect of the relationship. Such a group could also be limited to littoral powers or those militarily active in the Mediterranean. This restricted group would have the effect of emphasizing Spanish interest in and potential contribution to the mutual defense position in the Mediterranean.
- 2.
- Either in conjunction with the political relationship outlined in B.1 above or in the absence of such a relationship, Spanish liaison with NATO military organs might be established. In this area there are a variety of possibilities that could include a liaison mission to the Military Committee in Brussels. Consideration in the MC of Mediterranean or IBERLANT issues could thus take place in the presence of a Spanish liaison officer. This arrangement would permit effective coordination of defense planning while allowing the Spanish to present views or military issues concerning their areas of interest. Similarily, Spanish liaison missions could be accredited to SHAPE, AFSOUTH and IBERLANT (and possibly SACLANT as the superior command for IBERLANT). Spanish relationship under such an arrangement would be removed from the conspicuous arena of NATO Headquarters and permit regional defense planning in a more apolitical environment.
- C.
- In your presentation you should stress the practical value of the military relationship outlined in B.2 above. You should make the point that Spain can contribute to the achievement of NATO defense objectives in the Mediterranean and IBERLANT areas and that such arrangements would not necessarily imply approval of the present Spanish regime.
- D.
- You should urge favorable consideration by the U.K. of the principle of a limited Spanish relationship with NATO. You should also state that we would welcome British support for this concept within NATO.
- E.
- If in your judgment our purposes would be served by noting relationship of this suggestion to current US-Spanish base negotiations, you may wish to say that a Spanish association with NATO could favorably affect the outcome of the base negotiations. In this connection, you should point out that US facilities in Spain serve NATO as well as US interests, e.g., Spain is home base for US Strike wing assigned to southern flank, communications links important to NATO are located in Spain, and the use of the naval base at Rota helps maintain the nuclear deterrent in the Eastern Atlantic. In addition, US bases in Spain play an important role in US ability to react swiftly to Mediterranean area contingencies.
- 5.
- U.K. reactions to the approach should be reported fully with information copies to addressees of this message.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, NATO 6 SP. Secret; Limdis. Drafted by Blumberg (EUR/RPM), cleared by Leddy, and approved by Secretary Rusk. Repeated to Madrid and the Mission to NATO.↩