- Accommodation between U.S. and Cuba. See U.S.-Cuban accommodation.
- Acheson, Dean G., 110n, 147, 165–167
- Adenauer, Konrad, 15
- Aerial photography. See Reconnaissance flights over Cuba.
- Air strikes against missile sites option, 10–11, 100, 105, 156, 265, 266, 272
- Akalovsky, Alexander, 110, 335, 344, 382n, 400n, 402n, 875, 894
- Albert, Carl, 657
- Alphand, Herve, 167, 288n
- Alsop, Stewart, 567n
- Anderson, Maj., 320, 324
- Anderson, Adm. George W., 10, 146, 147, 156, 298, 380, 477
- Aramburu, Pedro, 394
- Arends, Leslie, 657
- Arms control, 251, 295–296, 307, 312–313, 493–494
- Artime, Manuel, 853–855, 907
- Attwood, William, 868–870, 877, 878, 879–883, 888–893, 897, 898–900, 903–904, 908n
- Ball, George W., 96, 151–152, 169, 180n, 227n, 285n, 287n, 291n, 305, 309n, 348–349, 365n,
378n, 436, 446, 451n, 489, 514n, 517n, 523n,
577n, 603, 613n, 718, 719n, 728n, 786n, 906, 909
- IL-28 aircraft in Cuba, 415–417, 424–432
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba, 415, 454–456, 491–492
- Jupiter missiles withdrawal from Turkey, 253, 267–268
- Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union, 220, 611–613
- McCloy-Kuznetsov informal meeting, 455, 458–459
- Separate declarations to end negotiations, 601–602, 606
- Stevenson’s plan for ending negotiations, 420–422, 424
- Thant’s efforts to achieve crisis standstill, 188–198, 219–220
- U.S. instructions to negotiators, 321, 342–344, 522n, 611–613
- U.S. negotiators’ failure to receive documents from Washington, 409–410
- U.S. planning, 417–419
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee, 455–456, 504–508, 510–513, 567–568, 579–581
- Prisoners held in Cuba, release of, 75, 621–622
- Quarantine of Cuba, 182, 222, 252
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 622, 694, 815, 845–847
- Soviet missiles in Cuba, 7
- Sugar market, 800
- Trade with Cuba, 3–4, 5n, 683, 684, 905
- U.S.-Cuban accommodation, 908
- U.S. information policy, 796
- U.S. policy toward Cuba, 586, 781, 796
- Verification of missile withdrawal, 380, 384–385, 386–393, 420
- Barker, W., 720–721
- Bartlett, Charles, 567n
- Batian Pinto, Luis, 228
- Bay of Pigs invasion, 61, 113, 703, 714
- Bell, David E., 765n
- Belt, Guillermo, 854
- Beratta, 621
- Berlin issue, 37, 71–72, 95, 109, 169, 251, 260–261
- Blight, James G., 275
- Blockade of Cuba. See Quarantine of Cuba.
- Boggs, Hale, 657
- Bohlen, Charles, 30, 44, 96, 97, 99, 107, 128–129, 167
- Bolshakov, Georgi, 492, 624
- Bolton, Frances, 657
- Bosch, Jose (Pepin), 825
- Bowdler, Bill, 860
- Bowles, Chester A., 26–29
- Brazil, 224, 228–229, 278
- Brubeck, William H., 295n, 676, 702n, 725n
- Bruce, David K. E., 147, 150
- Bruce Donald C., 689
- Bubnov Igor D., 545
- Bundy, McGeorge, 142, 151–152, 170, 172, 180, 201, 203, 222, 226, 248, 255, 276n, 285n, 293, 295n, 298, 304, 305–306, 331, 342, 352, 362n, 363n, 373n, 375, 378n, 406, 408n, 451n, 488, 503, 509n, 532n, 569n, 608n, 640n, 668n, 698n, 715n, 718, 719n, 725n, 738n,
751n, 757, 765n, 799–800, 813n,
820–821, 828n, 848n, 849, 860, 861n, 862n, 868n, 872n, 883, 894
- Air strikes against missile sites option, 39–40, 66–67, 119, 120, 130, 132, 156
- Bay of Pigs invasion, 703
- Covert operations against Cuba, 75, 705, 748, 750, 761, 784, 837–838, 906
- Cuba, travel to and from, 650–651, 909
- Cuban Brigade, 685
- Cuban exile groups, 646, 823, 824n
- Cuban subversion in Latin America, 711
- Exile raids against Cuba, 784, 853, 860, 864, 907
- IL-28 aircraft in Cuba, 394–395, 415–417, 441, 442, 467, 489
- Intelligence gathering by U.S., 665, 703–704, 710
- Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee on Cuban Affairs, 648–651, 656–657
- Jupiter missiles, 108, 253, 265, 275
- Mongoose program, 230–231
- Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union, 195–198, 219–220, 409–410, 424, 522n, 607, 627
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee, 506–507, 524–526, 530, 567–568, 585
- Nuclear testing, 350–351
- Prisoners held in Cuba, release of, 75, 458
- Quarantine of Cuba, 88–90, 118, 119, 132, 135, 136, 182, 184–185, 219, 441, 442
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 14, 481n, 582, 624
- Soviet military personnel withdrawal, 709, 731
- Soviet missiles in Cuba, 29–30, 72
- Sugar market, 817–818
- Trade with Cuba, 692, 693, 910
- U.N. inspection system of Caribbean, proposed, 372, 467
- U.S.-Cuban accommodation, 798
- U.S. doctrine on Castro-like governments in Western Hemisphere, 853
- U.S. information policy, 319
- Presidential statement on Cuba, 850–851, 853n
- U.S. policy toward Cuba, 14, 699, 701
- Verification of missile withdrawal, 384–385
- Withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, 283
- Burris, Col. Howard L., 575–576
- Califano, Joseph A., Jr., 748, 754–755, 761
- Carroll, Lt. Gen. Joseph F., 230, 690, 873–874
- Carter, Lt. Gen. Marshall S., 11, 29, 40, 44, 46, 405, 457n, 544, 647, 648, 698n, 786, 798–799, 906n, 907n
- Castro Ruz, Fidel, 19, 464, 519–520, 533, 546, 583n, 662, 849n, 902n
- Cuban subversion in Latin America, 697–698, 868
- Defection, possible, 794–795, 796–797
- “Five points”, 345n
- Future prospects, U.S. report on, 834–836
- Prisoners held in Cuba, release of, 635, 636, 687–688, 729, 755
- Thant-Castro negotiations, 289–290, 301, 308, 323–325, 333, 336
- U.S.-Cuban accommodation:
- Verification of missile withdrawal, 308, 321, 324–325
- Castro Ruz, Raoul, 546
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (see also
Carter, Lt. Gen. Marshall S.; McCone, John A.; Mongoose program), 610, 667–668, 800, 834n, 849n, 871, 888
- Covert operations against Cuba, 221, 828–834, 906
- Cuban economic situation, 665–666
- Cuban exile groups, military training for, 748, 754–755
- Exile raids against Cuba, guidance for, 742, 749, 901–902, 907
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 706, 713–714.
- Soviet missiles in Cuba, reports on, 115, 125–126, 535–537
- U.S. policy toward post-Castro Cuba, planning for, 813–814
- Charyk, Joseph V., 291–292
- Chase, Gordon, 664n, 667–668, 729–731, 738n, 747, 787n, 860, 868n, 898, 909
- Chayes, Abram J., 5, 232n
- Cheever, Bruce B., 884n
- China, People’s Republic of, 227, 314–315, 583n, 688
- Chinese-Indian war, 485–486, 494
- Cleveland, J. Harlan, 188, 220, 232n, 302n, 309n, 325n, 404n, 408n, 514n, 517n, 532–534, 603, 628, 631n, 634–635, 640n, 641n
- Clifford., Clark, 544
- Clifton, Gen. C.V., 11n, 381, 477, 646–648, 712–713, 873n
- Cline, Ray, 18, 116, 127, 141, 200, 361n
- Colby, William, 773
- Congress, U.S., 158–161, 657–658, 692, 715–716, 740, 766
- Cordier, Andrew, 275
- Cottrell, Sterling, 649, 667, 687n, 702, 703, 761, 765, 786n, 798n
- Cottrell Committee. See Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee on Cuban Affairs.
- Cousins, Norman, 751–752
- Covert operations against Cuba (see
Mongoose program), 29,
75, 221, 705, 784, 904–905
- Coordinating Committee planning, 649–650, 672–673, 677–678, 679, 748–751, 761–762, 769–772
- Deniability issue, 765, 848
- Future policy, 589–590
- Inciting Cubans to attack Soviet troops, 749, 750–751, 754
- Integrated Program of Action towards Cuba, 828–834, 837–838, 842–845, 848, 884n, 886–888
- Leaflet drops, 684, 748, 754
- Sabotage operations (see also Integrated Program above), 748–749, 751, 754, 757–758, 761–762, 764, 772, 783–784, 830–831, 832–834, 871, 884–885, 887–888, 906
- Track Two program, 14, 22–25
- Crimmins, John Hugh, 667, 725, 900–901, 905, 908
- Cuba (see also
Covert operations against Cuba; Economic embargo of Cuba; Invasion of
Cuba; Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet
Union; Quarantine of Cuba; Soviet missiles in Cuba; Trade
with Cuba), 377, 574, 835, 849n
- Attack on U.S. forces operating outside Cuban territory, 712–713, 855–856
- Economic situation, 665–666, 851–852, 874
- Future prospects, reports on, 445–446, 834–836
- Khrushchev’s visit, 858, 863
- Mikoyan’s visit, 339, 545–547, 583n
- Prisoners, release of, 18, 19–20, 75, 457–458, 621–622, 635–636, 687–688, 715, 724, 729, 755, 773
- Revolt against Castro, possible, 701–702, 810–811
- Subversion in Latin America, 285, 290, 292, 359, 433, 662
- Travel to and from, 650–653, 717, 726, 731, 909
- U.S. policy toward (see also Covert operations against Cuba), 14, 412, 542, 764, 819–820
- Isolation of Cuba, 699–700, 716
- Johnson’s (Lyndon B.) reassessment, 896, 898, 900–901, 904–909
- Overthrow of Castro regime, 586–588, 666–667, 673–675, 804–813, 814–816, 822–823, 905–906
- Post-Castro Cuba, planning for, 795, 799, 801–802, 813–814, 821
- Revolt against Castro, response to, 701–702
- Standing Group’s consideration of, 774–778, 780–782, 794–797, 820–823
- U.S. information policy, 717–718
- Cuban Brigade (see also Prisoners held in Cuba, release of), 25, 646, 678, 685–686, 825–826
- Cuban exile groups (see also Exile raids against Cuba; specific groups), 304, 337, 589
- Cuban Families Committee, 635
- Cuban missile crisis. See Soviet missiles in Cuba.
- Cuban refugee problem, 730
- Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC), 24, 25, 764n, 775n, 786–788
- Dean, Arthur, 307
- De Gaulle, Charles, 147, 165–167, 626
- Dennison, Adm. Robert L., 184, 350, 597
- Diallo,Seydou, 879–880
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 146, 201, 204, 206, 207, 208, 222, 225, 226, 253, 341, 406, 434, 471, 489, 584, 686, 781
- Dirksen, Everett, 657
- Dobrynin, Anatoliy F., 77–78, 110, 162n, 196–197, 317n,
344, 373, 460n, 501n, 503, 545, 658, 759n, 875, 894
- Bowles’ meeting with, 26–29
- Cuban subversion in Latin America, 696–698
- Exile raids against Cuba, 861–863, 866
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba, 404, 443
- “Insulting” Soviet document for Kennedy, 751–754
- Kennedy (Robert F.) meetings with, 175–177, 270–271, 284n, 373, 443, 751–754
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee, 404–405
- Soviet military personnel in Cuba, 696–698, 706–709, 857–858
- Soviet missiles in Cuba, 175–177, 270–271
- Soviet offensive weapons in Cuba, 28, 373
- Withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, 270–271
- Donovan, James B., 13, 17–18, 19–20, 457–458, 621, 635, 653, 687–688, 715, 724, 729, 755, 763, 764, 879
- Dowling, Walter C., 147
- Doxiades, C.A., 881
- Dulles, John Foster, 548–549
- Dungan, Ralph A., 747
- Eckel, Paul, 879, 888
- Economic embargo of Cuba (see also Trade with Cuba), 47–49, 684–685, 774n, 852n, 872
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 13, 15, 19, 33, 99, 137, 153, 187, 478–480, 524–526
- Elder, Walter, 11n, 45n
- Emmett, Robert, 743
- Evans, Roland, 348
- Executive Committee of the National Security Council, 157, 670, 676, 678
- Meetings:
- 1st, 168–170
- 2d, 172–174
- 3rd, 179–180
- 4th, 200–203
- 5th, 204–209
- 6th, 221–226
- 7th, 252–256
- 8th, 264–268
- 9th, 271–273
- 10th, 283–285
- 11th, 291–293
- 12th, 298–299
- 13th, 303–304
- 14th, 320–322
- 15th, 333–334
- 16th, 339–342
- 17th, 348–352
- 18th, 353–355
- 19th, 356–361
- 20th, 371–372
- 21st, 393–396
- 22d, 405–407
- 23rd, 412–413
- 24th, 432–437
- 25th, 441–442
- 26th, 468–472
- 26th-A, 480–481
- 27th, 487–490
- 28th, 502–503
- 29th, 508–509
- 31st, 541–545
- 32d, 568–569
- 32d-A, 576–577
- 33rd, 583–586
- 34th, 606–610
- 36th, 626–627
- 37th, 627
- 38th, 681–687
- 40th, 689–692
- 42d, 739–745
- Unnumbered meeting, 443–444
- Subcommittees, 169n, 172, 203n, 248–251, 260–262
- Meetings:
- Exile raids against Cuba, 279, 303, 728n, 729, 732n, 740, 758, 759–760, 784, 860 [Page 918]
- Fascell, Dante, 730
- Feldman, Myer, 820n
- Finletter, Thomas K., 5n, 165n, 180–181, 213–215, 272
- FitzGerald, Desmond, 668, 748, 750, 751, 757, 758, 761–762, 764n, 783–784, 822, 837, 842, 848, 852, 853–855, 871, 872, 884, 885, 886–887, 904–906
- Florida, Cuban threat to, 59–60
- Foley, Edward, 457
- Follestad, Robert, 738n
- Fomin, Alexander S., 227, 241, 356, 493–494
- Foreign Aid and Related Agencies Appropriation Act of 1963, 766
- Foreign Ministers of the Latin American Republics meeting (Oct., 1962), 8–9
- Forrestal, Michael V., 187, 788
- Fowler, Henry H., 156, 765n
- France, 135–136, 148, 165–167
- Frankel, Max, 29
- Freeman, Orville, 816, 817, 820n
- Fulbright, J. William, 160–161
- Garcia Montes, Jorge, 854
- Germany, 251, 313–314
- Gilpatric, Roswell L., 5n, 11, 132, 141, 229, 255, 291n, 349, 403, 408n, 491, 581, 757n, 765n, 784, 878n, 883
- Glenn, Edmund S., 545n, 563n
- Goodpaster, Gen. Andrew J., 850, 851, 871
- Gordon, Lincoln, 278
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 35, 38, 76, 109, 153, 176–177, 196, 788, 876
- Guantanamo naval base, 73, 134, 137–138, 148, 310–311, 345, 368, 533, 609, 812
- Guevara, Ernesto (Che), 546, 574, 620, 662, 868, 877, 881
- Guthrie, John C., 658, 696, 708
- Halleck, Charles, 159, 160, 657
- Hamilton, Fowler, 459
- Hare, Raymond A., 80–181, 273
- Harriman, W. Averell, 187–188, 294, 742, 744, 765n, 783, 822, 837, 843, 848, 880, 894
- Harvey, William K., 16, 230, 249, 333
- Haworth, Leland J., 355.
- Helms, Richard, 45n, 545, 728, 749, 798n, 878, 883, 909
- Helseth, William A., 296
- Hendrix, Hal, 852n
- Heyser, Maj. Richard D., 29
- Hickenlooper, Bourke, 158, 161, 657
- Hillenbrand, Martin J., 110
- Hilsman, Roger, Jr., 7–8, 108n, 215–216, 227, 309n, 622
- Home, Lord, 872–873
- Hoover, Herbert, 153
- Houser, Capt. William D., 5n
- Howard, Lisa, 798, 880, 881–883, 889, 892, 893, 897, 899
- Hughes, Thomas L., 842, 849n
- Hull, Cordell, 550
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 657
- Hurwitch, Robert A., 22n, 45–47, 248, 294, 635n, 649, 667, 688, 703, 748, 761, 786n
- IL-28 aircraft in Cuba, 130, 131, 160, 339
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal
from Cuba, 242, 284,
343, 347, 350n, 359, 404, 576
- Intelligence reports on, 657–658
- JCS position, 474–475
- Khrushchev proposal, 437–441
- Military action by U.S., possible, 489–490, 491–492
- Negotiations on, 382–383, 403, 414, 465–466
- Remove planes end overflights proposal, 451–456, 486, 487
- Remove planes lift quarantine proposal, 443, 449–451, 460–461, 467, 470, 483–484, 486, 500
- Soviet pledge to withdraw planes, 493–501
- U.S. information policy, 359, 394–395
- U.S. policy re, 397–399, 407, 415, 441–442, 444
- U.S.-U.K. discussions, 463–464
- Verification issue, 461–462, 503
- Integrated Program of Action towards Cuba. See under Covert operations against Cuba.
- Intelligence gathering by U.S. (see also Reconnaissance flights over Cuba), 18, 577, 625, 652, 665, 687, 703–704, 710
- Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee on Cuban Affairs, 586, 649
- International Longshoreman’s Association, 692
- Invasion of Cuba (see also Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee), 155, 160, 597, 717
- Iron Bark report, 115
- Italy, 215n
- Javits, Jacob, 13
- Johnson, Gen., 45, 229
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 267, 657, 909
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 11, 22, 72, 127, 141, 149n, 227n, 228n, 229, 232n, 255, 276n, 287n, 296, 302n, 363n, 404n, 408n, 492, 503, 523n, 613n, 630n, 634n, 640, 641n, 648, 709, 714n, 719n, 728n, 738n, 757, 766n, 799, 838n, 842, 845n, 849–850, 878, 883
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) (see also
Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D.), 230, 475, 476, 646, 871
- Air strikes against missile sites option, 55, 69, 100
- Cuban attack on U.S. forces operating outside Cuban territory, 712–713
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba, 474–475
- Invasion of Cuba, 6, 160, 597
- Kennedy meeting with, 477–478
- Nuclear-free zone in Latin America, 224, 476
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 538–539
- State of alert for U.S. forces, 538–540
- Jorden, William, 249
- Judd, Thomas M., 872
- Jupiter missiles, withdrawal from Turkey, 37, 128, 134, 136, 148, 369, 564
- Karpov, Viktor p., 658
- Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 116–117, 120, 647, 648, 703
- Kaysen, Carl, 5, 355, 724, 728, 729, 845
- Keating, Kenneth, 41, 154, 542, 653, 683, 697, 704
- Kennedy, John F. (see also
Kennedy-Khrushchev correspondence), 9, 26, 151–152, 249n, 333, 349, 356, 567n, 626, 630n, 657, 687n, 876
- Air strikes against missile sites option, 10, 101, 140, 156, 272
- Cuba (also see Quarantine of Cuba below), 574, 726, 858
- Cuban attack on U.S. forces operating outside Cuban territory, U.S. policy re, 712–713, 855
- Cuban Brigade, 686
- Cuban exile groups, 304, 646, 647, 728, 786, 824n
- Cuban subversion in Latin America, 285, 292, 359, 433
- Exile raids against Cuba, 303, 334, 738, 742, 747, 759–760, 876
- France, 135–136, 148
- Gromyko’s meetings with, 110–114, 875–877
- Guantanamo naval base, 134, 137–138, 148
- IL-28 aircraft in Cuba, 18, 424
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba, 284, 350n, 437, 460–461, 489–490
- Intelligence gathering by U.S., 18, 665, 687
- Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee on Cuban Affairs, creation of, 648, 653
- JCS, meeting with, 477–478
- Jupiter missiles withdrawal from Turkey, 134, 136, 148, 275, 564
- Kuznetsov’s meeting with, 658–662
- Mikoyan’s meeting with, 534, 545–565
- Mongoose program, 46, 221
- Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union, , 424
- Joint report to end negotiations, 622–623
- Separate declarations to end negotiations, 551–552, 606, 607, 608, 627
- Thant’s efforts to achieve crisis standstill, 183, 188–191, 202, 244–248
- U.S. instructions to negotiators, 325n, 357, 378
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee, 113–114, 224, 266, 358
- “informal assurance” option, 502–503
- Kennedy-Khrushchev dialogue, 510, 623
- Kennedy-Mikoyan discussion, 553–562
- U.S. declaration, 524, 553–562, 584–585
- U.S. policy re, 434, 436, 470, 471, 509, 510–513, 541, 568
- U.S. response to Soviet proposal re, 268–269
- “Verbal statement” option, 557–558, 561–562
- Nuclear-free zone in Latin America, 462
- Nuclear testing, 350–351, 355
- Prisoners held in Cuba, release of, 18, 19–20, 75, 621, 724, 729, 755
- Quarantine of Cuba, 143, 147, 212,
222, 252, 322, 334, 362
- Congressional leaders informed of, 158–159, 160, 161
- Kennedy administration discussions, 129–130, 133
- Kennedy’s decision on, 114n, 118, 134–135
- Kennedy’s speech on, 135, 136, 142–145
- Lifting of, 441, 442, 479n
- Proclamation of Interdiction, 168, 172, 203
- Rationale for, 152, 153–156
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 202, 223, 226, 252, 264, 267
- Rules of engagement, 173, 181
- Stopping of ships, 202, 208, 209, 211, 272
- U.S. information policy, 153, 179–180, 223
- U.S.-Soviet communications, 162–163, 170–171, 174–175, 185–187, 188, 198, 237–238
- U.S.-U.K. communications, 140–141, 152, 163–165, 210–212
- Radio broadcasts into Cuba, 334, 395, 608, 610, 754
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 435, 481, 488, 590, 759
- Reintroduction of weapons in Cuba, 399–400, 436, 468, 469
- Soviet military personnel in Cuba, 660, 689–690
- Soviet military personnel withdrawal, 683, 716, 729, 731, 759
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 709, 857–858, 875–876
- Soviet missiles in Cuba, 62, 669
- Halt in site construction, 265, 266, 268–269
- Hidden in caves, 394, 435, 543
- Kennedy-Soviet discussions, 110–114, 547–551
- Reconnaissance photographs, 17, 29–30, 107, 134–135, 169
- Refugee reports on, 435, 541
- Soviet motivation, 36, 71–72
- Types of missiles, 49–52
- U.S. information policy, 40, 44–45, 58–59, 63, 435
- U.S. intelligence failure, 651–652
- U.S. response, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42–45, 49–52, 55–82, 108, 109
- Soviet offensive weapons in Cuba, 235, 237, 373, 397–399
- Soviet shipments to Cuba, 664n, 691
- Soviet submarine base in Cuba, 354–355, 379–380
- Soviet Union, U-2 overflights of, 264, 286
- State of alert for U.S. forces, 271–272, 432
- Trade with Cuba, 304
- U.N. inspection system of Caribbean, proposed, 371–372
- U.S.-Cuban accommodation, 756n, 880, 888–889
- U.S. information policy, 303–304, 348, 349, 351, 359, 542
- U.S. policy toward Cuba, 412, 542, 587, 716–718, 764
- Verification of missile withdrawal, 298, 357, 407
- Withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, 225, 284–286, 405–406, 478–480
- Kennedy, Robert F., 19, 114n, 134, 137, 151–152, 169, 317n, 340, 376, 436, 451n, 469, 503, 542, 613n, 656n, 765n, 822, 871, 883
- Air strikes against missile sites , option, 96, 119, 130, 131–132, 140
- Cuban Brigade, 685–686
- Cuban exile groups, 728, 824n
- Dobrynin’s meetings with, 175–177, 270–271, 284n, 373, 443, 751–754
- Exile raids against Cuba, 741, 742, 743, 744, 852–853
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba, 443, 492
- “Insulting” Soviet document for Kennedy, 751–754
- Jupiter missiles withdrawal from Turkey, 255, 256, 271, 272–273
- Mongoose program, 12, 45–47, 230
- Prisoners held in Cuba, release of, 19–20, 75, 457–458, 621
- Quarantine of Cuba, 121–122, 131–132, 143, 145, 154, 173, 322
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 373, 815
- Soviet military personnel in Cuba, 690
- Soviet missiles in Cuba:
- U.S.-Cuban accommodation, 879, 881
- U.S. policy toward Cuba, 781, 796, 850
- Withdrawal of missiles from Cuba,. U.S. ultimatum re, 270–271
- Kennedy-Khrushchev correspondence:
- Kennedy’s letters, 162–163, 174–175, 198, 268–269, 285–286, 362, 393–394, 397–400, 460–462, 509–510, 613–617, 622–624, 759–760
- Khrushchev’s letters, 170–171, 185–187, 235–241, 257–260, 279–283, 309–317, 373–375, 437–441, 451–454, 495–501, 519–521, 791–793
- Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union re, 630–633, 637–643
- Kent, Sherman, 165, 167, 778–779, 799, 813n, 821
- Khrushchev, Nikita S. (see also
Kennedy-Khrushchev correspondence), 182, 239, 902n
- Arms control, 312–313
- China, People’s Republic of, 314–315
- Cuba visit, 858, 863
- Economic embargo of Cuba, 47–49
- Exile raids against Cuba, 863
- Germany 313–314
- Guantanamo Naval Base, 310–311
- Harriman meeting with, 788–791, 795–796
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba, 437–441, 451–454, 493–501
- Invasion of Cuba, Soviet policy re, 279–280
- Jupiter missiles withdrawal from Turkey, 257–261
- Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union, 283, 640
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee, 500–501
- Soviet questioning of U.S. sincerity, 719–720, 735–737
- Quarantine of Cuba, 186, 310
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 282, 792–793
- Soviet military personnel in Cuba, 499, 788–791
- Soviet offensive weapons in Cuba, 235, 237, 373–375
- Soviet Union, U-2 overflights of, 281–282
- Talking Paper for Kennedy 751–754
- U.N. inspection system of Caribbean, proposed, 499–500
- U.S.-Soviet communications, 616–617
- Withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, 239–240, 279–283
- Killian report, 651
- Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 248, 294
- Klein, David, 195
- Kohler, Foy D., 162n, 170–171, 241, 304–305, 318, 696, 719, 737, 788
- Korth, Fred, 695
- Krulak, Maj. Gen. Victor H., 727
- Kuchel, Thomas, 657
- Kushnir, N., 545
- Kuznetsov, Vasiliy V., 170, 283, 307, 318, 344, 504, 565, 732n
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba, 366, 486, 576
- Kennedy meeting with, 658–662
- McC1oy-Kuznetsov informal meeting, 459, 482–487
- Release of Kennedy-Khrushchev correspondence to end negotiations, 630–633, 637, 643
- Separate declarations to end negotiations, 593, 619–620
- Sessions, 306–307, 336–338, 366–370, 382–384, 400–403, 413–414, 446–451, 464–467, 526–529, 569–573, 591–594, 617–621, 630–633, 634–635, 637–641, 642–645
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee, 368, 570, 592, 720–724
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 335, 336, 402–403, 446–449
- Soviet military personnel in Cuba, 571, 660–661
- Soviet,submarine base in Cuba, 368–369
- U.N. inspection system of Caribbean, proposed, 465
- Verification of missile withdrawal, 361, 367
- Withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, 300, 336 413, 414, 486–487
- Lambda 66, 732n
- Lansdale, Brig. Gen. Edward G., 12, 13, 16, 23, 45, 230, 231, 650
- Laos, 112–113, 463, 773
- Lapin, S.G., 788
- Lausche, Frank J., 653
- Lechuga Hevia, Carlos, 869–870, 877, 878, 880–883, 890n, 897, 899, 903–904
- Lee, Adm. John M., 260
- Legere, Lawrence, 319n, 694n
- LeMay, Gen. Curtis, 10, 138, 334, 477
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman, 173, 198n, 265
- Lima, Hermes, 228, 278
- Lincoln, Evelyn N., 93
- Lovett,Robert, 142, 181
- Luce, Henry, 717
- Lundahl, Arthur, 94, 106, 107, 116, 127, 141, 818
- Macmillan, Harold, 147, 244–248, 463–464
- Mahon, George H., 7n, 17
- Malinovski, Radion Y., 753
- Mansfield, Mike, 657
- Markov, Petr I., 751
- Martin, Edward, 296
- Martin, Edwin M., 70, 108n, 119, 127, 228n, 232n, 278, 532n, 542, 635n, 640n, 641n, 648, 684, 705, 711, 717–718, 719n, 738n, 747, 780, 786n, 798n, 826, 838n, 845n, 850, 851–852, 898, 909
- McCIoy, John J., 169, 223, 224, 232n, 291n, 366, 408, 434, 470, 520–521
- Chinese-Indian war, 485–486
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba, 382–383, 491–492
- Jupiter missiles withdrawal from Turkey, 262
- Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union, 357, 471, 577–578
- Joint report to end negotiations, 611, 617–621, 643–645, 654–655
- McC1oy-Kuznetsov informal meeting, 220, 455, 458–459, 482–487
- Release of Kennedy-Khrushchev correspondence to end negotiations, 630–633, 637–641, 642–643
- Separate declarations to end negotiations, 606, 607, 608, 628, 629n
- Sessions, 336–338, 344–347, 366–370, 382–384, 413–414, 446–451, 526–529, 532–534, 565–566, 569–573, 591–594, 617–621, 630–633, 634–635, 637–641, 642–645
- Thant’s efforts to achieve crisis standstill, 220, 242–244
- U.S. instructions to negotiators, 363, 378, 514, 519, 522, 523, 530, 603, 611
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee, 368, 484, 592
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 336, 446–449, 488, 630
- Reintroduction of weapons in Cuba, 369, 485
- Soviet submarine base in Cuba, 368–369
- U.N. inspection system of Caribbean, proposed, 485
- Verification of missile withdrawal 301, 361 366–367
- Withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, 336
- McCone, John A., 94n, 109, 120, 153, 168, 201, 221, 252, 333, 341, 348, 353, 358, 376, 460n,
487, 490n; 626, 656n, 687n, 689, 702n, 710n, 765n,
768, 845n
- Air strikes against missile sites option, 99, 118, 130, 131, 132, 140
- Covert operations against Cuba, 221, 784
- Cuba, 377, 574, 851
- Cuban Brigade, 686
- Cuban exile groups, 647, 728
- Cuban subversion in Latin America, 433
- Economic embargo of Cuba, 684–685
- Exile raids against Cuba 745–746, 853
- Guantanamo Naval Base, 137–138, 609
- IL-28 aircraft in Cuba, 18, 19, 360, 361
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba, 444, 657–658
- Intelligence gathering by U.S., 18, 577, 625 652, 665, 703
- Killian report, 651
- Mongoose program, 11–13, 230, 545
- Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union, 609–610
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee, 525, 526, 530
- Quarantine of Cuba, 98, 132, 143, 145, 154, 158, 173, 177, 204, 206
- Radio broadcasts into Cuba, 605, 610
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 481n, 435, 610, 911
- Reintroduction of weapons in Cuba, 376, 698–699
- Soviet military personnel withdrawal, 682, 683, 731
- Soviet military presence in Cuba following crisis, 469–470
- Soviet missiles in Cuba, 133, 209
- Cave-hidden missiles, 394, 479, 543
- Confirmation of missiles at sites, 138–139
- Congressional report on crisis, 715–716
- Number of missiles, 360, 361, 371
- Reconnaissance photographs, 106, 107
- Soviet motivation, 37, 97, 103
- Strategic impact, 60–61, 97
- U.S. intelligence failure, 320–321, 651–652
- U.S. response, 95, 97, 98, 99, 103–106
- Soviet policy toward Cuba, 15, 778
- Soviet shipments to Cuba, U.S. monitoring of, 664, 691n
- Sugar market, 816, 852
- U.S.-Cuban accommodation, 799, 879
- U.S. policy toward Cuba, 14, 764, 780, 896, 898
- Verification of missile withdrawal, 339, 354, 361
- Withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, 225
- McCormack, John, 657
- McDermott, Edward A., 141
- McKee, Gen. W.F., 837
- McNamara, Robert S., 110n, 121, 151–152, 198n, 224, 231, 256, 267, 292, 298, 379, 460n, 585, 656n, 657, 664, 698n, 702n, 710n,
753, 822, 837, 845n, 873
- Air strikes against missile sites option, 10–11 100, 265, 266
- Kennedy administration discussions, 33–34, 36–37, 55–58, 63, 66–71, 80, 99, 108, 131, 132–133
- Covert operations against Cuba, 75, 885
- Cuban Brigade, 686, 695–696
- Exile raids against Cuba, 303, 741, 744
- 1L-28 aircraft in Cuba, 339, 340, 432n
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba, 359, 441
- Invasion of Cuba, 155, 381
- Jupiter missiles withdrawal from Turkey, 108, 128, 254
- Quarantine of Cuba, 142, 143, 147, 155, 169, 179, 222, 322, 333, 441
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 481n, 488, 502, 509, 541–542
- Soviet military personnel in Cuba, 689, 709
- Soviet missiles in Cuba, 60, 97, 138–139, 160, 542
- State of alert for U.S. forces, 58, 271–272, 432, 502, 538, 54On
- U.S. policY toward Cuba, 780, 796, 797, 822, 823, 898
- Verification of missile withdrawal, 385n
- Withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, 284
- McNaughton, John T., 325n
- Meeker, Leonard C., 116, 117, 119, 120
- Mendelevich, Lev I., 382, 400, 402n, 413, 482, 529, 532, 565, 569, 591, 617, 630, 637, 642, 645n, 654, 658
- Menemencioglu, Turgut, 296–297
- Menshikov, Mikhail A., 344
- Merchant, Livingston, 261
- Merck company, 457
- Mikoyan, Anastas I., 318, 338, 358, 487, 520, 531, 574
- Cuban subversion in Latin America, 894–895
- Cuba visit, 339, 545–547, 583n
- Johnson (Lyndon B.) meeting with, 894–895
- Kennedy meeting with, 534, 545–565
- Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union:
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee, 532–534, 553–562
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 554–555
- Soviet missiles in Cuba, 547–551
- Minow, Newton, 395
- Miro Cardona, Jose, 24, 25, 755, 764, 775n
- Missiles in Cuba. See Soviet missiles in Cuba.
- Mongoose program, 11–13, 16, 45–47, 221, 229–231, 545, 648, 649
- Morgan, Thomas, 657
- Morocco, 767–768
- Morozov, P.D., 347, 369
- Moyers, William, 902
- Murrow, Edward R., 490, 585, 605, 608, 610, 656n, 717–718, 754, 765n, 781
- Narasimhan, C.v., 242, 290, 300, 308, 309
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Security Action Memoranda:
- National Security Council (NSC) (see also Executive Committee of the National Security Council; Standing Group of the National Security Council):
- Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union, 146, 220, 283, 357, 364, 585
- Closing out, 577–578
- Declarations by U.S. and Soviet Union. See Separate declarations to end negotiations below.
- Joint report to end negotiations, 611–613, 617–621, 622–623, 631, 642, 643–645, 654–655
- McCloy-Kuznetsov informal meeting, 455, 458–459, 482–487
- Release of Kennedy-Khrushchev correspondence to end negotiations, 630–633, 637–643
- Security Council meeting, proposed, 516–517
- Separate declarations to end negotiations, 551–552, 568, 593, 594–596, 597–602, 603–604, 606–610, 619–620, 627, 628–629, 634
- Sessions, 306–307, 336–338, 344–347, 366–370, 382–384, 400–403, 413–414, 446–451, 464–467, 526–529, 532–534, 565–566, 569–573, 591–594, 617–621, 630–633, 634–635, 637–641, 642–645
- Soviet policy re, 304–305
- Stevenson’s plan for ending negotiations, 420–424, 433–434
- Thant’s efforts, 183, 188–198, 199, 201, 202, 203–204, 205, 219–220, 223, 225, 232–234, 238, 242–248
- U.S. instructions to negotiators, 321, 325–331, 342–344, 357, 363–365, 378–379, 409–410, 514–519, 522–524, 530–532, 603–604, 611–613
- U.S. planning, 249–251, 295, 417–419
- Nitze, Paul H., 20, 120, 169, 172, 203n, 222, 224, 226, 232n, 294, 394, 489, 492, 799
- Nixon, Richard M., 453–454, 550, 551
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee (see
Joint report to end negotiations
Separate declarations to end negotiations
Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union), 113–114, 224, 243, 266, 337, 341, 345n, 358, 404–405, 476, 500–501
- “Informal assurance” option, 502–503
- Kennedy-Khrushchev dialogue, 510, 519, 613–617, 623
- Kennedy-Mikoyan discussion, , 553–562
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba and, 527–528, 529, 570, 592
- Soviet proposal re, 227, 239–240
- Soviet questioning of U.S. sincerity, 719–724, 735–737
- Treaty issue, 456, 484
- U.N. declaration, 484
- U.S. declaration:
- U.S. policy re, 378–379, 434, 436, 455–456, 470, 471, 504–509, 510–513, 541, 568
- “Verbal statement” option, 557–558, 561–562
- Norstad, Gen. Lauris, 172, 173, 272
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 55, 173, 247, 276–277, 489, 626
- Nuclear-free zone in Latin America, 205, 223–224, 354, 358, 405, 462, 476, 585
- Nuclear testing, 350–351, 355
- Nunez, Ricardo, 609
- O’Donnell, P. Kenneth, 127
- Organization of American States (OAS), 9, 32, 42, 144, 148–149, 224, 322, 332, 489, 588, 896, 909
- Ormsby Gore, Sir David, 140–141, 288–289, 872
- Orrick, Bob, 649
- Orrick, William, 222
- Oswald, Lee Harvey, 890, 897, 899
- Parrott, Thomas A., 11n, 45n, 231, 758, 765, 784, 837
- Patchell, Col., 45
- Penkovsky, Col. Oleg, 115
- Pepper, Claude, 730
- Pfizer company, 457
- PHIBRIGLEX-62 military training exercise, 30
- Phleger, Herman, 456
- Pittman, Steuart L., 172
- Plimpton, Francis T.P., 242, 244, 262, 642, 645n, 654
- Poland, 767-768
- Prio Socarras, Carlos, 854
- Quarantine of Cuba, 105, 106, 169, 173, 179, 206, 222, 252, 322, 362, 475
- Congressional leaders informed of, 158–161
- De Gaulle informed of, 165–167
- Implementation of, 146–147
- Kennedy administration consensus, 121–122
- Kennedy administration discussions, 33, 35, 88–90, 98, 99, 100n, 108, 109, 118–121, 128–136
- Kennedy’s decision on, 114n, 118, 134–135
- Kennedy’s speech re, 135, 136, 142–145
- Legal dimension of U.S. actions, 116–117, 120, 152, 160
- Lifting of, 291–292, 310, 337, 434, 441–442
- OAS position, 117–118, 171, 186
- Proclamation of Interdiction, 168, 172, 203
- Rationale for, 152–156
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 200–201, 202, 206, 207, 208, 222–223, 226, 252, 264, 267, 273
- Reinstitution following Thant’s visit to Cuba, 333, 334
- Resumption on expanded basis, scenario for, 428–429
- Rules of engagement, 147, 173, 181–182
- Soviet reaction, U.S. estimates re, 124, 177–179
- Soviets informed of, 162–163
- Soviet strategy, 216–218
- Stopping of ships, 184–185, 192, 200, 202, 204–205, 206, 207–209, 211, 219, 222, 252, 272, 350
- Term, 135, 143
- Turning back by ships, 181–182, 208, 212, 215–216
- U.S. information policy, 153, 155, 179–180, 223
- U.S.-Soviet communications, 162–163, 170–171, 174–175, 185–187, 188, 198, 237–238
- U.S.-U.K. communications, 140–141, 149–151, 152, 163–165, 210–212
- Radio broadcasts into Cuba, 145, 334, 395, 588, 717, 905
- Ray, Manolo, 24–25, 757, 843, 907
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba (see also
Quarantine of Cuba; Soviet
missiles in Cuba; Verification of missile
withdrawal), 481, 488, 502, 509, 541–542, 610, 663
- Attacks on planes, 267, 270, 335, 336, 340, 341, 343, 373, 402–403, 464
- Cuban protests, 845–846, 847, 858–859
- Directive on, 543–544, 576, 590–591
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba and, 451–456, 486, 487
- JCS position, 538–539
- Kennedy administration dissension re, 713–714
- Kennedy-Mikoyan discussion, 554–555
- Long-term surveillance requirements, 410–411, 412, 435
- Low-level missions, 575–576, 664, 691–692, 694, 705, 773, 782–783, 785–786, 818–819, 845–847
- Mongoose program, 12–13
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee and, 527–528, 529, 570, 592
- Number of flights for U.S. security purposes, 624–625
- Overthrow of Castro regime and, 804–809, 814–816
- “Peaceful observation” dimension, 759, 792–793
- Restrictions on, 14, 544
- Soviet military personnel withdrawal and, 709–710
- Soviet policy re, 282, 446–449
- Soviet threat to, possible, 582–583, 622, 630
- Red Cross (see also Red Cross under Verification of missile withdrawal), 635, 688
- Reintroduction of weapons in Cuba, 369, 376, 399–400, 436, 468–469, 485
- Rikhye, Brig. Indar Jit, 242, 243, 244, 291, 308, 309, 325
- Roman, Alejandro, 868
- Rosson, Gen., 754
- Rostow, Walt W., 169n, 172, 203n, 207, 209, 222, 248–249
- Roura, Jose Maria, 868
- Rowen, Henry R., 248, 294
- Ruiz Williams, Enrique, 825
- Rusk, Dean, 37, 110, 151–152, 162n, 175, 198, 215, 249n, 264, 269, 286, 299, 333, 353, 355, 373n, 405, 433, 545, 566, 583n, 626, 631n, 634, 651, 657, 662n, 664n, 687n,
702, 706, 710, 717, 722–723, 729, 754n, 759n, 861n,
862n, 876
- Air strikes against missile sites option, 31–32, 35–36, 54–55, 98–99, 107, 119–120, 129, 131, 132, 133
- Covert operations against Cuba, 842–845, 884–885
- Cuba, release of prisoners, 635–636
- Cuban Revolutionary Council, 786–788
- Cuban-Soviet split, U.S. proposal re, 224, 228–229
- Cuban subversion in Latin America, 359, 696–698, 876
- Exile raids against Cuba, 738–739, 740, 741, 742, 744
- Foreign Ministers of the Latin American Republics meeting, 8–9
- IL-28 aircraft, 349, 343, 395, 441, 442, 470
- Jupiter missiles withdrawal from Turkey, 180–181, 253, 254, 266, 272, 275
- Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union, 434, 585, 640–642, 654
- Separate declarations to end negotiations, 603–604, 606, 607, 628–629
- Thant’s efforts to achieve crisis standstill, 191–192, 199, 201, 205, 223, 232–234
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee, 224, 358
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 276–277, 626
- Nuclear-free zone in Latin America, 205, 223, 224, 354
- Quarantine of Cuba, 33, 119–120, 121, 130, 132, 135, 152, 155, 158–159, 171, 205–206, 222
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 435, 481, 488, 542, 630
- Reintroduction of weapons in Cuba, 468–469, 698
- Soviet military personnel in Cuba 541, 690, 696–698
- Soviet military personnel withdrawal, 682, 698n, 716
- Soviet missiles in Cuba, 37, 53, 54, 406
- Soviet offensive weapons in Cuba, 393–394, 408–409
- Trade with Cuba, 682–685, 766–769
- U.N. inspection system of Caribbean, proposed, 372, 523
- U.S.-Cuban accommodation, 844, 845
- U.S. policy toward Cuba, 412, 716, 718, 898
- Verification of missile withdrawal, 308, 361
- Withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, 270,
283, 284, 323, 356
- U.S.-U.K. discussions, 288-.289
- Russell, Bertrand, 182, 187, 240
- Russell, Richard, 158, 159–160, 584, 657
- Ryan, Hewson, 46
- Salinger, Pierre, 153, 304, 356, 405
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 160, 657
- Scali, John, 227, 241, 356, 493–494, 503
- Schaetzel, J. Robert, 261
- Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 187–188, 320, 443, 492, 567n
- Schroeder, Gerhard, 76, 81
- Scott, Joseph W., 750
- Seaborg, Glenn T., 355
- Semenov, 110, 875
- Shackley, 883
- Sheldon (CIA), 18, 361
- Ship-at-sea inspections. See under Verification of missile withdrawal.
- Shoup, Gen. David M., 477
- Sisco, Joseph, 203n,’309n, 386n, 514n, 517n
- Smathers, George, 657
- Smirnovski, Mikhail N., 894
- Smith, Abbot, 177–179
- Smith, Bromley, 127, 142, 209, 226, 256, 268, 273, 285, 293, 299, 304, 322, 334, 341, 355, 359, 372, 396, 413, 437, 442, 443, 490, 509, 542, 569, 586, 608, 627, 663n, 687, 692, 718, 743, 747, 765, 772, 782, 797, 817, 823, 828n, 848, 872, 901, 902–903
- Somoza, Luis, 853–855
- Sorensen, Theodore C., 114n, 120, 130, 133, 137, 144, 176, 224, 254, 255, 304, 492, 765n, 781, 815, 816
- Soviet military personnel in Cuba, 2, 407, 475, 499, 502, 541, 571
- Soviet missiles in Cuba (see also
Reintroduction of weapons in Cuba; Withdrawal of missiles from Cuba):
- Cave--hidden missiles, 394, 406, 435, 479, 499, 543
- CIA reports on, 115, 125–126, 535–537
- Confirmation of missiles at sites, 52–53, 138–139
- Confirmation of missile sites, 1–3, 29
- Congressional report on crisis, 715–716
- Deliveries of missiles, 7–8
- Halt in site construction, 242–243, 265, 266, 268–269
- Kennedy-Gromyko discussion, 110–114
- Kennedy-Mikoyan discussion, 547–551
- Kennedy (Robert F.)-Dobrynin meetings, 175–177, 270–271
- Nuclear warheads, 50, 133
- Number of missiles, 360, 361, 371
- Range of missiles, 2–3
- Reconnaissance photographs, 17, 29–30, 51–52, 81, 106, 107, 127, 134–135, 154, 169
- Refugee reports on, 154, 435, 541, 542
- Soviet motivation, 36, 37, 71–72, 97, 103, 123
- Strategic impact, 60–62, 97
- Types of missiles, 49–52
- U.N. activities (see also Thant’s efforts to achieve crisis standstill under Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union), 171
- U.S. information policy, 40–41, 44–45, 58–59, 63–64, 435
- U.S. intelligence failure, 320–321, 651–652
- U.S. message to Castro, 53–54
- U.S. response (see also Air strikes against missile sites option; Quarantine of Cuba):
- Soviet offensive weapons in Cuba (see also IL-28 aircraft headings; Reintroduction of weapons in Cuba; Soviet missiles in Cuba), 15, 27–29
- Soviet Union (also see Khrushchev, Nitika S.; Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union; Soviet missiles in Cuba), 294
- Special Group of the National Security Council, 878–879
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Stahr, Elvis J., 695
- Standing Group of the National Security Council, 765, 837
- State of alert for U.S. forces, 32, 58, 271–272, 432, 502, 503, 538–540
- Steakley, Col., 12, 757, 818, 819
- Stennis, John, 715–716
- Stevenson, Adlai E., II, 5n, 137, 169, 171, 187, 290, 307, 335, 338, 370, 408, 436, 466, 487, 504, 532, 567n,
- Air strikes against missile sites option, 101–102, 134
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba, 442, 576
- Jupiter missiles withdrawal from Turkey 134, 136, 262–263
- Negotiations between U.S. and Soviet Union, 409n, 410n, 471, 577–578, 585,
- Joint report to end negotiations, 611, 617–621, 654
- Separate declarations to end negotiations, 568, 595–596, 597–601, 606, 607–608, 627
- Sessions, 306–307, 344–347, 382–384, 400–403, 413–414, 446–451, 464–467, 565–566, 617–621, 630–633
- Stevenson’s plan for ending negotiations, 420–423, 433
- Thant’s efforts to achieve crisis standstill, 190–191, 193–195, 196–197, 199, 203–204, 225, 232–234
- U.S. instructions to negotiators, 363, 378, 514, 519, 522, 523, 530, 603, 611
- U.S. planning, 417–419
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee, 434, 566, 578, 584, 585
- Nuclear-free zone in Latin America, 358, 585
- Quarantine of Cuba, 122, 134, 144, 145, 223
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 402–403, 446–449, 464, 630
- Thant-Castro negotiations, 289–290
- U.S.-Cuban accommodation, 877, 880, 881, 903, 908n
- Verification of missile withdrawal, 301, 433
- Withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, 300, 323–324
- Strong, Sir Kenneth, 200
- Sugar market, 626, 666, 800–801, 816, 817–818, 820n, 821, 852, 871
- Sukhodrev, Viktor, 110, 788, 875, 894
- Sullivan, William H., 788
- Sundquist, James L., 820, 821, 852
- Suslov, Mikhail A., 333
- Sweeney Gen. Walter C., Jr., 66, 139, 140
- Sylvester, Arthur, 683
- Taber, John, 17
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell
D., 11, 230, 284, 298, 319n,
476, 685, 692, 765n, 883
- Air strikes against missile sites option, 35, 39, 40, 56, 63, 66–71, 80, 99, 118–119, 120, 129, 130, 131, 132, 135, 139
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba, 474–475
- Invasion of Cuba, 6, 155
- Mongoose program, 230
- Nuclear-free zone in Latin America, 224, 476
- Quarantine of Cuba, 35, 98, 118, 130, 143, 207, 226, 267, 475
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 435, 488, 542, 692
- Soviet military personnel in Cuba, 475, 689
- Soviet missiles in Cuba, 36, 40–41, 61
- State of alert for U.S. forces, 432, 538–540
- Verification of missile withdrawal, 292, 293, 333, 334, 339, 341, 342, 353, 395–396
- Test Ban Treaty, Cuban policy re, 876–877
- Thant, U, 262, 529n, 532n, 405, 863
- Thomas, John, 730
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., 44, 84–85, 110, 209, 227n, 248, 256, 265, 285n, 357, 362n, 394, 408n, 451n, 460n, 470, 480, 488, 503, 532n, 545, 613n, 64On, 641n, 658, 754n, 759n, 773, 857, 875, 894, 906
- Exile raids against Cuba, 741, 742, 744, 861–863, 866
- IL-28 aircraft withdrawal from Cuba, 404, 442
- Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee, 404–405
- Quarantine of Cuba, 98, 99, 108, 120, 134, 144, 145, 158, 442
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 481n, 783, 797–798, 819
- Soviet military personnel withdrawal, 706–709
- Soviet missiles in Cuba, 97
- U.S. policy toward Cuba, 412, 681–682
- Verification of missile withdrawal, 322
- Tobin, Irwin M., 296
- Track Two program, 14, 22–25
- Trade with Cuba, 304, 716, 871, 873–874
- Trevelyan, Sir Humphrey 719, 720–721, 723
- Truman, Harry S., 153
- Turkey (see also Jupiter missiles withdrawal from Turkey), 267
- Twitchell, Gen., 261
- Tyler, William R., 149n, 180n, 288, 296–297, 532n, 872, 875, 894
- Unger, Maj. Gen. F.T., 20–21
- United Kingdom:
- United Nations (see also Verification of missile withdrawal), 144, 148–149, 171
- U.S.-Cuban accommodation, 798–799
- U.S. doctrine on Castro-like governments in Western Hemisphere, 853
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA), 180, 223, 351
- U.S. information policy (see also Radio broadcasts into Cuba under specific subjects), 303–304, 319, 348, 349, 351, 359, 542, 544, 796
- U.S. Intelligence Board, 705, 834n
- U-2 flights. See Reconnaissance flights over Cuba.
- Vallejo Ortiz, Rene, 687–688, 756, 763, 878, 881–883, 888–889, 89On, 892–893, 903
- Vance, Cyrus, R., 647, 648, 667, 695, 749, 751, 754, 761, 784, 878, 883, 906
- Varona, Tony, 787
- Venezuela, 334, 359, 720, 722, 736, 909
- Verification of missile withdrawal, 280, 301, 361
- Administration and finance of operations, 330–331
- Cuban policy re, 308, 321, 324–325
- Incoming cargoes. See Red Cross inspections below.
- Latin American inspectors, proposal for, 406, 407, 433
- On-site inspections, 233–234, 321, 329–330, 339, 357–358, 366–367, 371
- Reconnaissance flights over Cuba, 284, 287, 291–293, 298–299, 301, 302, 303, 306–307, 309, 321–322, 327–328, 333–334, 339–342, 343, 346, 353–354, 358, 371, 372, 395–396, 406
- Red Cross inspections, 298, 299–300, 302, 322, 329, 346, 357, 369–370, 383, 401
- Ship-at-sea inspections, 322, 324, 335, 349–350, 354, 356, 367–368, 401–402, 405
- Reports on, 420
- Two-phase program, 327
- U.N. inspection teams, 243–244
- Warheads removal, 378, 383–384, 402
- Vietnam, 294
- Vmo-Gradov, Yuriy N., 545
- Vinson, Carl, 160, 161, 657
- Wheeler, Lt. Gen. Earle G., 381, 477, 647, 648, 906
- White, Lincoln, 733
- White Paper on the Cuban crisis, 296
- Whitman, 332
- Wiesner, Jerome B., 169n, 170, 179–180, 355
- Wilson, Donald, 145, 223, 229, 304, 334, 351, 395, 684, 800, 848n, 898
- Withdrawal of missiles from Cuba (see
Verification of missile withdrawal), 225, 243, 356
- Eisenhower’s views, 478–480
- Intelligence reports on, 657–658
- Process of withdrawal, 300, 323–324, 336
- Quid pro quo issues. See Jupiter missiles withdrawal from Turkey; Non-invasion of Cuba guarantee.
- Soviet agreement, 279–283
- Soviet reports on, 413, 486–487
- Soviet strategy, Kohler’s analysis of, 318
- U.S. information policy, 405–406
- U.S.-U.K. discussions, 288–289
- U.S. ultimatum, 270–271
- Warheads removal, 414
- World War I, 27
- Wright, Col. John R., Jr., 1n
- Wright, Oliver, 872
- Yarmolinsky, Adam, 648
- Yost, Charles W., 242, 244, 262, 299, 357, 392, 400, 413, 464, 527n, 529, 532, 565, 591, 595, 603, 617, 637, 639, 642
- Yugoslavia, 767–768
- Zhukov, Grigory K., 344
- Zorin, Valerian, 151n, 203, 243, 244, 263, 299, 344, 368, 382, 400, 413, 482, 487, 532, 565, 569, 637, 639
- Zumwalt, Capt. Elmo, 386n