348. Memorandum of Conversation0
- Prime Minister Pipinelis
- Ambassador Labouisse
I called on the Prime Minister on July 2 at 10:30 a.m. He told me that he was more optimistic than he had been last week about the general situation. He sees his government as an interim one: to cover the Royal visit and to prepare for elections. He thinks the visit will go well enough. As soon as that is over, he hopes to be able to bring about the passage of an acceptable electoral law, to be followed by early elections. He would like to see Caramanlis back in his old seat. He has already spoken to the ERE leaders about the electoral system. They want a majority system but might be willing to compromise. He will see the leaders of the other parties and hopes to have some understanding with them before parliament meets so that a new law can be passed easily.
He said that Papandreou had just made a statement that he wanted elections to be held in November (to give more time to “ventilate” the country) but that he, Pipinelis, wants earlier elections, “probably in October.” If he can obtain no agreement from the parties, he will have to go forward on the old system—“this is my threat.”
[Page 675]Pipinelis says that he does not want to see ERE broken—“this would be a catastrophe.” On the other hand, he says that the Center Union has already split.
Concerning the election, he said that the only real question was that of the electoral law. Other matters, such as replacement of monarchs, control of the Gendarmarie, Army voting, etc., he can deal with on his own initiative. He mentioned, as an example, the success which he had with the national radio, saying that representatives of the Center Union and the Progressive Party sat with the director of the national radio to ensure non-discriminatory action.
The Prime Minister is anxious to keep things moving forward, and realizes the dangers of loss of momentum. His government must see that decisions are taken on pending matters, wherever necessary.
I mentioned the need for a reply about the VOA projected sites in the north. He said he would try to let us have an answer in a day or two.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 15–1. Confidential. Drafted by Labouisse.↩