264. Memorandum From Robert W. Komer of the National Security Council Staff to President Kennedy0

Yemen news is both good and bad. U Thant finally decided that the Soviets were just stalling on an SC meeting, so under our prodding issued his report saying publicly: (1) he considers disengagement fully in effect; (2) is sending advance party of observers. However, the Soviets just told the SYG they’ll have instructions Saturday. If these amount to another stall U Thant promises to send observers anyway. But if Soviets want an SC meeting, he’ll have to agree to one—probably Monday, in which case observers will be delayed.

On the bad side, Saudis are violently angry at new UAR air raids (in obvious retaliation for continued gun-running—which Saudis continue to deny). Worse still, the Egyptians seem to be preparing new reinforcements for Yemen; if sent, these could undo everything. Crucial need is to get observers out pronto, so we’re pressing the SYG either to have the SC meeting Saturday or to act. To establish the credibility of our worries, we may have to show U Thant some of the evidence, but it seems worth the risk at this point.

Meanwhile we’re urging U Thant to send messages to Nasser and Faysal saying please don’t upset the apple cart. We have also signalled our own people to tell both sides we regard disengagement as now underway and want to warn them against any more fiddling around.

Once disengagement is officially underway, we are committed to sending our eight F-100’s. Saudis are pleading for them in light of UAR raids. Because of the way Saudis are lying to us, however, simple prudence dictates holding them up until we have concrete evidence observers are in place and disengagement has begun (as called for in original scenario). We’ve assured there’s no personnel screening and have laid groundwork for early withdrawal of these aircraft as soon as things quiet down.

R. W. Komer
  1. Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Countries Series, Yemen, 6/63. Secret. A handwritten note on the source text reads: “(Taken from Pres. week-end reading dtd 6/7/63—Tab 1).”