282. Memorandum for the Record0


  • Minutes of the Meeting of the Special Group (CI)
  • 10:30 a.m., Friday, June 28, 1963


  • Governor Harriman, The Attorney General, Mr. Gilpatric, Mr. Bell, General Taylor, Mr. Murrow, Mr. Forrestal, Mr. Karamessines vice Mr. McCone
  • Ambassador Holmes and Mr. Bowling were present for Item No. 1
  • Mr. Fisher, Mr. Godfrey were present for Item No. 2
  • Captain Mack was present for Item No. 3
  • Mr. Maechling was present for the meeting

1. Progress Report on the Internal Defense Plan for Iran

Mr. Bowling reviewed the highlights of the progress report on the Internal Defense Plan. He pointed out that the Army had performed well [Page 608] in quelling the recent Mullah-inspired severe riots in Tehran and other cities. There was no indication that the tribal groups were involved in these riots. He believes that the most serious threat to internal security still emanates from developments in Kurdistan. Tribal unrest in the south is diminishing and the Iranian Government is now distributing food in this area and the military forces are now being redeployed. Despite these developments, the Shah is determined to push ahead with the reform program, and elections will probably be held in September.

Mr. Bowling commented that conflicting reports have been received on the effectiveness of the national police in handling the recent riots and that the Country Team is preparing a detailed analysis of their performance. This analysis will be reviewed by an Interagency Police Group to determine whether or not expanded U.S. efforts are required.

In response to the Country Team’s request for five additional warrant officers with military police background, as advisors for the Gendarmerie, Mr. Gilpatric stated that if the Ambassador believes these advisors are required, the Department of Defense will take the necessary action to provide them. Ambassador Holmes responded that he still believed that the warrant officers should be so assigned. Mr. Gilpatric agreed to make available the five warrant officers requested.

Ambassador Holmes commented that the National Police did not behave very effectively in the recent riots, but on the other hand no one anticipated that the riots would reach such serious proportions. In any event, they would have been beyond the police capability to handle and the military would have been required to intervene. He believes that existing police support programs are adequate and desires to review the situation before submitting any recommendations for additional programs. The Ambassador observed that he does not believe that serious riots will break out again as the security forces will be alert to take proper precautionary measures. He added that favorable developments resulting from these riots were that the reliability of the Army was demonstrated, and major student groups did not actively participate in the actual rioting.

Ambassador Holmes in commenting on the economic situation pointed out that efforts are being made by the Country Team to modify the conservative fiscal policy of the Iranian Government. He stated that a principal reason for business stagnation was the lack of confidence in the economic and land reform programs. The Ambassador is hopeful that we will be able to make progress in stimulating understanding and action by the Iranians to solve these economic problems.

Ambassador Holmes briefly reviewed the land reform program developments and pointed out that this program is going well.

[Page 609]

In response to the Attorney General’s question, Ambassador Holmes reviewed the youth programs in Iran. He observed that the situation in the University of Tehran has improved to a considerable extent.

[Here follow items 2, 3, 4, and Miscellaneous on unrelated subjects.]

James W. Dingeman
Executive Secretary
Special Group (CI)
  1. Source: Department of State, Special Group, Counterinsurgency Files: Lot 68 D 451. Secret. Drafted by Dingeman.