197. Telegram From the Embassy in Finland to the Department of State0
250. Re Deptel 161 November 16.1 Hope Embassy telegram 2462 will at least partly have met Department’s needs. Shall send forward additional thoughts and analysis as situation develops.
Uncertainties as to how situation likely develop make it difficult for US suggest exactly what lines should at moment be set down in policy paper. Suggest extension of deadline for submission this paper be sought unless interim short paper subject to continuing revision can be submitted as temporary stopgap.
Appreciate request for recommendations. Have only one definite one for immediate action, that is, reasoned and solemn refutation by NATO of charges set forth against it in Soviet note of October 30, for by “Germany and its allies” NATO is most clearly meant and its hesitation to reply to these charges, dishonest and ill-founded though they be, is regarded here as puzzling and of no assistance to Finland. (Embtel 230, 220, 209, and 190)3
We consider idea set forth in Department telegram 1444 well worthy of pushing. We realize that to accomplish anything this area without giving away sway Finnish source of suggestion, in view Danish-Norwegian conviction that nothing should be done and illusion that statement not wanted by Finns, presents really difficult diplomatic problem that may be insolvable. We hope though that something can be done, all the more so because other Finns including Diet members have suggested issuance of some statement refuting Soviet charges by France, UK, US and West Germany.
[Page 418]Only other suggestion we can make that might be feasible is that, in connection with NATO or independently by US and if possible by other Western powers, statements be issued that NATO or separately issuing powers have every intention respect independence of Finland and expect other powers also to do so.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 660E.61/11–1761. Confidential; Priority. Received at 10:46 p.m.↩
- Telegram 161, November 16, reported that the Department was “urgently preparing policy paper on Finland” and requested the Embassy’s analysis and recommendations. (Ibid., 660E.61/11–1661)↩
- Document 194.↩
- Telegram 190, November 1, reported that Hallama had suggested that NATO make a “reasoned refutation” of the Soviet note of October 30. (Department of State, Central Files, 660E.61/11–161) In telegram 209, November 3, the Embassy endorsed the Department’s views on NATO action. (Ibid., 375/11–361) Telegram 220, November 6, reported that Hallama had again stressed the need for a NATO statement. (Ibid., 660E.61/11–661) In telegram 230, November 9, Gufler reported that he had explained to Hallama the reasons for NATO reluctance to make any statement. Hallama replied that he believed that initial Finnish contacts with other Nordic states might explain their reluctance to support a NATO declaration. (Ibid., 660E.61/11–961)↩
- Telegram 144, November 1, was transmitted to Paris as Topol 669; see footnote 3, Document 191.↩