211. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Netherlands0

474. The Hague’s 321.1 Following is Department’s assessment of UK’s position re MLF which has been discussed with Ambassador Bruce and has his concurrence.

Important fact current British attitude toward MLF is conviction of Macmillan that independent nuclear deterrent is an issue which will help Tories in upcoming election. We see no possibility UK will change now negative position regarding membership in MLF or even agree to participate in MLF discussions until British go to the polls, an event not likely to occur before spring.

In addition to this immediate consideration, UK policy and tactics vis-à-vis Europe over last 15 years indicate that British decisions to play role on the continent almost invariably have been reactions to European determination to proceed with given programs, if necessary, without UK. In our judgment, therefore, whether post-election government in England is Tory or Labour, participation by Britain in MLF will depend in substantial part on quiet but determined efforts of Europeans and US to bring force into being and likelihood of these efforts succeeding.

In the present election impregnated atmosphere in the UK it is to be hoped that Europeans, particularly Dutch, who have been most favorable to British entry into Europe, would devote energies to constructive European developments. MLF is such a project. We see German overtures to Belgians and Dutch as a worthy effort on part Germans to further a positive enterprise at a time when European progress other avenues stalemated in face of French obduracy or objection.

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In course informal discussions with Dutch officials Emb may draw on foregoing and emphasize participation in Paris MLF working group would not involve Dutch commitment to subsequent treaty drafting or force itself.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, Def(MLF)3. Confidential. Drafted by Schaetzel and cleared in draft with Furnas, Owen, Popper, Bruce, and BNA. Repeated to Brussels, Paris, Bonn, London, and CINCLANT.
  2. Telegram 321, September 5, reported that the Netherlands believed the British would not participate in the MLF and asked the Department of State for its estimation of British intentions. (Ibid., Def(MLF) 12)