208. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations0

Topol 150. Greek, Italian, German and Turkish Embassies represented at second technical-level meeting on MLF in Department today (Mtg chaired by Schaetzel in absence Merchant). (First session reported Deptel 155 to Rome.)1 Department distributed and reviewed working paper entitled “Basic Elements of an MLF Charter”2 (being sent to addressees by airgram), characterizing this paper as an informal US contribution for purpose of initiating discussions. In US view, purpose of present meetings is to develop consensus on matters which would eventually be included in MLF Charter, and to work out substantive position on these questions, U.S. indicated positions on these elements—some of which constituted essentials for US participation and others of which should evolve from ensuing discussions. Stressed paper was not a blueprint and that many of points included would require further consideration among experts. US hoped paper would be helpful in drawing up agenda for technical discussions.

Department emphasized that for US following were among essential points: mixed-manning principle, ceiling of 40% on any one nation’s contributions, surface ships as starting mode, US concurrence in decision to fire, provision for re-acquisition of missiles and warheads in event of dissolution force. On other questions, such as precise size of force, precise relation to NATO, distribution of financial shares, US flexible and envisioned answers to be found in course of discussions. US suggested delegations send basic elements paper to capitals for comment so that we could move to next stage: development of working agenda. On assumption consensus to proceed emerged from discussion US hoped we would be in position by fall to move to point of formal drafting of charter. Requested views on whether this best take place in [Page 606] Washington, Paris or elsewhere. Stated SecGen would be informed of status these discussions.

Greek Ambassador raised question earlier stated Greek reservation re its inability to make financial contribution to MLF and was disturbed that US paper did not seem to take this into account. US Reps stated we familiar with Greek position and that this question was matter for discussion among all potential participants during current meetings. Mentioned possibility of contributions in kind. Turkish Rep associated himself with Greek views.

Re press treatment, we agreed no effort should be made publicize discussions. On other hand no effort would be made to keep it secret.

US reported that Belgian and Dutch Embassies had not yet received instructions re their participation. Canadians had advised us they did not wish associate themselves with these talks although they retain interest in MLF project and its progress and wish keep informed on developments. Said British had not closed door on future participation although Embassy had been instructed not to attend present session.

Date of next meeting will be arranged when comments on US paper have been received by Embassies.

USRO may draw on above to brief SecGen.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, Def (MLF). Confidential. Drafted by Spiers (RPM) and approved by Schaetzel. Also sent to Athens, Ankara, Bonn, and Rome and repeated to Brussels, Ottawa, London, and The Hague.
  2. On July 17 Ball talked separately to the Italian and German Chargés, requesting their presence at a meeting the following day to begin talks on the MLF. (Telegram 154 to Rome, July 17; ibid.) Telegram 155, July 19, reported that Merchant had chaired this first meeting at which it was agreed that he would sound out other NATO embassies regarding their participation and that at the next meeting the participants would attempt to draw up an outline of matters for discussion. (Ibid., Def(MLF)4)
  3. A copy of this paper, which is the same in substance as that referred to in footnote 1, Document 206, is attached to a memorandum to Bundy, July 25, in the Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Regional Security Series, MLF.