71. Editorial Note

The Chronology of JCS Participation in Bumpy Road, maintained in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, indicates that the initial meeting of the inter-agency Working Group established to coordinate planning on the Zapata operation was held on March 22, 1961:

“The first meeting of the official Working Group which consisted of Gen Gray representing the DOD, Mr. Braddock representing State, and Mr. Barnes representing CIA. This group was given the responsibility by the President at the last meeting to coordinate interdepartmental planning and operations for the conduct of ‘Bumpy Road.ʼ At this meeting, Gen Gray presented a suggested outline operation plan for the agreed upon course of action. It was agreed, however, that time did not permit full implementation of a plan. However, this Working Group would draw up an agreed list of tasks to be accomplished by the agencies concerned and submit same to their bosses for approval.” (Naval Historical Center, Area Files, Bumpy Road Materials)