72. Telegram From the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State0

1459. Subject:SC on Cuba.

I saw U Thant this morning and conveyed to him suggestions contained in Deptel 1084 (USUN 4963).1 He said he would transmit suggestions to Khrushchev in form of confidential message.2 He would also send President Kennedy note reporting his message to Khrushchev and asking that US exercise restraint in circumstances.

Thant told me Zorin asked him at 7:30 last night what Thant appeal in Council was going to say. Thant replied that it was based on his appeal to Khrushchev and Kennedy. Zorin said he had not received it. After Thant explained to Zorin nature of his appeal, Zorin replied that it was very bad proposal, since blockade was wholly illegal and that Thant should be concerned with legality and should not equate lifting quarantine with stopping ships going to Cuba. Thant replied he was not concerned with legality, but with averting a crisis.

Thant told me that Afro-Asians were putting great pressure on Zorin to accept, but that on basis of Zorin’s preliminary reaction Thant [Page 204] expects negative reply. Thant anticipates long legal attack on the quarantine.

If both sides accept his suspension proposal this afternoon, he thinks SC should recess pending discussion on modalities. Parties should then report what agreement they have reached on modalities and thereafter substantive negotiations could take place without another Council meeting.

  1. Source:USUN Files:NYFRC 84-84-001, Outgoing Telegrams. Secret; Eyes Only. Drafted by Stevenson and Sisco.
  2. Document 69.
  3. For text of U Thant’s letter to Khrushchev, October 25, see American Foreign Policy, Current Documents, 1962, p. 425.