49. Telegram From the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to President Johnson, in Texas1

CAP 65391. Following two telegrams, to and from Max Taylor, show that we are over the hump on the Lodge transition except for details. Taylor accepts both Lodge appointment and McNamara/Lodge visit in good cheer and his preference for a short turn-around period is in accordance with ours. I think this means that the McNamara trip should be announced Tuesday2 and the Lodge appointment later in the week. We will be sending draft announcements to Taylor with the notation that they are subject to your review and approval after his comment.

To Saigon number 39, July 3, 19653

Top Secret; Nodis; Eyes Only

During this past week the President and his principal advisers have been wrestling hard with the extent to which we should augment ground combat forces between now and the end of the year. Understand Westmoreland is filling you in on his exchanges with Wheeler, which indicate the program under consideration. We are especially concerned with the question whether a 44 battalion force would mean taking over the war to the extent that would diminish GVN and ARVN performance and perhaps at some point stimulate further Vietnamese popular opposition. No attempt was made this week to resolve the issue and we would welcome comment from you and Alex that would help us with our thinking next week.

In view of far reaching decisions the President believes that it would be useful to us all if McNamara could visit Saigon starting about July 15 for five or six days. Wheeler and someone from Department would accompany.

As you know, President is deeply grateful for your willingness to stay on for short period beyond your original commitment of last year but he also feels a personal obligation to that commitment. He plans to name Cabot Lodge as your successor and he could be in position to report for duty about August 15. President is very eager that Lodge should accompany McNamara in order to get fully and locally briefed before meeting Senate committee for confirmation and to take part in decisions which he must largely carry out.

[Page 127]

If Lodge should accompany McNamara this again raises question of when public announcement of your retirement and his nomination should be made. In order to avoid slightest speculation that McNamara visit led somehow to your replacement there could be advantage in announcing change in Ambassadorship when party leaves Washington for Saigon.

As you know, President has unlimited regard for the job you have done and the sacrifices it has entailed on your part. I am quite sure that he would wish to have your own reactions to the handling of the changeover before pushing any buttons. Viet Nam situation is sufficiently special to set aside normal practice in which one Ambassador in no way appears until his predecessor has departed. But we also realize that handling of South Vietnamese situation between public announcement and your departure is of considerable importance. Please let me have your comments soonest. Rusk.

From Saigon nr. 38, July 4, 19654

Top Secret; Nodis; Eyes Only

Party most welcome July 15 or sooner since time is pressing for decisions on deployments. Please let us have desires of party with regard to program members wish arranged. We will update US Mission estimate of situation and forward it prior to departure of party.

Agree with desirability of Lodge coming with Secretary McNamara and of Washington announcement of plan for Ambassadorial succession at time of departure from Washington. However, I would not want to stay on for month as “lame duck” Ambassador, and would like to depart Saigon shortly after departure of visiting group.

Suggest announcement of McNamara visit without mention of Lodge soonest since preparatory measures for visit will soon become visible and leak is likely. Lodge announcement would then be made on departure from Washington.5

I would appreciate opportunity to comment on draft text of both announcements. Taylor.

  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Vietnam, NODIS-LOR, Vol. II(B). Top Secret; Nodis; Eyes Only.
  2. July 6.
  3. The Department of State copy is in Department of State, Central Files,POL 27 VIET S.
  4. Also ibid.
  5. In telegram 61 to Saigon, July 6, the Secretary indicated that the feeling in Washington was that it would be best to combine the announcement of the McNamara visit and the Lodge appointment. (Ibid.) The White House announced the visit and the appointment on July 8. (The New York Times, July 9, 1965) In his July 8 letter to Taylor accepting his resignation, President Johnson stated that he did so “only because I am bound to honor the understanding we had at the time of your initial appointment.” (Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Vietnam, Vol. XXXVII, Memos (A))