- Adams, J. Wesley, 3, 36n, 37n, 43n, 54
- Adams, Gen. Paul D., 404n, 441–442, 452, 453–454
- Afghanistan (see also
Afghan - Soviet relations; Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute), 183
- Bowles’ visit (1962), 216–219
- economic situation, 659
- Helmand Valley project, 12, 15, 218
- India, relations with, 549
- Iran transit route, 93, 95, 137n, 146, 169, 175, 185, 191, 193, 196, 239, 444, 445
- Kennedy - Zahir correspondence, 101–103, 109–111
- Naim’s visit to U.S. (1962), 331–332, 334–338political situation, 327, 521, 659–660
- U.S. aid to limit Soviet influence, 226, 238–240
- U.S. economic assistance (see also Iran transit route above), 12–15, 43–44, 51, 76–78, 86–87, 137, 143–144, 218
- U.S. education assistance, 13–14
- U.S. objectives re, 475–476
- Yusuf government, installation of, 521
- Zahir’s visit to U.S. (1963), 484–485, 657–660, 669–671
- Afghan - Soviet relations, 17, 21, 34, 216n
- Ahmed, Aziz, 20, 37, 53,
66, 232–233, 326, 661
- Chinese representation in U.N., 207–208
- Indian - Pakistani relations:
- Indian - Soviet relations, 285–287
- Kashmir dispute:
- Kashmir negotiations:
- Pakistan Consortium, 206–207
- Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute, 92–94, 112–113
- Pakistani - Chinese relations:
- Pakistani - U.S. relations, 306
- U.S. military assistance to India, 125, 256, 257, 285–287, 308–309, 374, 376–377, 555–556
- Ahmed, Ghulam, 54, 55, 57, 694
- Ahmed, Nazir, 709, 723n
- Aid India Club, 5
- Air defense of India. See Air defense program under U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India.
- Ali, Mohammed, 369, 372, 392n, 414 death of, 494n
- Ali, Salman, 171, 230, 255, 285, 306, 661
- Ali, Sayed Amjad, 441n
- Ali, Wazir, 53
- Ali Mohamed Khan, Sardar - i - Ala, 104, 167
- Alsop, Joseph, 678
- Amachree, Godfrey Kio Jaja, 231
- Anderson, Adm. George, Jr., 433–434, 564–565 Aram, Abbas, 338, 339, 348, 605, 606 Asghar Khan, Mohammed, 723n
- Austria, 39, 316
- Ayub Khan, Mohammed:
- India:
- communist threat, 28
- political situation, 304
- regionalism problem, 69
- Indian - Chinese border dispute:
- Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in, 714–716
- Indian - Pakistani relations:
- Indian - Soviet relations, 305
- international scene, assessment of, 48–49, 67–68
- Kashmir dispute, 18, 28, 50
- Kashmir negotiations, 214, 220, 221
- Nehru, assessment of, 252–253, 568
- Nehru’s assessment of, 133
- Pakistan:
- Pakistan Consortium, 206n
- Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute, 569
- Afghan proposal for ending dispute, 229n
- armed conflict, potential for, 21
- border closing, 88
- compromise formula to end dispute, 348
- Iranian mediation effort, 297, 301–303
- mediation, U.S. offer re, 89n, 91, 114n
- nmediation effort by Merchant, 116, 117, 118, 120–121, 123
- Pakistani use of U.S. arms, 34–35, 73
- reestablishment of relations, proposals for, 302–303, 548
- U.S. initiatives with Pakistanis, 27, 210n, 327–331
- U.S. leverage with Afghanistan, 71–72
- Pakistani - Chinese relations:
- Pakistani - Soviet relations, 10, 70–71
- Pakistani - U.S. relations, 179–181
- alliance issue, 8–10, 11
- anti - Americanism in Pakistan, 414
- anti - colonialism issue, 11
- Ayub’s visit to U.S. (1961), 66–74
- Ayub’s visit to U.S. (1962), 326–331
- Ball’s visit to Pakistan (1963), 628, 661–668
- Bowles’ visit to Pakistan (1962), 221
- Harriman’s visit to Pakistan (1961), 26–30
- Indian - Chinese border dispute and, 628–631
- Johnson’s visit to Pakistan (1961), 45–50
- Kennedy - Ayub correspondence, 8–9, 10, 11, 16, 24–26, 46n, 120–121, 125–126, 170–171, 201–203, 206n, 208, 234–236, 251–252, 358–359, 377–380, 420–421, 441–442, 458–459, 466–467, 492–493, 518–519
- Pakistani - Chinese relations and, 666–668, 718–719
- Rusk’s visit to Pakistan (1963), 567–569
- Taylor’s visit to Pakistan (1963), 709–717, 718–719
- U.S. security guarantee, 29–30, 208, 630, 714
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India, 458–459, 461–463, 466–467
- U.S. economic assistance to India, 253–254
- U.S. economic assistance to Pakistan, 50
- U.S. military assistance to India, 74, 125, 278, 298, 305, 370, 379–380, 386, 411, 421n, 442, 568, 709–714
- U.S. military assistance to Pakistan:
- Aziz, Abdul Hai, 87, 94, 443, 444, 445
- Bakshi, G. M., 683n, 703
- Baldwin, Marion, 702
- Ball, George W., 194n, 195n, 208, 269, 292, 561, 588, 593, 655n, 695
- Goa dispute, 153, 157–158, 161n, 163
- India Consortium, 38–39
- Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in:
- Indian - U.S. relations:
- ferromanganese barter, 6
- sugar quota in U.S. market, 5
- Kashmir dispute, 211–212, 287
- Kashmir negotiations, 224, 225n, 463–465
- Pakistan Consortium, 53–57
- Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute:
- Pakistani - Chinese relations, 664–668
- Pakistani - U.S. relations:
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India, 432
- U.S. economic assistance to India, 3–5, 33, 36
- U.S. economic assistance to Pakistan, 33, 35
- U.S. military assistance to India:
- U.S. military assistance to Pakistan:
- Ball Mission to Pakistan. SeeBall’s visit to Pakistan under Pakistani - U.S. relations.
- Banerji, S. K., 40
- Battle, Lucius D., 36n, 38n, 120n, 128n, 139n, 181n, 234n
- Belgium, 316
- Belgrade conference (1961), 84–85
- Bell, David E., 472, 585, 699
- Berlin issue, 67, 81–82
- Bhabha, Dr., 611
- Bhoothalingam, Shri, 551n
- Bhutan, 354, 368
- Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, 8, 45, 64, 601, 652, 661
- Black, Eugene, 39, 190, 194, 202, 206, 571
- Blue, William L., 675
- Bogra, Mohammed Ali, 233
- Boland, Frederick H., 288, 289, 291
- Bottomly, Lt. Col. Heath, 30n
- Bowles, Chester B., 3, 76n, 101n,
103n, 307, 587, 609
- Afghanistan:
- Afghan - Soviet relations, 216n
- Ambassadorial appointment, 621n
- Berlin issue, 81–82
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Indian - Chinese border dispute, 728–729
- Indian - U.S. relations:
- Kashmir dispute, 213
- Kashmir negotiations, 221
- nuclear weapons, 86
- Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute, 92–94, 120–121
- Pakistani - U.S. relations:
- United Nations, India’s role in, 85
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India, 564, 595, 596, 622
- U.S. economic assistance to India, 689
- U.S. military assistance to India:
- U.S. military assistance to Pakistan, 621n, 648n
- Brazil, 154
- Breisky, A. E., 272, 323, 398n
- Brewer, William D., 443, 444
- Brubeck, William H., 272, 325n, 441n, 501, 502n, 589n
- Bruce, David K. E., 419, 543–545
- Bundy, McGeorge, 120n, 136n, 139n, 157n, 164, 166n, 181n, 190, 191n, 193n, 194n, 234n, 269, 270n, 272, 278, 280n, 325n, 352n, 376n, 377n, 405n, 441n, 461n, 501, 502n, 518n, 519n,
575n, 590n, 591n, 607n, 614n, 678, 693
- Afghanistan, 226, 238
- Indian - Chinese border dispute, 321, 340, 350, 515
- Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in, 638, 681
- Indian - Pakistani relations, 701
- Indian - Soviet relations, 242, 254
- Indian - U.S. relations, 291–292
- Kashmir dispute, 288, 296n, 297n, 731
- Kashmir negotiations, 537, 564
- Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute, 223, 317
- Pakistani - U.S. relations:
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India:
- U.S. economic assistance to Pakistan, 569
- U.S. military assistance to India, 361n
- U.S. military assistance to Pakistan, 622
- Bundy, William P., 79, 150n, 265n, 269, 270n, 333n, 385, 394, 428, 570, 590n, 611n
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 571
- Burki, Gen., 45, 165
- Burma, 58, 322, 354, 562, 601, 721
- Byroade, Henry A., 71, 201n
- Cameron, Turner C., Jr., 243, 251n, 259n, 260n, 261n, 262n, 264n, 272n, 280n, 296n, 298, 310n, 314n, 333n, 349n, 352n, 358n, 360n, 377n, 420n, 422n, 423n, 465, 483n, 489n, 490n, 498n, 541n, 545n, 555n, 579n, 590n, 655n, 661, 694n
- Canada, 38, 39, 52, 366
- Carle, Robert J., 43n, 76n, 317n, 483n, 486n, 541n, 545n
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 60n, 222n, 257n, 263n, 363
- Central Treaty Organization (CENTO), 1, 456, 663, 715
- Ceylon, 354, 715
- Chagla, Mohammed Ali Currim, 5, 78
- Chatterjee, D. N., 80n
- Chaudhury, Lt. Gen. J. N., 162, 720
- Chavan, Yashwantrao, 382, 424, 720
- Chayes, Abram, 392, 579n
- Chen Yi, 386, 511n
- Chiang Kai - shek, 68
- Chile, 289–290
- China, People’s Republic of (see also Indian - Chinese border dispute; Pakistani - Chinese relations), 48–49, 568
- Chou En - lai, 31, 386, 415, 601, 679–680, 699, 718
- Clay, Gen. Lucius D., 524n
- Cleveland, J. Harlan, 232, 233, 296n, 731n
- Clifton, Gen. Chester V., 164n
- Coffin, Frank, 561, 593
- Commonwealth countries. See U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India.
- Congo, 32, 85, 198
- Coon, Carleton S., 579n
- Cottam, Howard R., 3, 36n, 37n, 55, 56–57
- Daud, Sarder Mohammed, 17, 34
- Dayal, Rajeshwar, 32, 213, 224
- Dean, Sir Patrick, 231
- Defense, U.S. Department of (see also Joint Chiefs of Staff), 363
- Dehlavi, S. K., 45, 66, 117, 201, 348, 369, 372, 391, 412, 413, 461
- Denmark, 39
- Desai, M. J., 40, 107, 128, 211, 212, 219–220, 278n, 321, 397, 415, 416, 449, 539, 554, 572, 594n, 601, 720
- Desai, Morarji, 219, 283, 299, 350, 417, 424
- Development Loan Fund, (DLF), 56
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 584, 728
- Disarmament, 139–140
- Dixon, Sir Owen, 233, 512
- Duke, Angier Biddle, 657
- Dulles, John Foster, 728
- Dungan, Ralph A., 24n, 36n, 37n, 38n
- Durand Line, 21n
- Durand Line dispute. See Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute.
- Dutt, Subimal, 609
- Dutt, Air Vice Marshal, 300
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 9, 408, 663
- Engineer, Air Marshal A. M., 151
- Etemadi, Nur Ahmed, 109, 167n, 174, 176–177, 199, 228, 443
- Ethiopia, 212
- Ewell, Col. Julian J., 309
- Export - Import Bank, 52
- FitzGerald, Dennis, 394
- France, 39, 52, 67, 131, 162, 366, 469, 497
- Mirage aircraft for India, proposed, 268n
- Fulbright, J. William, 491n
- Galbraith, J. Kenneth, 19, 57, 269
- Goa dispute, 146n, 148, 150n, 152–153, 154, 155–156, 157n, 160–162
- India:
- Indian - Chinese border dispute:
- Chinese objectives, 382–383
- Indian - Pakistani relations and, 383–384
- Indian policy, 346–347
- maximum political and military effort required of India, 400
- military activity, 341
- Pakistani - U.S. relations and, 389
- political effects in India, 380–382
- press coverage, 382
- U.S. military involvement, proposed, 397
- U.S. policy, 343–344, 360n
- U.S. policy objectives in South Asia and, 387–390
- Indian - Pakistani relations:
- Indian - Soviet relations, MIG aircraft for India, 240–242, 246–247, 249, 281–284, 312–314, 320–321, 325, 326, 453, 456
- Indian - U.S. relations:
- Kashmir dispute, 448–449
- Kashmir negotiations, 423n
- “elements” settlement proposal, 553–554
- Galbraith - Nehru discussions, 546–548
- Indian agreement to, 165–166
- Indian domestic opposition to settlement, 517
- joint statement of objectives, 478
- partition proposal, 486
- U.S. - Indian political bargain, Galbraith’s proposal re, 526–529, 553
- U.S. military assistance to India and, 523
- Nehru’s relations with, 81
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India:
- U.S. economic assistance to India, 36, 37
- U.S. economic assistance to Pakistan, 36, 37
- U.S. military assistance to India, 97–98, 151n
- advisory personnel, 361–362
- dual - purpose equipment, 150
- FY 1964 amounts, 613n
- Galbraith’s support for, 249–250
- Indian requests, 361
- Kashmir negotiations and, 523
- Lightning aircraft from U.K., offer re, 269, 280, 281, 283–284, 310, 313
- Menon’s departure from office and, 357
- U.S. contingency planning, 350–351
- U.S. military assistance to Pakistan, 79, 134, 294
- Gandhi, Indira, 304, 347
- Gatch, John N., Jr., 111n, 112n, 127n, 142n, 177n, 195n, 208n, 209n, 230, 243, 255, 272n, 285, 333n, 344n, 347n, 349n, 458n, 489n, 498n, 510, 518n, 541n, 605n
- Gaud, William S., 136, 142n, 169n, 177n, 193n, 195n, 376n, 377n, 385, 396, 428, 472, 483n, 561, 570, 657
- Geneva Conference of 1954, 130
- German Democratic Republic, 81
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 38, 52, 54, 56, 87, 469, 497
- Ghaffar Khan, Abdul, 20–21, 75
- Ghana, 134, 289
- Ghazi, Zalmai Mahmud, 657, 669
- Gilpatric, Roswell L. , 57–58, 96–98, 561, 593, 681, 722n
- Goa dispute, 146–150, 152–158, 160–163
- Goodpaster, Gen. Andrew J., 394, 713, 715
- Gore-Booth, Sir Paul, 152, 554, 570, 625, 632, 645
- Graham, Frank P., 170, 234
- Grant, James P., 213, 224n, 243, 251n, 260n, 264n, 269, 270n, 272n, 278, 279, 280n, 286, 287, 334, 352n, 376n, 377n, 385, 395–396, 458n, 459n, 486n, 487, 489n, 490n, 563, 579n, 583n, 590n, 639n, 645n, 655n, 683, 684, 731n
- Greece, 104
- Guinea, 72
- Gul, Bacha, 35, 106
- Gundevia, Yezdezard Dinshaw, 554, 573
- Gupta, Chandra Bhanu, 424
- Hall, William O., 220, 221
- Hamilton, Fowler, 204
- Hangen, Welles, 514
- Hannah, Norman B., 174, 175, 176, 199, 219, 228
- Harriman, W. Averell, 20n, 109, 396, 420n, 422n, 489n, 490n, 518n, 519n, 590n, 611n
- India, visit to (1961), 30–32
- Indian - Chinese border dispute, 411
- Indian - Pakistani relations, mission to find common ground, 404, 405–418, 420–423, 426–427, 441–442
- Indian - Soviet relations, MIG aircraft for India, 417, 418, 456
- Kashmir dispute, 683–685
- Kashmir negotiations, 409–412, 508, 536
- Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute, 23n, 27
- Pakistani - U.S. relations, 29
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India:
- U.S. military assistance to India, 411
- Hassan, Said, 414
- Henry, David H., II, 99n
- Herter, Christian A., 728
- Hewitt, Warren E., 191n, 193n, 195n, 208n
- Hilaly, Aghampuakha, 305
- Hilliker, Grant G., 607n
- Hilsman, Roger, Jr., 394, 404n
- Holmes, Julius C., 303, 543n, 605, 606, 668
- Home, Lord Alexander Douglas, 452, 453, 456, 457
- Hood, Lord, 260
- Horgan, Rogers B., 146n, 149n, 153n, 166n, 211n, 224n, 243, 259n
- Hull, Gen. Sir Richard, 453–454, 543
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 470
- Hunt (UK), 653
- India (see also
Goa dispute; Indian - Chinese
border dispute; Indian - Pakistani
relations; Indian - Soviet relations;
Indian - U.S. relations; Kashmir dispute; Kashmir negotiations;
U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to
India; U.S. economic assistance to
India; U.S. military assistance to India):
- Afghanistan, relations with, 549
- Communist threat, 28
- economic situation, 257–258
- foreign relations, 128–130, 258
- international economic assistance, see India Consortium
- international stature, 182
- Menon’s departure from office, 353, 357–358, 365, 381–382
- military situation, 248, 426–427, 497, 720–721, 722neutrality policy, 78–79, 258, 427, 601–602
- nuclear weapons policy, 611
- political situation, 248, 257, 258, 304, 319–320, 365, 375, 380–382
- regionalism problem, 69
- Southeast Asia policy, 219–220
- U.N. role, 85
- U.S. intelligence report on, 257–258
- U.S. military assistance to Pakistan, concerns re, 79–80, 134, 294
- India Consortium, 33, 38–39, 51–52, 54–55, 316–317, 559, 604
- Indian - Chinese border dispute, 1,
31, 180, 255n, 258, 728–729
- Ayub’s assessment of, 442, 710–711cease - fire, 403n, 415–416
- Chinese objectives, 382–383, 411, 418, 453
- Colombo proposals, 479n, 485
- gradual ending, 435–436
- Indian assessment of, 601, 609, 610
- Indian - Pakistani relations and, 383–384
- Indian policy, 346–347
- maximum political and military effort required of India, 400–401
- military activity, 340–341, 349n, 350, 364–365
- negotiations, 321–323, 341–342, 396, 403n, 415
- Nehru’s assessment of, 415
- Pakistani policy, 349, 353–356, 358–359, 369–373, 377–380
- Pakistani - U.S. relations and, 389, 390–391, 402–403, 628–631
- political effects in India, 365, 380–382
- press coverage, 382
- resumption of hostilities, U.S. study re, 515, 524–526
- Soviet policy, 351, 365
- timing of Chinese attack, 573
- U.S. assessments of, 363–368, 394–395, 396, 398–399
- U.S. military assistance to India and, 340, 342–343, 350–351, 361–362, 399, 526
- U.S. military involvement, proposed, 397, 401–402
- U.S. policy, 343–344, 351–353, 360, 366–368
- U.S. policy objectives in South Asia and, 387–390
- U.S. security commitment to India, 220
- Western military assistance for India, 366
- Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in, 638
- Indian - Pakistani relations (see also
Kashmir dispute; Kashmir negotiations), 431
- Ayub’s assessment of, 252–253
- broadened contacts at all levels, proposed, 306–307
- communal rioting, 19–20, 30
- expulsions of Muslims from India, 703
- future prospects, U.S. paper on, 701–706
- Harriman mission to find common ground, 404, 405–418, 420–423, 426–427, 441–442
- Indian - Chinese border dispute and, 383–384
- India’s aggressive intentions, Pakistani aide - memoire on, 685–688, 702
- joint defense proposal, 256, 431
- Nehru’s assessment of, 573–574
- transportation arrangements between East and West Pakistan, 73
- water issues, 28
- Indian - Soviet relations, 712
- Indian - U.S. relations (see also
U.S. economic assistance to India; U.S. military
assistance to India), 480
- Bowles’ visit to India (1961), 80–86
- Bowles’ visit to India (1962), 212–213, 219nferromanganese barter, 6
- Goa dispute and, 197–199, 214–215
- Harriman’s visit to India (1961), 30–32
- Indian appreciation of, 318–319
- Johnson’s visit to India (1961), 40–43
- Kennedy - Nehru correspondence, 32n, 39–40, 156–157, 194–195, 197–199, 211, 318–319, 352, 360, 397, 398, 403–404, 422–423, 429, 459–460, 490–491, 501, 519–520, 552, 632–635, 639–640, 655, 688
- Krishnamachari’s visit to U.S. (1963), 594n, 599–604
- Menon’s visit to U.S. (1961), 139–142
- Nehru’s visit to U.S. (1961), 128–135neutrality policy of India and, 78–79public image of U.S. in India, 214
- Radhakrishnan’s visit to U.S. (1963), 608–611
- Rusk’s visit to India (1961), 32
- Rusk’s visit to India (1963), 570–577status of relationship following Goa and Kashmir debates in U.N., 291–294sugar quota in U.S. market, 5
- Taylor’s visit to India (1963), 719–722
- U.S. courses of action, 243–245
- Indonesia, 58
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 5, 51, 52, 54, 204n, 316
- International Control Commission (ICC), 140, 141
- International Development Association (IDA), 5
- Iran, 31, 104, 212
- Iraq, 17
- Ireland, 289, 290, 291
- Italy, 316, 469, 497
- Jackson, Elmore, 498, 531, 534, 537, 596
- Jacques, Sidney B., 3
- Jaffri, M., 236, 510
- James, Sir Morrice, 414, 462–463, 577, 578, 596
- Japan, 52, 85
- Jarring, Gunnar, 231
- Jha, Chandra S., 189
- Jha, L. K., 241
- Johnson, Gen., 428
- Johnson, Charles K., 311n
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 66, 722n
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 79, 157n, 262n, 269, 314n, 430n, 458n, 459n, 483n, 565n
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 497, 565n
- Jones, G. Lewis, Jr., 2–3, 19, 20, 24n
- Josif, Harold G., 679, 731n
- Kashmir dispute (see also
Kashmir negotiations), 1, 18–19, 28, 31, 50, 258, 275, 345, 346, 448–449, 602–604
- armed attack, Pakistani concerns re, 171–173, 205–206, 256
- Ayub - Galbraith discussions, 158–159
- Goa dispute, relation to, 171–173
- Indian - Pakistani overall relations and, 59–60
- Indian position, 131–134
- integration of Kashmir into Indian Union, proposed, 683–685, 686, 703
- mediation option, 190, 194–195, 202, 206, 211–212
- military forces involved, 68
- “no war” declaration issue, 307–308
- plebiscite issue (see also U.N. action on below), 295–297, 547, 574
- Rusk’s assessment of, 575–576sacred relic theft, 731–733
- U.N. action on, 70, 164–167, 170–171, 189, 190, 202–203, 213, 224, 234–236, 509
- U.N. Military Observer Group, 704
- U.S. leverage with India, 6–8, 47–48, 52–53, 68–70, 126, 166, 236–238, 355
- U.S. military assistance to India and, 612, 613n
- U.S. policy issues, 185–187
- Valley joint tenancy proposal, 107–109
- Kashmir negotiations, 214, 220, 221, 384, 423n, 439–440
- Ayub’s attitude toward, 69, 304, 305, 461–462, 567–568collapse of, 596n
- “elements” settlement proposal, 534, 552, 553–554failure, consequences for U.S., 507
- failure, inevitability of, 538–541failure, Nehru’s assessment of, 639n
- Galbraith - Nehru discussions, 546–548
- Indian agreement to, 165–166, 410n, 414, 416–417
- Indian assessment of, 609–610
- Indian domestic opposition to settlement, 517
- Indian initiative in talks, U.S. requests for, 490–491, 519–520
- internationalization proposal, 498–499, 516
- joint statement of objectives, 478
- Kennedy - Ayub correspondence, 441–442
- Komer’s assessment of, 468
- Ladakh issue, 502–503, 512–513, 514
- negotiating sessions:
- Pakistani agreement to, 409–412
- Pakistani - Chinese relations and, 479, 510–512, 518
- Pakistani initiative in talks, U.S. requests for, 518–519
- Pakistani proposals, U.S. assessment of, 489–490partition proposal, 485–486preliminary talks, 235
- Rostow - Komer mission re, 535, 538–541
- Rusk’s assessment of, 557
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India and, 517, 551
- U.S. - Indian political bargain, Galbraith’s proposal re, 526–529, 530, 553
- U.S. integrated proposal for settlement, 506–507
- U.S. involvement, proposed, 487–488, 492–493
- U.S. leverage in, 505–506
- U.S. military assistance to India and, 523–524, 536, 563–564
- U.S. strategy, 224–225, 437–438, 463–465, 470, 471–472, 495, 498–501, 504–510, 529–537, 552
- U.S. - U.K. coordination, 423–425, 431–432, 495, 516, 529–534
- Kaul, Gen. B. M., 219, 220
- Kaysen, Carl, 205, 296n, 300n, 352n, 355n, 358n, 360n, 376n, 394, 398n, 404n, 561n
- Kelly, Maj. Gen. John, 362n
- Kennedy, Jacqueline, 213n
- Kennedy, John F., 546n, 550, 556, 575n, 694n
- Afghan - Soviet relations, 658–659
- Afghanistan:
- Chinese representation in U.N., 207–208
- Goa dispute, 156–157, 158, 163n, 197–199, 214–215
- India, 319, 601
- India Consortium, 38
- Indian - Chinese border dispute:
- Indian assessment of, 601, 609, 610
- maximum political and military effort required of India, 400n
- Pakistani policy, 358–359, 377
- political effects in India, 380
- resumption of hostilities, U.S. study re, 515, 524
- U.S. military involvement, proposed, 397
- U.S. policy, 351, 352–353, 360
- U.S. status report on, 363
- Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in, 614
- Indian - Pakistani relations:
- Indian - Soviet relations, 314
- Indian - U.S. relations, 30
- Goa dispute and, 197–199, 214–215
- Indian appreciation of, 318–319
- Kennedy - Nehru correspondence, 32n, 39–40, 156–157, 194–195, 197–199, 211, 318–319, 352, 360, 397, 398, 403–404, 422–423, 429, 459–460, 490–491, 501, 519–520, 552, 632–635, 639–640, 655, 688
- Krishnamachari’s visit to U.S. (1963), 601–604
- Menon’s visit to U.S. (1961), 139–142
- Nehru’s visit to U.S. (1961), 128–135public image of U.S. in India, 214
- Radhakrishnan’s visit to U.S. (1963), 608–611
- status of relationship following Goa and Kashmir debates in U.N., 291
- Kashmir dispute, 18–19, 602–604
- Kashmir negotiations, 214, 439–440
- Ayub’s desire for, 69
- “elements” settlement proposal, 553
- failure, inevitability of, 538
- Indian initiative in talks, U.S. requests for, 490–491, 519–520
- Kennedy - Ayub correspondence, 441–442
- Pakistani - Chinese relations and, 479
- Pakistani initiative in talks, U.S. requests for, 518–519
- partition proposal, 485
- Rostow - Komer mission re, 538
- U.S. involvement, proposed, 487–488, 492–493
- U.S. military assistance to India and, 523–524, 536, 563–564
- U.S. strategy, 504, 508–510, 529, 535–537
- U.S. - U.K. coordination, 516, 529
- Laos, 67, 129–130
- Nassau conference (1962), 448–458
- nuclear weapons, 130, 131, 215, 588, 638
- Pakistan:
- Pakistan Consortium, 204, 206–207
- Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute:
- border closing, 87
- mediation, U.S. offer re, 101–103, 111–112
- mediation effort by Merchant, 114–115, 116, 120–121, 135–136
- moratorium on border closing, 191
- Pakistani use of U.S. arms, 72–73, 76
- reestablishment of relations, proposals for, 605–606
- U.S. - Afghan discussions, 75–76, 331, 334–338
- U.S. initiatives with Pakistanis, 327–331
- U.S. leverage with Afghanistan, 71–72
- Pakistani - Chinese relations, 19, 345
- Pakistani - Soviet relations, 18
- Pakistani - U.S. relations:
- anti - colonialism issue, 16–17, 25
- Ayub’s visit to U.S. (1961), 66–74
- Ayub’s visit to U.S. (1962), 326–331
- Aziz Ahmed’s farewell visit with Kennedy, 617–619
- Ball’s visit to Pakistan (1963), 631, 636, 637–638, 676, 677, 678
- Bhutto’s visit to U.S. (Oct., 1963), 679–680
- Kennedy - Ayub correspondence, 8–9, 10, 11, 16, 24–26, 46n, 120–121, 125–126, 170–171, 201–203, 206n, 208, 234–236, 251–252, 358–359, 377–380, 420–421, 441–442, 458–459, 466–467, 492–493, 518–519
- U.S. intelligence facilities in Pakistan, 627
- U.S. security guarantee, 208
- U.N. disarmament discussions, 140
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India, 418
- air defense program, 465–466, 479, 563, 564, 579, 584, 585, 586, 587, 589, 590–593, 594, 595, 596, 607–608
- Ayub informed of, 458–459
- Ayub’s attitude toward, 466–467
- Nehru informed of, 459–460
- NSC Subcommittee proposal re, 434
- rationale for, 385, 395, 396
- U.S. approval of, 429–430
- U.S. - U.K. agreement on, 452, 453–454, 456, 457
- U.S. - U.K. communications re, 419–420, 430–432
- U.S. economic assistance to India, 33, 39, 41n, 190, 198–199
- U.S. economic assistance to Pakistan, 33, 190–191, 569
- U.S. military assistance to India, 190
- U.S. - Soviet relations, 66–67
- Vietnam, 140–142, 215
- Yugoslavia, 134–135
- Kettelhut, Marvin C., 150n, 333n
- Kharas, Jamshed Gustadji, 466
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 9, 31, 66–67, 78, 81, 131, 417, 696
- Khurshid (President of Azad Kashmir), 230, 548
- Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 79, 349n, 565n
- Knepper, William E., 398n
- Komer, Robert W., 99n, 115, 190–191, 269, 270n, 279,
280n, 300n, 325n, 403n, 405n, 428, 458n, 459n, 465, 487, 489n,
490n, 563, 575n, 593, 601, 611n, 617n, 639n
- Afghan - Soviet relations, 331
- Afghanistan:
- Indian - Chinese border dispute, 395, 435–436, 485, 524–526
- Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in, 614–615, 681–683
- Indian - Soviet relations, MIG aircraft for India, 242–243, 254–255
- Kashmir dispute, 164, 599n
- Kashmir negotiations, 468
- Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute:
- Pakistani - U.S. relations:
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India, 434–438, 563
- U.S. economic assistance to India, 689
- U.S. economic assistance to Pakistan, 569–570
- U.S. military assistance to India:
- U.S. military assistance to Pakistan, 622–623
- Krishna Menon. SeeMenon, V.K. Krishna.
- Krishnamachari, T. T., 283, 382, 586, 587, 595
- Laise, Carol C., 317n, 344n, 347n, 519n, 619n, 702n
- Lakeland, Albert A., 702n, 706n
- Laos, 17, 32, 46, 48, 49, 67, 129–130, 140–141, 219–220
- Latin America, 85
- Lightning aircraft for India. See under U.S. military assistance to India.
- Lilienthal, David, 109, 190
- Lloyd, John, 343
- Lockheed company, 247
- Lord, Winston, 565n, 653n
- Lubkeman, Walter H., 733
- Ludlow, James M., 224n, 296n, 423n, 471n, 489n
- MacDonald, Malcolm, 386
- Macmillan, Harold, 67
- Indian - Chinese border dispute, 453
- Indian - Pakistani relations, 431
- Indian - Soviet relations, 278n
- Kashmir negotiations, 431–432, 479
- Lightning aircraft for India, offer re, 260–262, 264–268, 270, 280–281, 298–301, 310–312, 316n
- Nassau conference (1962), 448–458
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India:
- Maffitt, Edward P., 32
- Maiwandwal, Mohammed Hashim, 177, 334, 348
- Majid, Abdul, 657
- Malikyar, Abdullah, 216, 218, 657
- Manfull, Melvin L., 127n, 194n, 211n
- Mao Tse - tung, 82
- Martin, Edwin M., 54, 55, 56, 66
- Masood, M., 92, 171, 236–238, 255, 306
- McConaughy, Walter P., 209n, 269, 272, 326, 348, 409, 661
- Indian - Chinese border dispute:
- Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in, 716
- Indian - Pakistani relations, Ayub’s assessment of, 252–253
- Indian - Soviet relations, 305
- Kashmir dispute:
- Kashmir negotiations:
- Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute, 347n
- Pakistani - U.S. relations:
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India:
- U.S. economic assistance to India, 253–254
- U.S. military assistance to India, 278, 386, 421n, 482
- McCone, John A., 394, 418, 480, 583n
- McGhee, George C., 8, 161n, 208n, 279, 280n, 392, 472, 489n, 490n, 518n, 519n
- McMahon, Sir Arthur, 351n
- McNamara, Robert S., 269
- Indian - Chinese border dispute, 350
- Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in, 564–565, 641, 691–693
- Kashmir negotiations, 536nuclear weapons, U.S. policy on, 588
- Pakistani - U.S. relations, 677–678
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India, 418
- U.S. military assistance to India, 361n, 722
- U.S. military assistance to Pakistan, 333, 699, 722
- McSweeney, John M., 24n
- Menon, Lakshmi, 610–611
- Menon, V. K. Krishna, 57, 97, 163, 203, 207, 214, 215, 219, 253, 411, 728
- departure from office, 353, 357–358, 365, 381–382
- Goa dispute, 147, 154
- “Hindu Dulles” issue, 320
- Indian political situation, 248, 304, 319–320
- Indian - Soviet relations, MIG aircraft for India, 246–247, 313, 325
- Kashmir dispute, 256, 289
- Pakistani attitude toward, 275
- U.N. disarmament discussions, 139–140
- U.S. military assistance to India, 313, 361
- visit to U.S. (1961), 139–142
- Vietnam, 140–142
- Menshikov, Mikhail A., 81
- Merchant, Livingston T., 114–125, 126–128, 135–138
- Metcalf, Lee E., 177n
- Mexico, 149
- Meyer, Armin H., 43n, 79, 99n, 101n, 103n, 112n, 127n, 136n, 142n
- Meyers, Howard, 653n
- MIG aircraft for India. See under Indian - Soviet relations.
- Millikan, Max, 33
- Mirage aircraft for India, proposed, 268n
- Mohammed, Ali, 104, 657
- Morse, Wayne, 729
- Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 543, 570n
- Murray, R. J., 645n
- Musa, Gen. Mohammad, 661, 716, 723n
- Naas, Charles W., 177n, 191n, 195n, 236, 243, 323n, 377n, 391n, 541n, 555n, 617n, 619n, 685n, 701n, 702n
- Nadar, Kamaraj, 424
- Naim, Prince Mohammed, 443n
- Afghan - Soviet relations, 86–87
- Afghanistan:
- Ayub’s assessment of, 331
- Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute:
- Afghan proposal for ending dispute, 227–229
- armed conflict, potential for, 20, 23
- compromise formula for ending dispute, 338–340, 348
- mediation, U.S. offer re, 91, 94
- mediation effort by Merchant, 116, 118, 122, 125
- moratorium on border closing, 167–168, 174–176, 178n, 199–201
- U.S. - Afghan discussions, 331–332, 334–338
- visit to U.S. (1962), 331–332, 334–338
- Nassau conference (1962), 448–458
- Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 17, 139
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Security Council, 480
- Nawazish, Brig., 661
- Ne Win, 601
- Nehru, Braj Kumar, 128, 139, 501, 601, 608
- Goa dispute, 149–150, 154, 156, 161n, 162, 163, 214–215
- Indian - Chinese border dispute, 352–353
- Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in, 706–707
- Indian - Soviet relations, 726–727
- Indian - U.S. relations:
- Kashmir dispute:
- Kashmir negotiations, 214, 439–440
- U.S. economic assistance to India, 3–5, 36
- U.S. military assistance to India:
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 219, 378, 441
- Ayub, assessment of, 133
- Ayub’s assessment of, 252–253, 568
- Berlin issue, 81–82
- China, People’s Republic of, 82–84
- Galbraith’s relations with, 81
- Goa dispute, 149, 152n, 154, 155, 157n, 160–161, 163n, 197–199
- India:
- Indian - Chinese border dispute, 31
- cease - fire, 415–416
- Indian policy, 346–347
- military activity, 341
- negotiations, 321–322, 342, 415
- Nehru’s assessment of, 415
- political effects in India, 365, 381
- press coverage, 382
- U.S. military involvement, proposed, 397
- U.S. policy, 360
- Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in, 707, 721
- Indian - Pakistani relations:
- Indian - Soviet relations, MIG aircraft for India, 246, 278n, 281–284, 313, 325, 417, 418
- Indian - U.S. relations:
- Bowles’ visit to India (1961), 80–86
- Bowles’ visit to India (1962), 212–213, 219n
- Goa dispute and, 197–199
- Harriman’s visit to India (1961), 30–32
- Indian appreciation of, 318–319
- Johnson’s visit to India (1961), 40–43
- Kennedy - Nehru correspondence, 32n, 39–40, 156–157, 194–195, 197–199, 211, 318–319, 352, 360, 397, 398, 403–404, 422–423, 429, 459–460, 490–491, 501, 519–520, 552, 632–635, 639–640, 655, 688
- Nehru’s visit to U.S. (1961), 128–135
- Rusk’s visit to India (1961), 32
- Rusk’s visit to India (1963), 570–574
- status of relationship following Goa and Kashmir debates in U.N., 291, 294
- Taylor’s visit to India (1963), 720, 721
- international scene, assessment of, 31–32, 42–43, 129, 134–135
- Kashmir dispute, 18, 31
- Indian position, 131–134
- integration of Kashmir into Indian Union, proposed, 703
- mediation option, 194
- mediation option (1963 initiative), 570–571, 632–635, 639, 642–645, 655
- plebiscite issue, 547, 574
- sacred relic theft, 731
- U.N. action on, 164–166, 213, 291
- U.S. leverage with India, 7–8
- Valley joint tenancy proposal, 107–109
- Kashmir negotiations, 214, 220, 423n
- nuclear weapons, 86, 130, 131
- Pakistani - Chinese relations, 29
- Soviet - Chinese relations, assessment of, 31
- United Nations, India’s role in, 85
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India, 459–460, 615
- U.S. economic assistance to India, 36n, 39–40, 41n
- U.S. military assistance to India, 361, 482
- U.S. military assistance to Pakistan, 134, 294
- Nehru, R. K., 40, 212, 572
- Nepal, 188–189, 258, 354, 368
- Netherlands, 316
- Newlin, Michael, 224n
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 140
- Nimmo, Gen., 704
- Nitze, Paul H., 394, 404n, 416, 453, 455, 563
- Nkrumah, Kwame, 134, 232
- Nogueira, Alberto Franco, 149n, 154
- Norway, 39
- Nu, U, 82, 84
- Nuclear weapons, 67, 86, 130–131, 215
- O’Donnell, Kenneth, 115
- Ormsby - Gore, David, 254
- Padelford, Edward A., 150n
- Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza, Shah of Iran, 17, 31, 606
- Pakistan (see also Indian - Pakistani relations;
Kashmir dispute; Kashmir negotiations; Pakistani - Afghan border/transit
dispute; Pakistani - Chinese relations; Pakistani - Soviet relations; Pakistani - U.S. relations; U.S. economic assistance
to Pakistan; U.S. military assistance to Pakistan):
- Chinese representation in U.N., 207–208
- economic situation, 19, 30, 49–50, 63–64
- foreign relations, 64–65
- German military assistance, 568–569
- Indian - Chinese border dispute, 349, 353–356, 358–359, 369–373, 377–380
- Indian - Soviet relations, 285–287
- international economic assistance, see Pakistan Consortium
- Iran, relations with, 17
- military situation, 49
- neutralist sentiments, 2–3, 23
- political situation, 61–63, 276, 413
- U.S. intelligence report on, 60–65
- U.S. military assistance to India, concerns re, 74, 125, 151, 186–187, 256, 257, 263, 275, 285–287, 305, 308–309, 370, 374, 375, 376–377, 379–380, 386, 391–394, 411, 421n, 442, 481–482, 555–556, 568, 671–673, 687–688
- Pakistan Consortium, 33, 53–57, 188, 190–191, 204, 206–207, 276, 560, 564, 569–570
- Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute, 1, 17, 275, 569
- Afghan position, 104–106, 109–112, 217, 443–447
- Afghan proposal for ending dispute, 227–229
- Afghan - Soviet relations and, 92–94, 209, 447
- armed conflict, potential for, 20–23
- border closing, 87–88, 91–92
- compromise formula for ending dispute, 338–340, 345, 347–348
- Iranian mediation effort, 297, 301–303, 317–318
- mediation, U.S. offer re, 23–24, 89–96, 98–106, 109–114, 184
- mediation by Saudis, proposed, 144, 146
- nmediation effort by Merchant, 114–125, 126–128, 135–138
- military forces involved, 68
- moratorium on border closing, 167–169, 174–178, 191–193, 195–196, 199–201, 223, 227n
- Pakistani use of U.S. arms, 24n, 34–35, 72–73, 76
- periodic border openings, proposed, 443n, 445
- Powindah problem, 142n, 144n
- reestablishment of relations, proposals for, 302–303, 541–543, 545–546, 548–549, 605–606
- Soviet policy, 22–23
- U.S. - Afghan discussions, 75–76, 331–332, 334–338
- U.S. courses of action following failure of mediation, 142–146
- U.S. initiatives with Pakistanis, 27, 209–210, 327–331
- U.S. leverage with Afghanistan, 71–72
- U.S. national security concerns, 113
- Zahir’s assessment of, 657–658, 669–670
- Pakistani - Chinese relations, 19
- Pakistani - Soviet relations, 10, 64
- Pakistani - U.S. relations (see also
U.S. economic assistance to Pakistan; U.S. military assistance to Pakistan),
306, 480
- A. Ahmed’s farewell visit with Kennedy, 617–619
- alliance issue, 8–10, 11, 182–183, 323–324
- anti - Americanism in Pakistan, 414
- anti - colonialism issue, 11, 16–17, 25
- Ayub’s visit to U.S. (1961), 66–74
- Ayub’s visit to U.S. (1962), 326–331
- Ball’s visit to Pakistan (1963), 628
- Bhutto’s visit to U.S. (Oct. 1963), 679–680
- Bhutto’s visit to U.S. (Dec. 1963), 694–696
- Bowles’ assessment of, 727–730
- Bowles’ visit to Pakistan (1962), 221
- Harriman’s visit to Pakistan (1961), 26–30
- Indian - Chinese border dispute and, 389, 390–391, 402–403, 628–631
- Johnson’s intention to improve relations, 693
- Johnson’s visit to Pakistan (1961), 45–50
- Kennedy - Ayub correspondence, 8–9, 10, 11, 16, 24–26, 46n, 120–121, 125–126, 170–171, 201–203, 206n, 208, 234–236, 251–252, 358–359, 377–380, 420–421, 441–442, 458–459, 466–467, 492–493, 518–519
- McGhee’s report on, 272–277
- Pakistani - Chinese relations and, 664–668, 695–696, 718–719
- Pakistani objectives, 273
- reevaluation of U.S. policy, proposals for, 179–181, 277
- Rusk’s visit to Pakistan (1963), 567–569, 575–577
- Taylor’s visit to Pakistan (1963), 709–717, 718–719
- U.S. courses of action, 243–245
- U.S. intelligence facilities in Pakistan, 627, 631, 637
- U.S. intelligence report on, 65
- U.S. objectives, 273
- U.S. security guarantee, 29–30, 208, 630, 673, 714
- Patil, S. K., 246, 424
- Peabody, Endicott, 384
- Peace Corps, 50
- Phoumi, Gen. Nosavan, 141
- Pickard, Cyril S., 448, 455, 571, 577
- Plimpton, Francis T.E., 230
- Polk, William R., 142n
- Portugal, Goa dispute and, 146–150, 152–158, 160–163
- Powindah tribe, 142n, 144n
- Pushtunistan dispute. See Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute.
- Qadir, Mansur, 45, 66, 71, 72, 73, 74, 117, 120n, 138n, 230
- Quinn, Lt. Gen., 661, 675, 676–677, 678
- Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, 278n, 571, 608–611
- Rafiq (Afghanistan), 443, 444
- Rahman Khan, Vice Adm., 723n
- Read, Benjamin H., 591n, 701–702, 731–733
- Reddy, Sanjiva, 203, 424
- Rewinkel, Milton G., 259n, 260n, 264n, 298
- Rishtiya, M. Q., 605n
- Rishtiya, Sayyid Kasem, 657
- Roberts, Chalmers, 517
- Robinson, Col., 653n
- Rostow, Walt W., 66, 79, 98n, 128, 134, 164n
- Rountree, William M., 45, 66, 70, 164n, 203, 209n
- Rousek, Col. Charles, 57n
- Rowan, Carl T., 40
- Rusk, Dean, 66, 72, 181n, 252, 333n, 441n
- Afghanistan:
- Goa dispute, 149–150, 153–154, 161, 162, 163
- Indian - Chinese border dispute, 347
- maximum political and military effort required of India, 400–401
- negotiations, 396
- Pakistani policy, 349, 353–356, 358–359, 380
- Pakistani - U.S. relations and, 390–391
- resumption of hostilities, U.S. study re, 515
- timing of Chinese attack, 573
- U.S. assessment of military situation, 394–395, 398–399
- U.S. military involvement, proposed, 401–402
- U.S. policy, 352–353, 360
- Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in, 638
- Indian - Pakistani relations:
- Indian - Soviet relations:
- Indian - U.S. relations, 30
- Kashmir dispute, 345
- armed attack, Pakistani concerns re, 171–173
- Goa dispute, relation to, 171–173
- integration of Kashmir into Indian Union, proposed, 683–685
- mediation option, 194–195
- mediation option (1963 initiative), 570–572, 626n, 640, 655–656
- “no war” declaration issue, 307–308
- plebiscite issue, 296–297
- Rusk’s assessment of, 575–576
- U.N. action on, 70, 166–167, 230–233
- Kashmir negotiations:
- Indian initiative in talks, U.S. requests for, 491, 520
- internationalization proposal, 498–499
- Ladakh issue, 502, 512–513, 514
- Pakistani - Chinese relations and, 510–512
- Pakistani initiative in talks, U.S. requests for, 519
- Pakistani proposals, U.S. assessment of, 489–490
- Rusk’s assessment of, 557
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India and, 551
- U.S. military assistance to India and, 564
- U.S. strategy, 471–472, 498–501, 505–508, 509, 510, 529–530, 535, 536–537, 552
- U.S. - U.K. coordination, 423–425, 529–530
- nuclear weapons, 130, 131, 638
- Pakistan, neutralist sentiment in, 2
- Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute, 569
- compromise formula for ending dispute, 338–340, 345, 347–348
- mediation, U.S. offer re, 89–90, 99–104, 112–114, 486–487
- mediation by Saudis, proposed, 144
- mediation effort by Merchant, 126, 127–128, 135–138
- moratorium on border closing, 169, 177–178, 191–193, 195–196, 199
- reestablishment of relations, proposals for, 545–546, 606
- U.S. courses of action following failure of mediation, 142–146
- U.S. national security concerns, 113
- Pakistani - Chinese relations, 510–512
- Pakistani - U.S. relations, 306
- alliance issue, 323–324
- Ball’s visit to Pakistan (1963), 636, 637, 638, 676, 677, 678
- Bhutto’s visit to U.S. (Oct. 1963), 679–680
- Bhutto’s visit to U.S. (Dec. 1963), 694–696
- Indian - Chinese border dispute and, 390–391
- Kennedy - Ayub correspondence, 24–26, 421
- Rusk’s visit to Pakistan (1963), 567–569, 575–577
- U.S. intelligence facilities in Pakistan, 627
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 344–345
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India:
- air defense program, 466, 479, 550, 558, 563, 564, 579–583, 584–585, 586–587, 588, 589, 591, 593–595, 596, 599–600, 608, 612
- Ayub informed of, 459
- defense planning, 551
- defense production, 550–551, 558–559
- Kashmir negotiations and, 551
- Nehru informed of, 460
- U.S. approval of, 428, 429
- U.S. - U.K. communications re, 420
- U.S. economic assistance to India, 36, 37, 559–560
- U.S. economic assistance to Pakistan, 36, 37, 560
- U.S. military assistance to India:
- defense production, 612
- dual - purpose equipment, 150–151
- five - year program, 697–701
- funding levels, 561, 563
- FY 1964, 611–613
- guiding principles, 576–577
- Indian - Soviet relations and, 726–727
- Kashmir negotiations and, 564
- Lightning aircraft from U.K., offer re, 259–262, 265, 271, 299, 301, 308–309
- long - range assistance, 559
- Pakistani position, 151, 256, 257, 376–377, 391–394, 481, 555–556
- transport assistance, 399
- U.S. military assistance to Pakistan, 80n
- Sabri, Ali, 601
- Salazar, Antonio, 161
- Sandys, Duncan, 278n, 283, 417, 536
- Saudi Arabia, 144, 146n
- Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 164n
- Schneider, David T., 423n, 426n, 428n, 459n, 463n, 471n, 490n, 498n, 508, 519n, 599n, 611n, 639n, 645n, 655n, 683n, 726n, 731n
- Schwab, Capt. E. L., 691n
- Sen, A. K., 424
- Sen, P. C., 424
- Shafqat (Pakistan), 577
- Shah of Iran. See Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza .
- Shahi, Gen. (Pakistan), 577, 628
- Shastri, Lal Bahadur, 424
- Sheldon, Huntington, 394
- Shepard, Capt. Tazewell T., Jr., 546n
- Sherzad (Afghanistan), 216n
- Shoaib, Mohammed, 8, 11, 49, 50, 66
- Sikkim, 354, 368
- Singh, Swaran, 462n, 463n, 477n, 577n, 596n
- Sino - Indian border dispute. See Indian - Chinese border dispute.
- Sisco, Joseph J., 157n, 166n
- Slater, Warren E., 300n
- Smith, Bromley, 101n, 103n, 195n, 208n, 209n, 211n, 260n, 261n, 264n, 298, 347n, 419n, 422n, 430n, 483n, 546n, 588, 627
- Smith, Horace, 45
- Smith, Stephen, 40, 45
- Sneider, Richard, 369, 461, 596, 628, 661
- Snelling, Sir Arthur, 543n, 544, 545
- Souphanouvong, Prince, 141
- South Asia, U.S. overall policy re, 181–189
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 1, 49, 67, 71, 344–345, 456, 715
- Souvanna Phouma, 140–141
- Soviet Union (see also Afghan - Soviet relations; Indian - Soviet relations; Pakistani - Soviet relations), 1, 32
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Spengler, William F., 125
- Spielman, Henry W., 92, 99n, 166n Staley, Carroll, 469
- Starrs, Francis R., Jr., 153n
- Steeves, John M., 201n, 239, 472, 483n, 657
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 247, 418
- Stoessel, Walter J., 24n
- Suhrawardi, 447
- Sullivan, William, 394
- Swank, Emory, 191n
- Sweden, 39
- Symington, Stuart, 396
- Syria, 17, 139
- Talbot, Phillips, 36n,
37n, 51n, 66, 70, 76,
87, 89n, 99n, 107, 111, 128, 136, 139, 146, 150n,
157n, 163n, 166n, 169n, 171, 177n, 191, 193n, 194n, 195n, 205, 206, 208n, 209n, 211n, 232, 233, 243, 255, 261n, 262n, 296n, 300n, 306, 314n, 323n, 326, 333n, 344n, 347n, 349n, 353, 355n, 358n, 360n, 374, 376n, 377n, 390n,
391n, 396, 398n, 400n, 403n,
405n, 420n, 422n, 423n, 426n, 439, 448, 455, 458n, 459n, 463n,
471n, 472, 483n, 498, 512, 514, 518n, 519n, 541n, 545n, 572, 599n, 601, 605n, 609, 611n, 617n, 619n,
657, 701n, 706n, 726n
- Goa dispute, 149–150, 153–155
- Indian - Soviet relations, 727
- Kashmir dispute:
- Kashmir negotiations, U.S. strategy re, 224–225, 508–509, 510, 535, 536, 537
- NSC Subcommittee on South Asia, 428, 468–470, 494–497
- Pakistani - Afghan border/transit dispute, 90–92
- Pakistani - U.S. relations:
- U.S. military assistance to India:
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D.:
- India, visit to (1963), 719–722
- Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in, 641, 691, 707, 712, 715, 721
- Pakistan, visit to (1963), 709–717, 718–719
- Pakistani - Chinese relations, 718–719
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India:
- U.S. military assistance to India:
- U.S. military assistance to Pakistan:
- Thailand, 49, 71
- Thant, U, 161
- Tibet, 84
- Timmons, Benson E.L., 157, 211, 570, 622
- Tin Pe, 601
- Tito, Marshal, 84, 134–135
- Toure, Sekou, 72
- Turkey, 104, 162, 366
- Tyler, William R., 157n
- United Arab Republic, 289
- United Kingdom (see also U.S. - Commonwealth
military assistance to Pakistan; Lightning aircraft from U.K. under U.S.
military assistance to India), 32, 52
- economic assistance to India, 38
- economic assistance to Pakistan, 54
- Goa dispute, 152, 154, 162
- Indian - Chinese border dispute, 366
- Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in, 565, 623–624, 653–654
- Kashmir dispute, U.N. action on, 289, 290, 291
- Kashmir negotiations, U.S. - U.K. coordination re, 423–425, 431–432, 495, 516, 529–534
- Laos policy, 67
- United Nations (see also under Kashmir dispute):
- U.S. - Commonwealth military assistance to India, 418
- air defense program, 428, 436–437, 449, 450, 451, 456, 465–466, 469, 479, 496, 517, 544, 550, 558, 563, 564, 599–600, 612
- Ayub informed of, 458–459, 461–463
- Ayub’s attitude toward, 466–467
- Commonwealth contributions, 469, 496–497
- defense planning, 551
- defense production, 550–551, 558–559
- Kashmir negotiations and, 517, 551
- Nehru informed of, 459–460
- NSC Subcommittee proposal, 434–438
- rationale for, 385, 395–396
- U.K. contributions, 496
- U.S. approval of, 428, 429–430
- U.S. - U.K. agreement on, 448–458
- U.S. - U.K. communications re, 419–420, 430–432
- U.S. - U.K. working group on, 543–545
- U.S. economic assistance to India, 41n, 190
- U.S. economic assistance to Pakistan, 276
- U.S. military assistance to India (see also U.S. -
Commonwealth military assistance to India), 190,
- advisory personnel, 361–362
- Congressional involvement, 470, 491n
- Defense Department position, 57–58, 96–98
- defense production, 469, 496, 612
- deliveries of equipment, 366, 374, 469–470
- dual - purpose equipment, 150–151
- exchange of diplomatic notes re, 384
- five - year program, 689, 690–691, 696–701, 707–708, 723–725
- funding levels, 561–563
- FY 1964 amounts, 611–613, 636
- Galbraith’s support for, 249–250
- guiding principles, 576–577
- Indian - Chinese border dispute and, 340, 342–343, 350–351, 361–362, 399, 526
- Indian requests, 342–343, 361
- Indian - Soviet relations and, 726–727
- Kashmir dispute and, 612, 613n
- Kashmir negotiations and, 523–524, 536, 563–564
- Lightning aircraft from U.K., offer re, 254–255, 278–280, 283–284, 309–310
- long - range assistance, 559
- major military items, 188
- Menon’s departure from office and, 357–358
- Pakistani position, 74, 125, 151, 186–187, 256, 257, 275, 370, 374, 375, 376–377, 379–380, 386, 391–394, 411, 421n, 442, 481–482, 555–556, 568, 671–673, 687–688
- Special Forces training, 494
- Taylor - Ayub discussion re, 709–714
- transport assistance, 399
- U.S. contingency planning, 350–351
- U.S. intelligence report on, 263
- U.S. military assistance to Pakistan, 276
- U.S. military presence in Indian Ocean. See Indian Ocean, U.S. military presence in.
- Veliotes, Nicholas A., 120n
- Venezuela, 289–290
- Vietnam, 67, 71, 129, 130, 140–142, 215, 219–220
- Weil, T. Eliot, 2n, 6, 43n, 89n, 90n, 101n, 103n, 112n, 127n, 150n, 166n, 171, 191n, 193n
- Weiner, Benjamin, 318n, 419n
- World Bank. See International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
- Wriggins, W. Howard, 243
- Wright, Edwin, 657, 669
- Yugoslavia, 72, 134–135
- Yusuf, Mohammed, 216, 218, 521, 541
- Zafrulla Khan, Sir Mohammed, 170, 189, 224, 230–233, 288
- Zahir Shah, Mohammed, King of Afghanistan, 17