348. Editorial Note

Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, in Bangkok for discussions with Thai leaders, was scheduled to depart at 2 p.m. on May 9, but General Phoumi requested that he delay his departure so that they could have a brief meeting at the airport. Phoumi was scheduled to arrive at Bangkok from his good will mission to Kuala Lumpur at 3 p.m., May 9. McNamara was not inclined to delay his departure for Saigon, unless the Department of State advised him to do so. The Department suggested that McNamara make sure that he left Bangkok before Phoumi arrived in order to avoid a chance meeting. Ambassador Young remained at the airport to inform Phoumi that McNamara’s schedule could not be changed at the last minute. Phoumi seemed genuinely upset and disappointed, according to Young. (Telegrams 1724 from Bangkok, 1714 to Bangkok, both May 8, and 1732 from Bangkok, May 9; Department of State, Central Files, 033.1100-McN/5–862 and 033.1100-McN/5–962) Documentation on McNamara’s trip to Thailand is in volume XXIII.