335. Telegram From the Embassy in Brazil to the Department of State0

2577. Eyes only Secretary and Martin. Reference: Deptel 2979.1 After some delay because his and my travels Brasilia and Rio, finally able discuss reference telegram subject privately with Foreign Minister Dantas May 2. He reports that Ambassador Bastile Pinto saw Fidel privately immediately after Easter. Following Dantasʼ instructions, he said that GOB had followed closely apparent internal crisis between Barbudos and old line communist party group. Said that GOB had taken well known line at Punta del Este because it envisaged possibility of Cuban evolution direction of nationalist socialism not linked to Soviets, and thought Fidel likely leader that direction. Whole idea GOB proposal statute of limitations was to leave such an alternative open to Cuba instead of Soviet Bloc as only option. GOB therefore wanted to know whether and how Brazil might be useful, since the only significant channel left for Cuba to West.

Fidelʼs response was a statement of cordial appreciation of the conversation. He admitted increasing dificulties between him and party group. He welcomed opportunity for this discussion with Ambassador and would present concrete suggestions soon.

Above completes report on Havana conversation. Dantas commented that Fidel would have difficulty in formulating precise suggestions, and he could not tell from report whether and when something would be forthcoming. He reemphasized what he had told Secretary concerning impossibility return to pre-revolutionary status quo based on Miami refugees but barely possible evolution toward nationalist type of socialism cut off from Soviet bloc in which some ex-Fidelist refugees might be willing participate.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 737.00/5-362. Top Secret; Eyes Only; No Distribution.
  2. Document 326.