172. National Security Action Memorandum No. 2180


  • The Secretary of State
  • The Secretary of Defense


  • Implementation of the Nassau Agreements

Following a discussion on the implementation of the Nassau agreements, the President:

Approved the general framework of negotiations with the British, including the proposed Memorandum of Agreement (prepared by Sub-Group I) and the Aide-Mémoire and Instructions to the U.S. Negotiators (prepared by Sub-Group II).1
Approved in principle the proposal for proceeding with negotiations for the establishment of a Multilateral Force (recommended by Sub-Group IV).
Specified that the Multilateral Force negotiations not be linked directly to the conventional force buildup or budget. However, the President expressed the view that Multilateral Force effort should not result in diminution of the present conventional programs, and he directed that in the course of negotiations it should be ascertained how governments intended to pay for participation in the Multilateral Force on a long-term basis.
Agreed that insofar as the control mechanism of Multilateral Force was concerned, it should be our present objective to obtain agreement on voting unanimity.
Emphasized that in the course of negotiations, U.S. should not become engaged in such a way that failure to achieve agreement would seriously damage U.S. prestige.
Directed that he be given frequent and continuing progress reports on the foregoing.

McG Bundy
  1. Source: Department of State, NSAMs: Lot 72 D 316. Secret.
  2. Documentation on the work of the various Sub-Groups of the Steering Group on Implementing the Nassau Decisions, including texts of the aide-mémoire, instructions, and memorandum of agreement referred to here, is ibid., Conference Files: Lot 66 D110, CF 2218–2219.