180. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Lebanon0

583. Ambassador Dimechkie saw President briefly 30th at meeting arranged former’s request to discuss Lebanese-US relations in wake coup attempt.1 Dimechkie asked assurances continued US interest in Lebanon which he said could be conveyed with great influence on Paris meeting principal Lebanese Ambassadors and Foreign Minister Takla. President gave Dimechkie categorical assurances no US involvement, adding that from basis its own dedication to democratic principles USG gratified with Lebanese development in similar direction. Dimechkie said he had been personally convinced these facts but highly grateful for opportunity to hear them from President and convey to his Government.

President added USG has no evidence either British or Jordanian involvement. Dimechkie commented that he personally failed to see how British could benefit; that if interested in Fertile Crescent they could have pursued it when they had friendly Nuri al-Said government in Iraq, but with Baghdad now hostile conspiracy to this end did not seem reasonable.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.83A/1–3062. Secret; Niact. Drafted by Hamilton; cleared by Strong, Manfull, and Smith (White House); and approved by Talbot. Manfull initialed for Ball. Repeated to Paris and London.
  2. President Kennedy met with Ambassador Dimechkie, accompanied by Talbot, at 10:15 a.m. on January 30. (Kennedy Library, President’s Appointment Books) No other account of the conversation has been found. A January 29 memorandum from Battle to Bundy requesting the meeting is in Department of State, Central Files, 601.83A11/1–2962.