334. Memorandum by Director of Central Intelligence McCone0


General Lansdale reported in writing, as per the attached.1 Harvey made a long oral report, summarizing all actions taken. No additional actions were authorized at this time.

Defense was questioned about taking Cubans into the army and advised that efforts to do this should be accelerated. Harvey reported on two television intrusions into Cuba and the purpose of this was questioned by the group.

Action: This should be examined and an explanation made as to (a) exactly how it is done, and (b) the value from the standpoint of our purpose.

Lansdale and Harvey were questioned re possible contact with top people in the Cuban government. There is a growing feeling that we should find a way to make such contacts to determine the possibility of a schism existing between various factions in the Castro regime.

Action: McCone should discuss with Helms and Harvey to see what positive steps can be taken in this direction.

John A. McCone2
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency DCI Files: Job 91-00741R, Box 1, Mongoose Papers. Secret; Eyes Only. The meeting was apparently a meeting of the Special Group (Augmented).
  2. Not found attached. An apparent reference to Lansdaleʼs May 3 report, Document 333.
  3. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.