131. Record of Action at the 16th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Security Council0

Director McCone presented the intelligence summary covering developments in Cuba, as well as brief reports on situations in other areas. In response to a question, he said the admittedly confused evidence pointed to the conclusion that SAM sites in Cuba are under Russian control.
There followed a discussion of whether aerial reconnaissance should be carried out over Cuba today. The President authorized low-level flights of six planes over the airbase where the IL-28 planes are stationed [Page 342] and over certain MRBM sites. Weather conditions ruled out U-2 flights today. The major reason for overflying the IL-28 base is to make clear that we consider these planes “offensive weapons” to be removed by the Russians, and, therefore, we must know whether they are being dismantled.
The President asked that Mr. McCloy make clear to Mikoyan during a conversation later today that we must carry out aerial reconnaissance over Cuba because the Cubans are preventing the implementation of the Soviet agreement to UN inspection of the removal of the missiles. A message to McCloy was to be drafted.1
Following a discussion of reprisals to be taken if a U.S. reconnaissance plane is shot down over Cuba, the President decided that no retaliation would take place today.
General Taylor was assured that the full photographic coverage of Cuba planned for a later time—after the reported date of the removal of Soviet missiles from existing sites—would be authorized.
McGeorge Bundy
  1. Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Meetings and Memoranda Series, Executive Committee, Vol. II, Meetings, 11-16. Top Secret; Sensitive.
  2. See Document 132.