153. Memorandum From the National Security Council Executive Secretary (Smith) to the President’s Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy)1

Mr. Bundy:

Califano told me the following Friday afternoon:2

The President asked him to discuss with McNamara the McNamara memo3 on increasing the number of US forces in South Vietnam. The President wanted to know whether a decision had to be made immediately.
Califano said McNamara told him a decision did not have to be made today.
Upon reporting this information to the President, the President asked that a meeting be set up Tuesday to include McNamara, Secretary Rusk, you and Califano to discuss any increase in the current level of forces. The President appeared reluctant to contemplate going above 200,000 and asked Califano to ask McNamara to be prepared with an alternative ceiling.
McNamara will be ready with an alternative proposal on Tuesday, including a phased movement of forces spread over a longer period of time so that a decision could be taken at any time to stop further increases.

Marvin Watson has scheduled a luncheon for Tuesday at 1 p.m. at which time this subject can be discussed.4

  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Vietnam, Vol. XL, Memos. Top Secret.
  2. September 24.
  3. Document 147.
  4. A note on the source text in Smith’s hand reads as follows: “Later: Luncheon cancelled. Reason not given. Meeting now being set up for noon Wednesday. BKS.” See Document 155.