465. Memorandum From the Director of the Office of Southeast Asian Affairs (Koren) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Harriman)0


  • Troop Withdrawal from Thailand

It is my understanding that at the meeting with President at 11:30 this morning1 Secretary McNamara may raise the question of troop withdrawal from Thailand and the proposed logistic build-up in Thailand. I am not sure what recommendation Defense will make, but a draft I saw last night proposed a tentative date of between November 15–30. They would recommend working out with the Thais now the details of the logistics build-up and beginning it as soon as possible. I told Bundy’s office I was sure we would go along with such a recommendation. We have, however, a complication if it is true as per para. 4 of Bangkok’s 598 (attached)2 that Sarit wants the troops out right away. Though he may have said this, I think he could be persuaded to the November date if the situation were fully presented to him.

The British are very anxious to get our reaction to their proposed withdrawal of their air squadron sometime between Oct. 7 and 25. They already have Thai blessing from Thanat. I see no reason we should not concur in a date around the middle of October and would recommend it be done without publicity.

I recommend you take the position that our troops remain until about the middle of November, that this be worked out in detail with Sarit, but be talked over fully with Thanat when he is here next week. I recommend we also talk with the Thais on the logistics build-up soonest. Finally, I recommend that I be authorized to tell the British that we have no objection to their proposed withdrawal.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 711.551/9–2862. Secret.
  2. The meeting with the President at 11:30 a.m., attended by Ball, McNamara, Gilpatric, Nitze, Harriman, Hilsman, McCone, [text not declassified], Taylor, Lemnitzer, and Forrestal, was mainly concerned with Laos, but the President approved the retention of U.S. combat troops in Thailand pending a further review of developments in Laos. A record of the meeting is printed in vol. XXIV, p. 904.
  3. Dated September 27. (Department of State, Central Files, 792.00/9–2762)