326. Memorandum for the Record1


  • Meeting in the Cabinet Room at 1700 on 2 June 1965


  • The President
  • For State: Messrs. Rusk, Ball, Mann, Bunker, and Vaughn
  • For Defense: Messrs. McNamara and Vance
  • For the White House: Messrs. Bundy, Moyers, and Bromley Smith
  • For CIA: Messrs. Raborn and Helms

[Here follows discussion unrelated to Vietnam.]

9. At 1810, Messrs. Mann, Bunker, and Vaughn departed the meeting and the discussion turned to Vietnam. Mr. McNamara presented the strikes plan under Rolling Thunder XVII. The President instructed Mr. McNamara to be sure that there was adequate CAP aircraft on each strike. Target 43 came in for much discussion after which it was decided to take it out of the Rolling Thunder XVII plan. Mr. Ball gave a detailed presentation of his concerns over the policy which was guiding the bombing in the North. He said he had sent a telegram to Ambassadors Taylor and Johnson, asking them to reply to certain basic questions.2 He presented a case for the fact that the thrust of the bombings from this time onward ran every risk of escalating the war and pleaded for a hard look to be taken at the purpose of the bombings and a pattern which would be pursued. Admiral Raborn informed the meeting that our estimate on this general question would be available within the next forty-eight hours.3 The meeting adjourned with the understanding that this question of the bombings would be the principal topic of conversation when Ambassador Taylor arrives for consultation.

Richard Helms4
Deputy Director
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, DCI (Helms) Files, Job 80 BO 1285A, Chrono as DDP and DDCI, 1 Jan-31 Dec 65. Secret. Prepared by Helms on June 3.
  2. Document 324.
  3. SNIE 10–6–65, dated June 2, and SNIE 10–6/1–65 and SNIE 10–7–65, both dated June 4, all dealt with issues involved in U.S. air strikes in North and South Vietnam. (Department of State, INR/EAP Files: Lot 90 D 99) Regarding SNIE 10–6–65, see Document 318.
  4. Printed from a copy that indicates Helms signed the original.