63. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State0
500. Department telegram 320.1 Called on Deputy Foreign Minister Winiewicz September 12 at my request for further discussion publicity and bonds. In response my question whether he could provide any further information these questions in light his discussions with government leaders (Embassy telegram 377)2 he stated following. Re bonds could go no further than basic statement on intent contained annex to 1960 claims agreement pending further developments affecting balance of payments. MFN cited as one unknown quantity imbalance [in balance?] of payments formula. Re publicity, he stated that in opinion many Polish Government leaders past publicity had been adequate and that all economists and others concerned were fully aware magnitude and generous terms American economic assistance. For internal political reasons could not officially give any assurances that publicity following conclusion any further PL-480 agreements would be more complete than in previous years. He said he could add, unofficially however, that he had seen the drafts of several articles on this subject which were more complete and might be published depending upon outcome next round of negotiations.
I told Winiewicz that in my opinion these limited assurances were not satisfactory but would report them for Department’s consideration. He departs for UN September 15 or 17.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.4841/9–1362. Confidential.↩
- Telegram 320, August 30, reported that the Department of State had informed the Poles that it expected to begin P.L. 480 discussions in September and instructed the Embassy to press the Polish Government on publicity and bonds. (Ibid., 411.4841/8–2462)↩
- Telegram 377, August 25, reported Polish interest in information about P.L. 480 payments. (Ibid., 411.4841/8–2562)↩