72. Memorandum From the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Lemnitzer) to Secretary of
Defense McNamara0
Washington, March 25,
- Tasks, Para-Military Plan, Cuba
- 1.
- Recommend you approve the enclosed memorandum which sets forth the
tasks to be accomplished by the Department of State, Department of
Defense, and Central Intelligence Agency Representatives charged with
the coordination of planning and conduct of the subject plan.1 The memorandum includes a time
schedule for the completion of tasks set forth for the Pre-D-Day
- 2.
- In accordance with your desires, Brigadier General David W. Gray, USA, Chief, Subsidiary Activities Division,
J-5, the Joint Staff, has been designated the DOD Representative and has been directed to keep your
office informed on the status of plans and operations.
March 23,
- Secretary of State
- Secretary of Defense
- Director of Central Intelligence Agency
- Tasks, Para-Military Plan, Cuba
- 1.
- The Working Group assigned to work out the detailed tasks for the
planning and conduct of the CIA
Para-Military Plan, Cuba, and act as
[Page 169]
members of a Central Office for the operation,
has agreed upon the tasks to be accomplished by the representatives
of your respective departments and agency. The tasks are set forth
for three phases: Pre-D-Day Phase; D-Day and Post-D-Day Phase until
Recognition; and Post-Recognition Phase.
- 2.
- The tasks for the Pre-D-Day Phase are set forth in Enclosure A
- 3.
- The tasks for the D-Day and Post-D-Day Phase until Recognition are
set forth in Enclosure B hereto.
- 4.
- The tasks for the Post-Recognition Phase are set forth in
Enclosure C hereto.
- 5.
- The proposed time schedule for the Pre-D-Day Phase is attached as
Enclosure D hereto.
Department of State Representative
of Defense Representative
Enclosure A
- 1.
- Department of State representatives will:
- a.
- Prepare White Paper for Presidential approval.
- b.
- Provide assistance to Mr. Schlesinger in preparation of material for
Presidential statements.
- c.
- Provide Working Group with Policy Statement as to what
“recognition” really means.
- d.
Determine action, if any, to be taken regarding
disclosures to Latin American countries—e.g.
- (1)
- Guatemala
- (2)
- Nicaragua
and other countries, e.g.
- (1)
- United Kingdom
- (2)
- France
- e.
- Provide policy guidance for all aspects of the development
of the Free Cuba Government.
- f.
- Prepare plans for overt moral and other possible
non-military support prior to recognition of the Free Cuba
Government of the objectives of the Cuban Volunteer Force
and of the Revolutionary Council, including possible action
in the United Nations or in the Organization of American
- g.
- Prepare plans for overt moral and other possible
non-military support of the objectives of the Free Cuba
Government when established.
- h.
- Provide policy guidance to USIA to support this plan.
- i.
- Prepare plan for Post-D-Day actions.
- 2.
- Department of Defense representatives will:
- a.
- Continue to provide training and logistic support to the
Cuban Volunteer Force as requested by CIA.
- b.
- Prepare logistics plans for arms, ammunition, and
equipment support beyond the capabilities of the initial
CIA logistics
- c.
- Prepare plans for provision of support from operational
forces as required.
- d.
- Prepare letter of instruction to the Services, CINCLANT and CONAD for support of this
- e.
planners informed.
- 3.
- CIA representatives will:
- a.
- Establish a Central Office from which Executive Department
and Agency representatives will coordinate planning and
conduct operations.
- b.
- Continue to supply guerrilla forces in Cuba as feasible
and required.
- c.
- Assist in the organization of a Free Cuba
- d.
- Conduct an interrogation of two or three members of the
Cuban Volunteer Force to determine full extent of their
knowledge of actual facts and provide information to the
President as soon as possible.
- e.
- Finalize detailed plans for the employment of the
Volunteer Force in Cuba and follow up plans. Execute these
plans on order.
- f.
- Continue to recruit, train and equip the Cuban Volunteer
- g.
- Prepare detailed plans for establishing contact with the
internal opposition, establishing such control, coordination
and support of this opposition as may be desirable and
- h.
- Exert effort to arrange defection of key Cuban personnel.
(N.B: The defection of the military commander of the Isle of
Pines, or at least officers who could control the Isle,
would be particularly desirable.)
- i.
- Continue detailed intelligence collection on Castro activities
throughout Latin America particularly his efforts to export
- j.
- Support the preparation of a White Paper to be issued by
the Free Cuba Government.
- k.
- Review cover plans.
- l.
- Coordinate with DOD
representatives logistic follow-up support
- m.
- Review and implement a pre-D-Day psychological warfare
- n.
- Review Psychological Warfare Plan for D-Day and Post-D-Day
- o.
- Intensify UW activities in
Enclosure B
- 1.
- Department of State representatives will:
- a.
- Take such steps as may be feasible for the protection of
U.S. citizens in Cuba.
- b.
- Execute plans for support of the Revolutionary Council or
Free Cuba Government in the United Nations or Organization
of American States and to counter communist and/or Castro charges in the
United Nations or Organization of American States, as
- c.
- Lend support to the objectives and actions of the Cuban
Volunteer Force and the Free Cuba Government.
- d.
- Revise plans as necessary for support of the Free Cuba
- e.
- Recognize Free Cuba Government as appropriate.
- 2.
- Department of Defense representatives will:
- a.
- Provide follow-up logistic support as requested by CIA and/or in accordance with
logistics plan.
- b.
- Provide support from operational forces as
- c.
- Prepare detailed plans to support the U.S. aid plan for
the Free Cuba Government for implementation when overt
support is given.
- d.
- Coordinate support by DOD
agencies and commands.
- 3.
- CIA representatives will:
- a.
- Execute and support over-all para-military plan.
- b.
- Inform DOD representatives
of logistics requirements.
- c.
- Continue execution of psychological warfare plan.
- d.
- Be responsible for the continuous operation of the Central
Office and present briefings of the situation as required or
- e.
- Introduce representatives of the Revolutionary Council and
of the Free Cuba Government into Cuba at an appropriate
Enclosure C
The Departments and the Agency will prepare, coordinate and execute, as
appropriate, such contingency plans as may be required and will,
moreover, plan for the resumption of their regularly assigned functions
in relation to the new Cuban government.
Enclosure D
- 1.
- D-14
- a.
- Department of State Representatives:
- (1)
- Complete White Paper for Presidential
- (2)
- Provide policy guidance for all aspects of the
Free Cuba Government (continuous).
- b.
- Department of Defense Representatives:
- (1)
- Continue to provide training and logistic support
to the Cuban Volunteer Force as requested by CIA.
- c.
- CIA Representatives:
- (1)
- Establish a Central Office.
- (2)
- Continue to supply guerrilla forces in Cuba as
feasible and required (continuous).
- (3)
- Assist in organization of Free Cuba
- (4)
- Continue to train and equip the Cuban Volunteer
- (5)
- Coordinate with DOD representatives logistic follow-up
support requirements (continuous).
- (6)
- Intensify UW
activities in Cuba.
- 2.
- D-11
- a.
- Department of State Representatives:
- (1)
- Provide assistance to Mr. Schlesinger in
preparation of material for Presidential statements
- (2)
- Complete plans for overt moral and other possible
non-military support of the objectives of the Free
Cuba Government when established.
- 3.
- D-10
- a.
- DOD Representatives:
- (1)
- Complete letter of instruction to the Services,
support of this operation.
- 4.
- D-9
- a.
- Department of State Representatives:
- (1)
- Provide Working Group with Policy Statement as to
what “recognition” really means.
- (2)
- Have approved policy position regarding action, if
any, to be taken regarding disclosures to foreign
- (3)
- Complete plans for overt moral and other possible
non-military support prior to recognition of the
Free Cuba Government of the objectives of the Cuban
Volunteer Force and of the Revolutionary Council,
- (4)
- Complete plans for Post-D-Day actions.
- b.
- DOD Representatives:
- (1)
- Complete logistics plans for DOD follow-up
- c.
- CIA Representatives:
- (1)
- Finalize detailed plans for the employment of the Cuban
Volunteer Force.
- (2)
- Complete detailed plans for establishing contact with the
internal opposition and for establishing such control,
coordination and support of this opposition as may be
desirable and feasible.
- (3)
- Initiate effort to arrange defection of key Cuban
- (4)
- Complete review and implement a pre-D-Day Psychological
Warfare Plan for D-Day and post-D-Day phase.
- (5)
- Complete review of Psychological Warfare Plan for D-Day
and post-D-Day phase.
- 5.
- D-8
- a.
- CIA Representatives:
- (1)
- Complete support of a White Paper to be issued by
the Free Cuba Government and arrange to have that
Government issue same.
- 6.
- D-7
- a.
- CIA Representatives:
- (1)
- Complete review of cover plans.
- 7.
- D-6
- a.
- CIA Representatives:
- (1)
- Conduct an interrogation of two or three members
of the Cuban Volunteer Force to determine full
extent of their knowledge of actual facts and
provide information to the President as soon as
- 8.
- D-5
- a.
- DOD Representatives:
- (1)
- Brief CINCLANT and CONAD planners.
- b.
- CIA Representatives:
- (1)
- Complete contingency plan for the disposition, if
necessary, of the Cuban Volunteer Force.
- (2)
- Complete preparation of final briefing on entire
- 9.
- D-3
- a.
- Department of State Representatives:
- (1)
- Provide policy guidance to USIA to support this
- b.
- CIA Representatives:
- (1)
- Complete detailed intelligence collection on
activities throughout Latin America.
- 10.
- D-2
- a.
- DOD Representatives:
- (1)
- Complete plans for provision of support from
operational forces as required.
- b.
- CIA Representatives:
- (1)
- Present final briefing on entire operation (if not
given prior to this date).