239. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1

2184. Deliver 9:00 a.m. Sunday.2 Joint State-Defense message. High level decision made here to deploy following units to RVN. One Marine BLT to Hue-Phu Bai area, 1 Marine BLT to Danang, 1 RLT Headquarters and required elements of MEB Headquarters to Danang, 1 USMC F4 Squadron with required elements MAG Headquarters to Danang, 1 RB-66 Recce Task Force to Tan Son Nhut and 1 Army LOG Command and 1 Army Eng Const. Group. Ambassador Taylor participated in discussions leading up to decision and will take up matter deployment of these forces with GVN upon his return Saigon.

Mission of Marine elements expanded to include engagement in counterinsurgency combat operations. Concept for employment of MEB forces in Danang-Hue-Phu Bai area to be developed in field in accord with high level Washington discussions to be communicated by Ambassador Taylor. In view military and political implications request report on mission of Marine elements be furnished Washington as soon as talks with GVN completed.

Pacing of deployments is of critical import as we do not desire give impression rapid massive buildup but intent is to accomplish deployment of above Marine forces earliest feasible after Ambassador Taylor secures permission GVN. Desire indicate we continuing on course previously set and gradual buildup proceeding according to plan. In keeping this policy, deployments, other than Marines, will be spaced over period time with publicity re all deployments kept at lowest key possible.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 27 VIET S. Top Secret; Immediate; Exdis. Drafted by Cleland, cleared by Friedman (DOD), and approved by Unger. Repeated to Vientiane, CINCPAC, COMUSMACV, Bangkok, and the Department of Defense.
  2. April 4.