60. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts0

539. Following is roundup on Yemen developments:

Department has received no communication from Taiz since wireless report received of overthrow of Monarchy and establishment Republic.

Reports now clearly indicate revolutionaries working with UAR. At our suggestion UAR Ambassador Kamel has telegraphed his Government to lend any influence it may have in Yemen to ensure protection American citizens Yemen. Kamel said UAR officials may call at Legation Taiz. Destroyer USS Perry due Aden from Bahrain September 30. Pentagon trying through Kagnew pick up any transmissions from Taiz.

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Yemen Charge Zabarah speaking for Prince Hassan by telephone from New York requested USG declare against outside intervention Yemen and extend recognition to Hassan as new ruler of Yemen. Latter obviously not possible now. Hassan apparently planning return to area to contest for control. We shall continue in close consultation with British Embassy here on future developments and wish to concert our position with UK. FYI. Hassan has seen Ambassador Stevenson and expected see Assistant Secretary Talbot who will convey position USG.1 Hassan also seeing Lord Home. End FYI.

For London: Request closest consultations with Foreign Office be maintained. Separate telegram transmitting tentative US position on overall Yemen problem for comment.2

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 786H.00/9-2762. Secret. Drafted by Killgore and Strong; cleared by Strong, Bergeson, and Breisky; and approved by Grant. Sent to Jidda, London, Asmara, Cairo, Taiz, Aden, and USUN for Secretary Rusk.
  2. During the afternoon of September 27, Prince Hasan, son of Imam Yahya and leader of the Yemeni Delegation at the U.N. General Assembly, met with Talbot and asked for U.S. support to enable him to return to Yemen, rally Royalist groups, and restore the Imamate. Talbot told him it was virtually impossible to assist him because the United States did not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. (Telegram 117 to Jidda, September 29; ibid., 786A.11/9-2962; and memorandum of conversation, September 28; ibid., 786H.11/9-2862; see the Supplement, the compilation on Yemen) Late on September 27, Hasan flew to London in search of British assistance. (Telegram 1312 from London, September 28; Department of State, Central Files, 786H.00/9-2862)
  3. Document 59.