100. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Pakistan0

1500. You authorized transmit following letter from President to Ayub:

“Dear Mr. President:

I have given close and sympathetic consideration to your several recent messages on developments in South Asia. Ambassador Rountree has Is reported fully to me on your conversation with him on 7 January, 1962.1 In turn, I have just personally discussed the many issues mutually confronting us with Ambassador Aziz Ahmed.

As a firm ally, Pakistan is entitled to the reaffirmation you have requested of the prior assurances given by the United States to Pakistan on the subject of aggression against Pakistan. My Government certainly stands by these assurances. I trust that you will agree, however, that a public statement to this effect would not be fruitful at this juncture.

In closing, let me reiterate my confidence in the ability of our two nations, working closely together, to achieve our common goals.

With warm personal regards, John F. Kennedy

Inform Dept transmittal date.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 711.11-KE/1-2662. Secret; Niact; Verbatim Text. Drafted by Gatch; cleared by Hewitt, McGhee (in substance), and Bromley Smith; and approved by Talbot.
  2. Rountree returned to Washington on January 7 and presumably reported directly to Kennedy on his conversation with Ayub. No record of Rountree’s meeting with Kennedy has been found.