191. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations1

23304. NATUS. Ref: Paris 1801.2 You should inform next meeting of 14 of status US bilateral discussions with France along following lines:

Two meetings have been held at sub-ministerial level to identify problems relating to withdrawal of US forces and materiel from France. US indicated that while it did not accept deadline of next April 1 for such withdrawal, it nonetheless is planning removals as rapidly as feasible. It was made clear, however, that a period beyond April 1 will be required to complete removals of logistics facilities. These discussions are to continue as US relocation plans are completed.
Two meetings have also been held at ministerial level regarding right of re-entry by US forces and materiel into military facilities in France at time of a NATO alert, or in other circumstances such as Berlin crisis. French side made clear no US military personnel or stocks could remain in France in peacetime. They will seek clarification whether exception could be made for pipeline operation. Couve further made clear that his instructions were that no re-entry would be possible except after declaration by war by France. He was willing to seek clarification whether France might agree to re-entry on occasion of NATO alert in which France participated. This will be subject of further discussion in September. US indicated that it would wish utilize certain airfield, depot and communication facilities as well as pipeline in time of emergency so they would be fully operational in event of hostilities.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 4 FR–US. Secret. Drafted by Beigel; cleared by Getz, Stoessel, U, and OASD/ISA; and approved by Vest. Repeated to the other NATO capitals.
  2. Telegram 1801, August 5, asked for a summary of the status of U.S.-French bilateral talks. (Ibid.)